Show #1175 - Friday, October 13, 1989


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Larry Kole, an attorney from Hermosa Beach, California

Mary Owenby, a word processor from San Diego, California

Stacie Macias, a homemaker from Lake Elsinore, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $14,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: For those of you who like word games.)
    $100 2
This explorer served on both sides in the war before he went looking for Dr. Livingstone
    $100 12
She recorded solo & with the Supremes on Motown, & now she owns part of the label
    $100 1
Many people do this to their ears in order to wear jewelry; some do it to lips & noses too
    $100 30
2 of the varieties of this African wildebeest are the brindled & white-tailed
    $100 7
Cable sports network that will pay $400 million to air 175 baseball games between 1990-94
    $100 24
This czar wasn't just terrible, he was vain, too
    $200 3
General Meade's favorite one was named Baldy
    $200 13
"Physical" by this singer was No. 1 on the charts longer than any other song in the '80s
    $200 17
The color of this gem ranges from black to white, depending on the mollusk & it's environment
    $200 20
Nearly all penguins live in this hemisphere
    $200 8
During the 1989 Grammy Awards, Pepsi ran a commercial in this foreign language--w/o translation
    $200 25
This cowboy movie title character turned ashen when I asked him to come back
    $300 4
84 Union generals are buried in this cemetery in Northern Virginia
    DD: $600 14
He had a No. 1 hit with the following from the film "White Nights":

"Say you, say me, say it for always..."
    $300 18
It's a ring engraved with a seal, not with a baby swan
    $300 21
Most animals known as anteaters are of the order edentata, meaning without these
    $300 9
Her largest audience watched her "Diet Show" on which she discussed losing 67 pounds
    $300 27
Ryan has a big ball of it in his bedroom
    $400 5
Lincoln offered this Italian leader of the "Redshirts" a command in the Union Army, but he refused it
    $400 15
His new album is called "Mr. Jordan", but he's Mr. Lennon, John's son
    $400 19
"Violent" name for a short necklace that fits snugly around the throat
    $400 23
This fish swims upright & uses its prehensile tail to anchor itself to coral or algae
    $400 10
In February 1989 this New Jersey senator was seen playing basketball on "The Cosby Show"
    $400 28
Wander over to England if you want to see this prince
    $500 6
The oldest of the Younger brothers, he & Frank James 1st rode together with Quantrill's Raiders
    $500 16
When this duo recorded "Hey Schoolgirl" in 1957, they used the names Tom & Jerry, not Paul & Art
    $500 22
An engraved gem with a design that projects from the surface, it can be carved from onyx, agate or sardonyx
    $500 26
The males among these baboons have bright blue ridges on their cheeks & brilliant red noses
    $500 11
This 1989 CBS western was the highest rated miniseries in 5 years
    $500 29
It's the only kitchen appliance Rosetta knows how to use

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Stacie Mary Larry
$400 $1,700 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Stacie Mary Larry
$1,800 $2,900 $3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
At his death, Chiron, the wisest & most just centaur, became this constellation & Zodiac sign
    $200 1
Alabama is the "Yellowhammer State", a yellowhammer being one of these
    $200 17
Abbreviated lea., it's a distance equal to about 3 statute miles
    $200 7
It's the title of Charles Higham's bio of the wife of Edward VIII & was her title as well
    $200 6
In 1493 Columbus named this Virgin Island "Santa Cruz", since then its name has been Frenchified
    $200 26
Prefix that can appear with "graph", "legal" & "normal"
    $400 18
Callisto was an Arcadian nymph who was changed into a bear; later she & her son became these 2 constellations
    $400 2
Some call it the "Prairie State", some the "Land of Lincoln"
    $400 22
Spelled with a "u", it's a measure equal to 252 gallons; with an "o", 2,000 pounds
    $400 8
In 1981 James G. Nourse hit the best seller list with "The Simple Solution To" this puzzle
    $400 9
Your money's no good at this resort chain's bars, but your string of beads will pay for a round of drinks
    $400 27
Entry with 3 definitions: a German statesman, a city in North Dakota & a jelly doughnut
    $600 19
In the Trojan War Ajax grew frenzied & killed himself when this man's armor was given to Ulysses
    DD: $1,000 3
This state's nickname consists of a verb & a pronoun
    $600 23
Names of various champagne bottles larger than a magnum are taken from this book
    $600 11
Melvyn Bragg used this Welsh actor's diaries in reconstructing the story of his life
    $600 10
Hope & Crosby traveled the "road" to this South American resort city by stowing away on an ocean liner
    DD: $1,000 20
Hera cursed this nymph by saying "You shall have the last word but no power to speak the first"
    $800 4
Take the nickname of West Virginia, add green to it & you have this nickname of Vermont
    $800 24
In the metric system, an "M" stands for the prefix "Mega-" & an "m" stands for this prefix
    $800 12
Published in the year of its bicentennial, "Citizens" is Simon Schama's story of this revolution
    $800 13
In 1945 Roosevelt, Churchill & Stalin met at this site, now a favorite resort of Soviet citizens
    $1000 21
Helen of Troy was the sister of these twins
    $1000 5
Leapin' wizards! It's New Mexico's nickname
    $1000 25
Weight system used in pharmacy in which 1 pound equals 12 ounces
    $1000 15
He's hit the best seller lists writing novels about horse racing like "The Edge" & "Hot Money"
    $1000 14
This seaside resort on the English Channel became the "in" place in the 18th c., thanks to George IV

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Stacie Mary Larry
$5,400 $2,300 $7,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

He appears in 3 of Shakespeare's plays & his death is reported in "King Henry V"

Final scores:

Stacie Mary Larry
$10,800 $0 $3,199
2-day champion: $25,600 3rd place: Hitachi 20" color TV 2nd place: Sears Pembroke curio cabinet

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Stacie Mary Larry
$5,200 $2,300 $7,700
15 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
16 R,
5 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $15,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1989-06-21
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