Show #4508 - Wednesday, March 24, 2004


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Tom Ogorzalek, a writer and editor from Washington, D.C.

Grace Suh, a writer from New York, New York

Jack Rosenzweig, a government attorney from Honolulu, Hawaii (whose 1-day cash winnings total $24,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
This man for whom a large city is named became governor of Tennessee in 1827 & governor of Texas in 1859
    $200 11
Vitagraph's 1909 "Life of" this Biblical hero included a $10,000 scene of the parting of the Red Sea
    $200 1
"Police Arrest" this egg boy "After Drunken 'Jackass' Copycat Falling-Off-Wall Stunt!"
    $200 12
It's the color some French undie sellers call "le shocking"
    $200 19
In the 11th century, William the Conqueror ordered the construction of this fortress on the Thames
    $200 13
The Dodge Caravan & the Plymouth Voyager, for example
    $400 7
After winning the first International Tchaikovsky Competition in 1958, he got his own piano competition
    $400 25
Before he was Patton, this man played Abraham in 1966's "The Bible"
    $400 2
"Arachnid Infestation Drives" this young miss "Away From Curds & Whey Eatery!"
    $400 14
Yeats wrote, "When you are old and" this color "and full of sleep and nodding by the fire..."
    $400 20
Lausanne in this country is home to the International Olympic Committee & an Olympic museum
    $400 18
Dr. Evil's clone
    $600 8
In 1991 this archbishop of Los Angeles was elevated to cardinal
    $600 29
Set during Nero's reign, this film's title is a line uttered by Peter to Jesus & means "Where are you going?"
    $600 3
"In New Reality Show", this fairy tale maiden "Chooses Among Seven Stumpy Suitors!"
    DD: $1,000 15
The 2 opposing colors in the Wars of the Roses & in the Russian Civil War of 1918-1920
    $600 21
If people are parading through Copacabana playing their cuicas, it's this 4-day period
    $600 24
It's also called putt-putt
    $800 9
"The World's Greatest Gospel Singer", she sang at President Kennedy's inauguration & Martin Luther King's funeral
    $800 26
In 1949 Victor Mature & Hedy Lamarr played this dysfunctional Biblical couple with a penchant for barber-ism
    $800 4
This trio "Requires Dangerous Rescue After Risky Oceangoing Venture in Bathtub!"
    $800 16
(Hi, I'm Charlie Garner of the NFL) These are the Oakland Raiders' 2 team colors; they strike fear in opponents
    $800 22
The history of St. Thomas in this island group is exhibited at Fort Christian, named for Denmark's King Christian V
    $800 27
"Roots" or "The Thorn Birds"
    $1000 10
This author died in New Hampshire in 1864 during a visit with old school chum Franklin Pierce
    $1000 30
Stewart Granger played Lot & Pier Angeli was his salty wife Ildith in the 1962 film about these 2 title cities
    $1000 5
This abusive puppet "Arrested Again in Domestic Disturbance Case; Wife Judy Says, 'This Time It's Over!'"
    $1000 17
Among natural dyes, you can get this color from fustic, weld or turmeric
    $1000 23
The buildings in this Bermudan capital are commonly painted in pastels & the roofs are made of coral
    $1000 28
Abstract American art movement of the 1960s

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Jack Grace Tom
$1,200 $1,000 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jack Grace Tom
$7,400 $2,800 $5,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 21
Washington Allston specialized in this type of painting; the work seen here is titled "Moonlit" one
    $400 1
Despite its name this carnivorous plant also eats caterpillars, spiders & crickets
    $400 24
Your real desktop may be covered with Post-It notes, while your computer desktop is covered with these images
    $400 8
Egypt & Lebanon
    $400 3
Joan Crawford won an Oscar as this housewife-turned-waitress who went on to play James Bond
    $400 16
He parodied Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by singing "Smells Like Nirvana"
    $800 22
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Venice, Italy) This poet talked about freedom at the Cafe Florian & later journeyed to help the Greeks fight for freedom
    $800 2
Literally meaning "flower of the lily", it was long a symbol of French royalty
    $800 27
The name of this company can also mean information acquired by spies
    $800 9
Nepal & Mongolia
    $800 4
"Ali" portrayer & handgun manufacturer who celebrated their 150th anniversary in 2002
    $800 17
(Sofia of the Clue Crew reports from Louisville, Kentucky) This mobster loved to play cards at the Seelbach Hilton & even sent a mirror here from Chicago so he could watch his back
    $1200 23
This opera composer's art really took off with 1843's "The Flying Dutchman"
    $1200 13
"Morbid" nickname for the Titan arum, the giant stinky flower seen here
    DD: $3,000 28
A 1994 article in Wired magazine said privacy was "Roadkill Along" this
    $1200 10
France & Slovenia
    $1200 5
Brutal Russian czar who's in the phase of toddlerhood marked by tantrums & contrary behavior
    $1200 18
His mesmerizing Broadway debut as a junkie in the 1969 play "Does a Tiger Wear a Necktie?" won him a Tony Award
    DD: $2,400 25
He's the British author-illustrator whose work is seen here
    $1600 14
Common in the Southwestern U.S., the Strawberry Hedgehog belongs to this family of plants
    $1600 29
The Epson Stylus C82 is this type of consumer product
    $1600 11
Venezuela & Argentina
    $1600 6
A Russian goldsmith first made this prized enameled, jeweled McDonald's breakfast sandwich in 1973
    $1600 19
This trumpeter teamed up with Ann-Margret on the album "Beauty and the Beard"
    $2000 26
The film seen here is a romanticized biography of this Romantic man
    $2000 15
You don't have to go to New England to see this plant; lots of American homes have one
    $2000 30
Faster than a modem connection, it's a method of transmitting data digitally over phone lines
    $2000 12
Libya & Morocco
    $2000 7
Andy Griffith gets his hair cut by this Mayberry character also known as Figaro in a Rossini opera
    $2000 20
This singer must have been over the moon when he made "Moonlighting" a hit in 1987

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jack Grace Tom
$13,000 $7,600 $19,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This term was first used in an ice cream trade journal in 1937; it began to appear in the nuclear power industry in the '60s

Final scores:

Jack Grace Tom
$26,000 $15,100 $13,199
2-day champion: $50,801 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jack Grace Tom
$13,000 $6,800 $17,400
20 R,
3 W
10 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $37,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2004-01-20
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