Show #5868 - Wednesday, March 3, 2010


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Suzanne Tetreault, a lawyer from Vienna, Virginia

Jordan Brand, an anesthesiologist from Westchester, New York

Jesse Achtenberg, a documentary filmmaker from Washington, D.C. (whose 1-day cash winnings total $25,200)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you the island. You identify the state.)
    $200 2
Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake
    $200 11
There's a Washington, D.C. memorial to an ape general when Mark Wahlberg returns to Earth in this 2001 film
    $200 1
This red gem is the traditional gift for a 40th wedding anniversary
    $200 21
Da, "War and Peace" published in complete form 2day. Liking 1869. Is very good year
    $200 26
While living in London in the 1750s, this Philadelphian asked his wife to send him barrels of Newtown pippins
    $200 16
To avoid responsibility is to do this
    $400 4
Martha's Vineyard
    $400 12
Bruce Willis is dead & doesn't know it in this 1999 thriller
    $400 3
Nacre is mother-of-this
    $400 22
Only 25 when "The Naked and the Dead" makes me famous. Feel like I'm gonna win 2 Pulitzers b4 I'm thru
    $400 27
Most trees in apple orchards are not grown from seeds; they are produced using this process
    $400 17
A proverb says, "a new broom" does this
    $600 8
Kodiak Island
    $600 13
Faye Dunaway's daughter is also her sister in this Jack Nicholson classic from 1974
    DD: $1,000 5
L. Frank Baum had this birthstone, the same as the name of a city he created
    $600 23
What am I doing?! Screaming! Itz 1945 & I'm U.S. soldier @ bombing of Dresden! (Will write 1969 novel about it)
    $600 28
The most damaging disease attacking apple trees is apple scab, a type of this spore-bearing organism
    $600 18
It's the literal interpretation of a phrase meaning to relax or behave informally
    $800 9
Padre Island
    $800 14
The disabled Kevin Spacey seems to be the killer Keyser Soze in this 1995 film
    $800 6
This gem is named for being the color of sea water
    $800 24
Made dean of St. Pat's @ Dublin. Will pen "Travels". Pls publish "Journal to Stella" after my death
    $800 29
Washington State produces more apples than any other state; this state where the Empire apple developed is 2nd
    $800 19
When insulted, you might turn a deaf ear or turn this, as advised in Luke & Matthew
    $1000 10
Isle Royale
    $1000 15
In this 1992 IRA thriller starring Stephen Rea, the "girl" is really a guy
    $1000 7
The most prized of these fiery gems are the black ones found in New South Wales, Australia
    $1000 25
Czech out my short story "A Hunger Artist"! Tweet done. Max Brod, pls burn my laptop
    $1000 30
In 1935 Gillett's Seedlings was renamed this for the Ohio township where it was developed, not for an Italian city
    $1000 20
This 3-word phrase means to stretch the limits

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jesse Jordan Suzanne
$2,800 $3,600 $3,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jesse Jordan Suzanne
$2,400 $8,000 $3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE '70s
    $400 26
Nicknamed Misha, he was nominated for a 1989 Tony Award for Best Actor in a drama for "Metamorphosis"
    $400 1
In football, if you hit an opposing defender below the waist from behind, you'll get hit with this personal foul
    $400 15
Term for a substance that can't be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means
    $400 11
Books of the Bible:
    $400 13
This "Great" king ran the Danes out of his country in 878, beginning a period of peace in Wessex
    $400 6
Change a letter in "good" & you get this word meaning "incite"
    $800 27
This British-born ballerina danced until 1979, when she was 60 years old
    $800 2
If a baseball player fields a fair ball with his hat, all runners get to advance this many bases (hint: it's a lot)
    $800 16
Abnormal electrical activity in the brain causes this seizure-inducing neurological disorder
    $800 12
British monarchs:
George V,
Edward VIII,
George VI...
    $800 14
In 476 Germanic chieftain Odoacer deposed Romulus Augustulus & this half of the Roman Empire fell
    $800 7
Change one letter in "bathe" & you get this wood-shaping tool
    DD: $1,000 28
He was born in Kiev around 1889 to parents who were celebrated dancers from Poland
    $1200 3
You'll get a foul if you pull your elbow off the elbow pad in this "over the top" sport
    $1200 17
It's defined as the capacity or power to do work
    $1200 23
Liz Taylor's marriages:
    $1200 20
In the early 1770s Carl Scheele discovered this gas, but Joseph Priestley published his paper first & got the credit
    $1200 8
Change a letter in "ballet" & you get this lodging for a soldier
    $1600 29
This Russian ballerina's London home, Ivy House, was famous for its ornamental lake with swans
    $1600 4
Karch Kiraly knows it's a foul to touch the net in this sport in which he's an Olympic gold medalist
    $1600 18
Marine invertebrates like starfish & sand dollars are this type of animal, from the Latin for "urchin skin"
    DD: $2,000 24
Vice presidents:
    $1600 21
In the 1870s Geronimo enraged the U.S. govt. by going "off" this, an expression now used to mean "out of control"
    $1600 9
Change a letter in "half" & you get this word meaning "robust"
    $2000 30
In 1953 she was given the title Wa-Xthe-Thomba, "woman of two worlds", in honor of her Osage heritage
    $2000 5
It'll cost you a point if you touch the playing surface with your free hand while playing this racket sport
    $2000 19
Chemical formula C10H15NO, it's used to treat asthma
    $2000 25
World's tallest building:
The Eiffel Tower,
surpassed by the Chrysler Building,
surpassed by...
    $2000 22
In 1079 this Persian astronomer & poet calculated the year to be 365.2421 days, an extremely accurate figure
    $2000 10
Change a letter in "homely" & you get this word that means just the opposite

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jesse Jordan Suzanne
$8,400 $13,000 $12,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Dying in 2009 at age 113, British WWI vet Henry Allingham was the last original surviving member of this group, formed 1918

Final scores:

Jesse Jordan Suzanne
$0 $24,405 $16,800
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $24,405 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jesse Jordan Suzanne
$8,400 $16,000 $11,800
11 R,
2 W
25 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $36,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2009-12-15
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