(I'm Bill Schneider.) I'm in CNN's Washington, D.C. bureau, one of 37 bureaus including Bangkok & Buenos Aires, but the network's heart & headquarters is still in this city |
(Alyssa: What is New York City?)
Atlanta, Georgia
He was the king of Mardi Gras' 2010 Bacchus parade & would likely be elected king of Louisiana, if he wanted |
Drew Brees
Anthem author Scott |
Francis Scott Key
Between 1999 & 2007 this educational practice went up nearly 75% & kids don't even have to get out of their jammies |
home schooling
The Russian czar founded this city in 1703 as his "window on Europe" |
St. Petersburg
The first volunteers in this U.S. government humanitarian force went to Ghana & Tanzania in 1961 |
the Peace Corps
In 2010, this senior political correspondent began as anchor of the Sunday show "State of the Union" |
Candy Crowley
In a Sears ad this Vikings QB (it still seems odd to say that) couldn't make up his mind about buying a TV |
Brett Favre
Civil War general Tecumseh |
William Tecumseh Sherman
As the first line of defense against germs, make sure your kids do this frequently, & not just before a meal |
wash their hands
Once Scotland's ecclesiastical capital, this city is also a golfing mecca |
St. Andrews
The band Boston titled a song this 3-word term for absence of mental stress |
(Jen: What is zen?)
"Peace Of Mind"
This event that began in January 1991 brought worldwide attention to CNN |
the (First) Gulf War
In a mock "United Way" ad, this Colts QB berated kids on a football field & showed them how to break into a car |
Peyton Manning
Inventor Graham |
Alexander Graham Bell
To perform this on kids aged 1 through 8, it's 2 breaths & 30 one-handed compressions per cycle |
At the 2009 Tour de France, Alberto Contador won a stage including the Alpine passes named for this St.; he also won a dog |
St. Bernard
In 1913 the recipient was Belgium's Henri la Fontaine; in 1914, '15 & '16 it wasn't awarded |
the Nobel Peace Prize
(I'm Wolf Blitzer.) On June 1, 1980, when an all-news channel was a far-out idea, CNN was launched & this man's name was the first one a news anchor spoke on CNN |
Jimmy Carter
"My face takes enough abuse", said this Falcon as he hawked the Gillette Fusion razor in an ad |
Matt Ryan
Tennis champ Jean |
Billie Jean King
Melanie Bazarte subtitled her "Parenting 101" book "Because Kids Don't Come With" these |
(Jen: What is Instruction Manuals?)
This gulf of the Atlantic is between Newfoundland & the Canadian mainland |
St. Lawrence
This nickname for North Dakota refers to a real property found on its international border |
the Peace Garden State
(I'm Suzanne Malveaux.) Hurrican Katrina brought CNN its 10th of these prestigious electronic media awards named for a banker who never saw TV |
the Peabody Awards
Carrie Underwood denied her song "Cowboy Casanova" was about this Dallas QB (& ex-boyfriend) |
Tony Romo
Convicted assassin Earl |
James Earl Ray
Parents who hover too much over their kids have come to be called this type of parents, after a certain aircraft |
helicopter parents
Robert Ford shot & killed Jesse James in this Missouri city |
(Nora: What is St. Louis?)
St. Joseph
Of the genus spathiphyllum, these white, fragrant flowers are often cultivated as ornamentals |
the peace lilly