Show #839 - Thursday, April 7, 1988


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Bob Beers, an attorney from Fairfax, Virginia

Rick Filloy, a professor from Eugene, Oregon

Joe Weidinger, an industrial designer from Phoenix, Arizona (whose 1-day cash winnings total $6,401)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 12
The Viennese version of this dance was so fast it made dancers dizzy
    $100 6
The turtle is the only reptile that has this obvious feature
    $100 19
It's the French region synonymous with sparkling wine
    $100 1
A tent with a diagonal line over it means this is prohibited
    $100 27
"People meters" were put into use measuring the popularity of these
    $100 21
In their 1st musical number together, Ginger sang, he played the accordion & neither 1 of them danced
    DD: $1,000 13
It's the group heard here:
    $200 7
Though all species have bony plates on both jaws, no living turtle has these
    $200 18
Kirin is a beer from this country
    $200 3
An asterisk on a weather map doesn't refer you to the bottom, but indicates this condition
    $200 17
Gloomy yet "colorful" phrase that describes October 19, 1987
    $200 22
This comic actor produced a singing cowboy Western without his partner Ollie
    $300 24
We tell you no "tales" --"Wienerwald" is the German word for these
    $300 8
The snapping turtle snaps, not just to be mean, but because it can't do this for protection
    $300 2
Taxes on this liquor are reported to provide 17% of the U.S. Virgin Islands gov't budget
    $300 4
Number of people pictured in the standard "school crossing" sign
    $300 14
1 of the 1st headline stories of 1987 was the tragic fire at the DuPont Plaza Hotel on this island
    $300 28
Charles Black was dropped from the Social Register for marrying this ex-child star in 1950
    $400 23
Bred since the 1500s, they're famous for performing airs above the ground
    $400 9
Some of the largest land turtles are found on these islands off the coast of Ecuador
    $400 20
In the song, "American Pie", it's what "them good ole boys were drinkin'"
    $400 5
Usual number of dots in an ellipsis
    $400 16
With infrared gear, U.S. Army crews were able to prove that the vessel "Iran Ajr" was engaged in this
    $400 29
The poster for this controversial 1956 film showed Carroll Baker sucking her thumb like an infant
    $500 25
This giant ride, the "Riesenrad", was featured in the film "The Third Man"
    $500 10
The FDA bans sale of most pet turtles since they often carry this gastrointestinal disease bacteria
    $500 26
A district in Tuscany lent its name to this wine which comes in a straw-covered flask
    $500 11
From the Latin "radix", meaning root, it's the name of the root symbol in mathematics
    $500 15
A 1200 lb. man set out to lose 1000 lbs. with help of this comedian who runs a Bahamian nutrition clinic
    $500 30
The 2 husbands of Elizabeth Taylor who starred opposite her in films for which she won Oscars

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Joe Rick Bob
$1,200 $700 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Joe Rick Bob
$2,700 $2,400 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 13
1st name of the Maugham title character "Miss Thompson"
    $200 19
The 1st parks. called "preserves", were set aside for royalty as grounds for this pastime
    $200 2
From ancient times, the Chinese have used this method of preventing smallpox
    $200 14
John Rolfe, who married Pocahontas, was 1st to grow this crop commercially in Virginia
    $200 4
The song that says, "Turn around & you're 2, turn around & you're 4" opens with this question
    $200 9
The Hardy-Rand-Rittler & Ishihara tests are to determine degrees of this
    DD: $6,000 11
Brom Bones dressed up as this to scare the schoolmaster away from Katrina
    $400 29
Covering some 26,000 acres, the largest U.S. municipal park system belongs to this U.S. city
    $400 3
Although arthroscopic surgery can be performed on many joints, it is most often done on this one
    $400 15
Following in his father's footsteps, Paul Revere practiced this occupation
    $400 5
It follows "I got rhythm, I got music, I got my man..."
    $400 18
Term for the ceremonial escort accompanying the flag bearer
    $600 12
Daniel Defoe title character who was a tart, a wife, a thief, a convict, then grew rich & lived honest
    $600 28
New England's only national park, it shares its name with homeland of Longfellow's Evangeline
    $600 16
In the 1760s, 80,000 pairs of shoes per year were manufactured in the town of Lynn in this colony
    $600 6
Song which eventually asks, "Where have all the graveyards gone?"
    $600 20
Technical name for a photographic slide
    $800 10
"Requiem for a Nun" was his sequel to "Sanctuary"
    $800 23
Studies conducted at these gardens in Greater London helped to start the rubber industry
    $800 27
Gigantism & acromegaly are anterior lobe disorders of this gland
    DD: $10,000 17
Rather than towns & villages, early Maryland settlers built these medieval estates
    $800 7
1st question asked in "The End Of The World" is this astronomical one
    $800 25
Equine idiom that means another matter completely
    $1000 1
In his 1940 classic Western novel, Walter Van Tilburg Clark sets his "Incident" in this valley
    $1000 22
1st used by Aztec emperors, this park, largest in Mexico City, contains "Los Pinos", the president's home
    $1000 21
The initials HMO, which have stood for heart minute output, now also stand for this
    $1000 24
Not actually one of the Pilgrims, he went with them to serve as their military leader
    $1000 8
The song "Shrimp Boats" asks this question
    $1000 26
Though it's not technically a musical instrument, a clavilux is called this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Joe Rick Bob
$5,300 $7,400 $27,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This island of 5 million has 3 million fewer people now than it had 150 years ago

Final scores:

Joe Rick Bob
$3,000 $12,400 $23,000
3rd place: Bayley luggage 2nd place: a vacation at Ingleside Inn in Palm Springs + Pinseeker custom golf clubs & deluxe staff bag New champion: $23,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Joe Rick Bob
$5,300 $7,400 $11,400
15 R,
3 W
18 R,
0 W
25 R
(including 3 DDs),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $24,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1987-12-14
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