Talk about a bad heir day! Living up to his name in 1581, he murdered his only viable heir (& his namesake, to boot!) |
Ivan the Terrible
Win an Academy Award & you'll go home with this golden guy |
an Oscar
Des Moines plus Walla Walla |
Tom was born the son of a coal miner in Pontypridd in this U.K. country |
There are 86,400 of these in every day |
a second
The 12th century chronicler Florence of Worcester mentions this lady, but not her ride |
Lady Godiva
In 1745 the man who'd become Peter III wed this 16-year-old German princess; she ruled after his deposing & dispatching |
Catherine the Great
The name of this towerlike framework over an oil well comes from that of a 17th century hangman |
a derrick
Pirate radio airplay broke "It's Not Unusual", Tom's first hit, after this U.K. radio behemoth refused to play it |
the BBC
There are about 10,000 species of these, including carpenter, driver & leafcutter |
Britannica calls Lady Augusta Ada, daughter of this rakish 19th c. poet, "the world's first computer programmer" |
(Jesse: Who is Babbage?)
Lord Byron
He succeeded his dad, Alexander III, & ruled from 1894 to 1917 |
Nicholas II
"Rags To Riches" crooner Bennett could tell you it means "stylish" |
Omaha plus Dodge City |
That must be one swingin' pad for "Amore": In the mid-'70s, Tom bought a Bel-Air mansion from this suave rat packer |
Dean Martin
Belonging to nearly 2.4 million people as of the 2000 census, it's the USA's most common surname |
"Our Lady of" this Mexico City neighborhood is said to have appeared to a believer in 1531 |
(Alex: And less than a minute to go, now.)
Coming to power in 1855, Alexander II realized this war wasn't going well & made peace in 1856 |
the Crimean war
Derived from Scottish Gaelic, it's a narrow, secluded valley, as Ms. Close might tell you |
a glen
Las Cruces plus Telluride |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
New MexiColorado
In 2009 Tom raised the first pint at the Guinness 250th anniversary celebrations in this city |
From 1938 to 2003, Volkswagen hatched more than 20 million cars of this model |
the Beetle (or the bug)
Abbey Theatre director Lady Augusta Gregory was the patron of this poet she met in 1896 |
First name of the man who was Godunov to be czar for 7 years after the extinction of the Rurik dynasty |
You might remember that this herb with needle-shaped leaves is a traditional seasoning for lamb |
To benefit Afghan refugees, Tom duetted on "Delilah" in Modena, Italy with this one of the three tenors |
Take a deep breath & tell us the name of this most abundant element in the earth's crust |
U.S.-born Jennie Jerome married a lord in 1874; that same year, she gave birth to this future prime minister |
Winston Churchill