Show #5944 - Thursday, June 17, 2010

Paul Kursky game 2.


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Matt Cavanaugh, a law school professor and CPA originally from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania

Peggy Enright, a realtor from Chevy Chase, Maryland

Paul Kursky, a copywriter from San Francisco, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $11,300)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
One version of the origin of his nickname is that he'd say, "Say hey, man" because he couldn't remember names
    $200 26
In 2008 October 9 was proclaimed the "Day" of this Nordic man said to be the first European to reach North America
    $200 6
ADC makes units that handle 460 pounds of this; not sure how many sheets of Bounce you need to add
    $200 21
In 51 B.C. she became co-ruler of Egypt after the death of her father, Ptolemy XII
    $200 10
Watty Piper penned the tale about this title locomotive who believes "I think I can--I think I can"
    $200 16
1968 Beatles No. 1 hit
    $400 2
A string of sterling postseason performances earned him the nickname "Mr. October"
    $400 27
He was 76 when he was elected pope Oct. 28, 1958
    $400 7
Mugnaini is a company specializing in wood fired ovens, including one over 4' wide by 6' deep, for this food
    $400 22
She's the World War I spy seen here
    $400 12
Later replaced by diesel engines, "big boys" were among the largest locomotive engines of this type ever built
    $400 17
In a nursery rhyme it precedes "the cat and the fiddle"
    $600 3
He probably preferred "The Iron Horse" to his earlier nickname, "Biscuit Pants"
    $600 28
In 1938 Chester Carlson made the first photocopy, of the words "10-22-38 Astoria", in this NYC borough
    $600 8
Carrier's Weathermaster HVAC unit, with capacity up to 100 tons, goes here on a building
    $600 23
Leofric's wife, this Anglo-Saxon woman of the 1000s took a clothing-optional ride to protest taxes
    $600 13
Built around 1830, this first U.S. locomotive shared its name with a diminutive P.T. Barnum star
    $600 18
It's a stage of youth, vigor & prosperity
    $800 4
Known as "The Big Unit", he reached 300 wins in 2009 & announced his retirement in 2010
    $800 29
The Octobrists were formed in this large country in 1905 & quickly became its majority political group
    $800 9
Monster car audio components from MTX are named for this concrete-breaking (& eardrum-hurting) device
    $800 24
Both Hollywood & real royalty, she's the woman seen here
    $800 14
The railroad museum of this state has a locomotive from the state's Florence & Cripple Creek railroad
    $800 19
1951 Hank Williams classic with a culinary query in the chorus
    DD: $1,800 5
If this alliterative nickname were literally true, Babe Ruth would have ruled part of Northern Pakistan
    $1000 30
This controversial military man's brief retirement ended when he was recalled by Israel's army in October 1973
    $1000 11
In 1926 the queen of Romania flipped on the new 100,000-horsepower generator of New York this, now Consolidated this
    $1000 25
The 11th daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I, she married into French royalty in 1770; didn't work out well
    $1000 15
Charles Babbage invented this "beastly" safety device found on the front of locomotives
    $1000 20
Precedes Broun in the name of a pioneering journalist & Hale Broun in the name of his sportswriter son

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Paul Peggy Matt
$5,800 $600 -$1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Peggy Matt
$8,800 $1,000 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 8
Iraklion is the administrative center of this island, modern Greece's largest
    $400 1
"To Have and Have Not":
"You know how to ____, don't you, Steve?"
    $400 2
A Nicholas Sparks novel is titled "Dear" him
    $400 3
A national historical park named for this duo is made up of 12 sites in the northwest
    $400 17
This unit of thermodynamic temperature for British physicist William Thomson:
    $400 26
"Stella stippled stylishly with" this Texas-born partner of Crosby & Nash
    $800 9
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) Planes & ships have mysteriously disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle, an area roughly from Miami to Bermuda to this island commonwealth
    $800 22
"All the President's Men":
"Follow the ____"
    $800 13
Oliver Goldsmith's Dr. Primrose is "The Vicar of" this place
    $800 4
Lee's aide-de-camp Charles Marshall, John's great-nephew, chose this surrender site, now a national historical park
    DD: $4,000 18
For a German physicist, this unit of electric resistance whose symbol is seen here
    $800 27
"Shrews should shun shapeless" these lighter-than-ice-cream frozen desserts
    $1200 10
As its name indicates, it's a big island--in fact, the largest of Spain's Balearic islands
    $1200 23
"White Heat":
"Made it, ma! Top of ____ ____"
    $1200 14
William Kennedy fictionalized his life in "Legs"
    $1200 5
A New Mexico national monument is named for this, from the Greek for "rock carving"
    $1200 19
For a French physicist, this unit of radioactivity:
    $1200 28
"Murmuring mommies momentously mumble of" these, recommended for all women 40 & over
    $1600 11
Sao Miguel & Sao Jorge are 2 of the islands in this Portuguese archipelago
    $1600 24
"And I guess that was your accomplice in the ____ ____"
    $1600 15
Kingsley Amis wrote of this "Lucky" lecturer
    DD: $3,000 6
This site 20 miles from Philly let Washington's army keep pressure on the Brits but was too far away for surprise attacks
    $1600 20
For a British physicist, this unit of energy:
    $1600 29
"Barbarians bumble in blackberry" these, another word for prickly bushes or shrubs
    $2000 12
Formerly part of the Netherlands Antilles, this island off Venezuela is 6 miles across at its widest point
    $2000 25
"Fast Times at Ridgemont High":
"When it comes down to making out, whenever possible, put on side 1 of ____ ____ ____"
    $2000 16
James Baldwin set a novel in his "Room"
    $2000 7
A national monument in Utah is named for this, the world's largest known natural bridge
    $2000 21
For a French mathematician, this unit of pressure:
    $2000 30
"Prior prices are proprietors"' these exclusive rights, from the Latin for "ask first"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Peggy Matt
$20,200 $2,200 $14,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Made for only 19 years, it sold for $825 in 1908 & $360 in 1927

Final scores:

Paul Peggy Matt
$28,001 $4,350 $0
2-day champion: $39,301 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Paul Peggy Matt
$18,000 $2,200 $10,800
25 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
6 R,
3 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W

Combined Coryat: $31,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2010-02-17
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