In New Orleans you can jazz things up aboard the steamboat Natchez for a jazz cruise along this river |
the Mississippi
Former prime ministers of this country include Margaret Thatcher, Edward Heath & John Major |
"What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming" |
"The Star-Spangled Banner"
Motrin works to bring down this, which is simply an above-normal body temperature |
In 1738 Franz Ketterer created the first one of these clocks that chirp the time |
a cuckoo clock
450 feet tall with 34 floors, the Capitol building in this Louisiana city is the tallest state Capitol |
Baton Rouge
In a fable, this animal tells the hare, "you are much faster than I, but... slow and steady wins the race" |
the tortoise
Indira Gandhi was the first & only female prime minister so far of this Asian nation |
"Mind the music and the step and with the girls be handy" |
"Yankee Doodle"
A 2002 study found that eye drops treat "lazy eye" just as well as this item from a pirate costume |
a(n) (eye) patch
From an Inuit word for "house", this house is made from blocks of hard-packed snow |
During Carnival season, nearly a million visitors attend this Shrove Tuesday celebration in New Orleans |
(Matt: What is... [sighs, shakes head])
Mardi Gras
In 1997 Dr. Steven Chu won a Nobel Prize for slowing down atoms using one of these amplified light beams |
a laser
The first 3 emperors of this ancient empire were Augustus, Tiberius & Caligula |
the Roman Empire
"O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain..." |
"America The Beautiful"
81 milligrams is the standard children's dose of this popular pain-relieving drug made by Bayer |
Capt. James Cook introduced this word to English speakers after he saw skin designs on Polynesian natives |
During the 1800s the growing of sugar & this fiber became big business in Louisiana |
(Josh: What is tobacco?) (Alex: Ooh, no, tobacco is not a fiber. [*] is a fiber. [*].) (Josh: [Squints, leans back])
When called by God to lead the Israelites in Exodus, he says, "but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue" |
From 1953 until 1964, Nikita Khrushchev was the powerful leader of this large nation |
(Alex: [*]: Soviet Union at that time.
"From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam..." |
"God Bless America"
Boiron's Chestal Honey Base is a type of this liquid, & also soothes the throat |
(Alex: It's a kind of [*].)
a cough syrup
In many Asian countries, the shoots of this very tall grass are eaten as a vegetable |
Louisiana was included in that famous purchase bought from this Frenchman in 1803 |
(Josh: Who is Robert LaSalle?)
The name of this slow-moving mammal seen here comes from an Old English word for "slow" |
the sloth
"Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrims' pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring" |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Its website has been called the first large-scale directory of the Internet |
(Matt: What is Google?)