Show #6026 - Monday, November 22, 2010


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George Tsuji, a software engineer from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Aimee Slater, a program manager originally from Spokane, Washington

Vito Cortese, a software engineer and Italian translator from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (whose 3-day cash winnings total $68,485)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to name the movie.)
(Alex: Each response will be three numbers, in order.)
    $200 12
In 1860, 4 years after leaving the Crimea, she wrote the book "Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It Is Not"
    $200 1
"You never got me down, Ray"
    $200 15
In baseball it's how a pitcher-to-catcher-to-first double play is scored (this is an easy one)
    $200 11
It's the only seal with tusks
    $200 6
Ads for this iced tea brand encouraged people to take a backward "plunge" into a pool
    $200 22
When I needed money, I did this--bought, then quickly resold
    $400 13
Convincing the gang to take the Bozeman Pass was just one of her contributions to Lewis & Clark's expedition
    $400 2
"Counselor, come out, come out, wherever you are"
    $400 27
In poker if you've got a jack high straight, these are your 3 lowest cards
    $400 18
In parts of Asia, more than half the milk produced comes from the "water" type of this bovid
    $400 7
In the 1870s a friend told Charles Hires that his root tea would sell better under this name
    $400 23
It's an arm of the Mediterranean
    $600 14
After briefly attending Oxford University, she returned to India in 1941 & married a Parsi lawyer the following year
    DD: $1,000 3
(In Sicilian)
"To you she's beautiful. For me, there's only my wife & son"
    $600 28
If a Spanish child tells you to count to mil while he hides, you'll end with this trio of numbers
    $600 19
North America's 2 venomous lizards are the Mexican beaded lizard & this scary denizen of the Southwest
    $600 8
I get hot & thirsty reading clues all day; this is a job for this drink & its pitch-pitcher's cry of "Oh yeah!"
    $600 24
Quickly, quickly, quickly--this way
    $800 16
Some scholars believe that this wife of Akhenaton was not Egyptian but an Asian princess from Syria
    $800 4
"Meeting in the middle of a desert always made me nervous, it's a scary place"
    $800 29
If Joe Biden counts senators to see if he has a quorum, he can stop after these 3 numbers
    $800 20
This agile monkey of the Americas dines on, among other things, the arachnid in its name
    $800 9
In 1965 the Univ. of Florida football team began using this drink developed by school researchers
    $800 25
Condition of commotion & noisy confusion
    $1000 17
For supporting a revolt against him, Henry II had this wife imprisoned from 1173 till his death in 1189
    $1000 5
"$100,000 & I'll have the Duke here for you by Friday night"
    $1000 30
If you're counting out pennies to buy a first class stamp, you'll end with these 3 numbers
    $1000 21
Around 9 pounds at birth, the pygmy species of this African mammal may eventually reach some 600 pounds
    $1000 10
Vitamin-happy Glaceau also makes this "wise" drink with "purity you can taste, hydration you can feel"
    $1000 26
Formidable feudal firearm

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Vito Aimee George
$2,600 $600 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Vito Aimee George
$4,600 $5,600 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Kelly: ...from some of the best dancers in the country at the renowned Dance Theatre of Harlem.)
    $400 6
Turquino Peak, Cuba's highest, is in the chain known as this "Maestra"; California has one "Nevada"
    $400 5
"Next year" finally came to this team's fans in 1955, when its "Bums" beat the Yanks in the Series for the first time in 6 tries
    $400 20
This playwright was born in March 1828 in Skien, a small lumbering town of Norway
    $400 25
To hide by blocking, or to show by projecting
    $400 10
The 2 most basic forms of skiing are Nordic & this downhill type named for a mountain range
    $400 26
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reads from the Dance Theatre of Harlem.) A series of quick, jumping steps is called this, also the Italian term for the tempo at which the music is playing
    $800 7
Celebrated Jan. 1, Triumph of the Revolution, Cuba's national holiday, commemorates events of this 20th c. year
    $800 4
The Yankees lost game 7 of the 1926 World Series when this portly gent was thrown out trying to steal second base
    $800 21
He was born in "The Jungle" of Baltimore in 1878
    $800 18
A solid fruit core, or a cavity in the ground
    $800 11
The 2 components of a complete sentence are a subject & this unit
    $800 27
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reads from the Dance Theatre of Harlem.) A fouetté is a pirouette that lets the dancer regain momentum after each spin; the Black Swan does 32 in a row in a ballet by this composer
    $1200 8
Cuba is the largest island in this "directional" archipelago
    $1200 1
A "Big Red Machine" from this city ran right over the Yankees in a 4-game sweep of the 1976 World Series
    $1200 22
Salinas, California (east of... Frisco) was the birthplace of this author, who often referred to it in his work
    $1200 15
An advantage in golf or a disadvantage through lack
    DD: $2,000 12
The 2 main gods of Hinduism are Vishnu & him
    $1200 28
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reads from the Dance Theatre of Harlem.) Legend says the Royale was created in an attempt to do the harder entrechat quatre by this 17th-century French king, under whom ballet became a strict art form
    $1600 9
Reaching heights of 75 feet, Cuba's national tree is the royal this
    $1600 2
In 2004 this team came back from a 3-games-to-0 deficit & beat the Yanks for the A.L. pennant; revenge gets no sweeter
    DD: $1,500 23
He didn't have a "Sister Carrie" when he was born in Terre Haute, Indiana in 1871
    $1600 16
To remove excess fat, or to add Christmas ornaments
    $1600 13
The 2 main kinds of camels are the one-humped dromedary & this 2-humped Asian species
    $1600 29
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reads from the Dance Theatre of Harlem.) The step battement tendu was highly valued by this legendary choreographer; he told his wife, Maria Tallchief, that if she'd do it properly she wouldn't have to learn anything else
    $2000 19
Many Cuban practitioners of this "saintly" Afro-Caribbean religion speak Lucumi, a "secret" language
    $2000 3
This ace L.A. lefty dominated the Yanks in the 1963 World Series, striking out 23 & beating them twice in a 4-game sweep
    $2000 24
This existentialist came into being (not nothingness) June 21, 1905 in Paris
    $2000 17
To bless an action by decree, or to ban an action by decree
    $2000 14
Named for their method of secretion, they're the 2 main types of glands in the body
    $2000 30
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reads from the Dance Theatre of Harlem.) The final pas de deux is one of the famous dances from this ballet; maybe it's fitting that its choreographer Lev Ivanov died on Christmas Eve when it's set

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Vito Aimee George
$9,900 $6,400 $13,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

It was first transmitted by the USS Arapahoe off Cape Hatteras on August 11, 1909

Final scores:

Vito Aimee George
$13,900 $12,800 $20,000
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $20,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Vito Aimee George
$13,400 $6,400 $13,400
20 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
11 R,
3 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $33,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2010-08-31
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