F. |
[All the clues in this category were presented centered on the screen in a larger-than-usual font size.]
(John) Fitzgerald (Kennedy)
Instead of curing cancer, a virus has been created, leaving Will Smith to fend for himself in NYC |
I Am Legend
In 1992 scientists found these at the edge not of a pond but of the universe, from primordial fluctuations |
(Joey: What are waves?)
Denver's Linda Alvarado is the first woman to use her own capital to buy into a MLB team, this one |
the (Colorado) Rockies
An 80-foot-high aquarium pillar is in the lobby of the Domaquare Building in this German capital |
Monica Lewinsky was one at the White House |
an intern
M. |
(Paul: Who is Coolidge?)
(Richard) Milhous (Nixon)
Keanu Reeves plays Klaatu, not Gort the robot |
The Day the Earth Stood Still
This element accounts for about 47% of the Earth's crust |
(Joey: What is iron?)
Carol Meyrowitz got that skirt for half what you paid; she runs TJX including this store with T, J & X in its name |
T.J. Maxx
Based on the home of a Russian fairy tale character, the cabin here weighs 13 tons & is near this city, formerly Leningrad |
St. Petersburg
A subspecies of this type of large cat lives on the island of Sumatra |
a tiger
G. |
(Warren) Gamaliel (Harding)
Pierce Brosnan knows this title mountain town is going to have a whole lava trouble |
Dante's Peak
Carol Bartz made a deal for Microsoft to power the searches on this engine, where she's CEO |
Any very large person, like pitcher Ed Halicki |
a giant
E. |
(Sharyle: What is Edgar?) [The end-of-round signal sounds.]
(James) Earl (Carter)
Dennis Quaid tries to warn the world about abrupt global warming |
The Day After Tomorrow
This 6-letter itchy skin condition comes from the Greek for "to boil" |
In 2009 this former CEO of eBay announced a run for governor of California |
(Meg) Whitman
The 350-foot-tall Baiterek Tower, also known as the "Large Lollipop", can take a licking in Astana in this country |
A large structure for open-air sports or other entertainments |
an arena
Terranaut Aaron Eckhart has to nuke the center of the Earth |
The Core
5 of the brightest stars in this constellation form a large, irregular "W"; the honoree might have liked a "C" |
(Sharyle: What is Cassopia?) [Initially ruled correct; reversed before her Daily Double at clue 29 when the judges reviewed her pronunciation, which dropped a syllable]
This founder of a cosmetics & fragrance empire was born Josephine Esther Mentzer around 1908 |
Estée Lauder
Opened in 2004, the $300-million Stata Center at M.I.T. was designed by this L.A.-based architect |
(Alex: With a minute to go.)
(Frank) Gehry
Light-sensitive membrane on the back of your eye |