At his death, Chiron, the wisest & most just centaur, became this constellation & Zodiac sign |
(Mary: Who is Capricorn?)
Alabama is the "Yellowhammer State", a yellowhammer being one of these |
Abbreviated lea., it's a distance equal to about 3 statute miles |
It's the title of Charles Higham's bio of the wife of Edward VIII & was her title as well |
"The Duchess of Windsor"
In 1493 Columbus named this Virgin Island "Santa Cruz", since then its name has been Frenchified |
St. Croix
Prefix that can appear with "graph", "legal" & "normal" |
Callisto was an Arcadian nymph who was changed into a bear; later she & her son became these 2 constellations |
Ursa Major & Ursa Minor
Some call it the "Prairie State", some the "Land of Lincoln" |
Spelled with a "u", it's a measure equal to 252 gallons; with an "o", 2,000 pounds |
In 1981 James G. Nourse hit the best seller list with "The Simple Solution To" this puzzle |
Rubik's Cube
Your money's no good at this resort chain's bars, but your string of beads will pay for a round of drinks |
Club Med
Entry with 3 definitions: a German statesman, a city in North Dakota & a jelly doughnut |
(Larry: IN THE DICTIONARY for $800...) [The end-of-round signal sounds.]
In the Trojan War Ajax grew frenzied & killed himself when this man's armor was given to Ulysses |
(Mary: Who is Priam?) (Larry: Who is Paris?)
This state's nickname consists of a verb & a pronoun |
(Larry: What is Minnesota?)
Missouri ("The Show-Me State")
Names of various champagne bottles larger than a magnum are taken from this book |
(Stacie: What is the book of Jeremiah?) (Alex: (The Bible) That's what we were going for; when you were so specific, Stacie, you had to come up with the right book....we've got a minute left in the round.)
The Bible
Melvyn Bragg used this Welsh actor's diaries in reconstructing the story of his life |
Richard Burton
Hope & Crosby traveled the "road" to this South American resort city by stowing away on an ocean liner |
Rio de Janeiro
Hera cursed this nymph by saying "You shall have the last word but no power to speak the first" |
Take the nickname of West Virginia, add green to it & you have this nickname of Vermont |
The "Green Mountain State"
In the metric system, an "M" stands for the prefix "Mega-" & an "m" stands for this prefix |
Published in the year of its bicentennial, "Citizens" is Simon Schama's story of this revolution |
The French Revolution
In 1945 Roosevelt, Churchill & Stalin met at this site, now a favorite resort of Soviet citizens |
Helen of Troy was the sister of these twins |
Castor & Pollux
Leapin' wizards! It's New Mexico's nickname |
"Land of Enchantment"
Weight system used in pharmacy in which 1 pound equals 12 ounces |
(Stacie: What is avoirdupois?) (Mary: What is linear?)
Apothecary Weight
He's hit the best seller lists writing novels about horse racing like "The Edge" & "Hot Money" |
(Mary: Who is Sidney Sheldon?)
Dick Francis
This seaside resort on the English Channel became the "in" place in the 18th c., thanks to George IV |
(Larry: What is Dover?)