In May 1977 Kenya limited the shooting on safaris to people using these |
In March 2009 this ex of Kid Rock & Tommy Lee blogged on her views about stem cell research |
Pam Anderson
Tennis, anyone? How about golf, football, baseball...: SI |
Sports Illustrated
An old proverb says not to do this "until you come to it" |
cross a bridge
If you hit an HR in MLB, you're going to have to run this many feet to get home |
Alexander II's Edict of Emancipation freed these workers whose status was similar to slaves |
(Ted: What are indentured servants?)
When he reached the North Pole in May 1989, Robert Swan became the first to reach both poles in this manner |
on foot
He may have rapped "U Can't Touch This" but U can read his blog on blogspot.com |
M.C. Hammer
It's been around since 1883: LHJ |
Ladies' Home Journal
In sewing & embroidery, it forms an "X" |
a cross-stitch
Hr. corresponds to this German title of respect |
This Moscow landmark has served as the official residence of the president since 1991 |
the Kremlin
This broke 10,000 for the first time March 29, 1999, making some brokers richer |
the Dow Jones Industrial Average
His bloggings included "The 3 D's of real estate" & "Why I selected Dennis Rodman" for his TV show |
(Donald) Trump
Covering movies, TV, books...: EW |
Entertainment Weekly
The Vasa race in Sweden, an event in this winter sport, takes place over a 56-mile course |
cross-country skiing
This business services & tax prep company also operates under the brand RSM McGladrey |
H&R Block
In 1908 this Siberian mystic brought some comfort to Alexis, the hemophiliac heir to the Russian throne |
This actress' ex, Paul Simon, "would sing me to sleep, which was... sweet or... annoying, depending on the album" |
Carrie Fisher
For science, technology, automotive & more: PM |
Popular Mechanics
This weapon was outlawed by the Lateran council of 1139 |
the crossbow
The American recovery & reinvestment act of 2009 was H.R. 1; the "H.R." stood for this |
(Jason: What is House Resolution?)
House of Representatives
It's how you say "goodbye" in Russian |
do svidaniya
In May 1938 the League of Nations recognized this country as absolutely neutral |
Go to huffingtonpost.com for the blogging of this "30 Rock" Emmy winner |
(Ted: Who is Tina Fey?)
Alec Baldwin
You could profit from this magazine: BW |
At the 1896 DNC, William Jennings Bryan told delegates, "You shall not crucify mankind on" one of these |
a cross of gold
Hertzsprung-Russell, or HR, diagrams are used in, & named for 2 men in, this scientific field |
The basin of this river that empties into the Caspian Sea contains almost half of the Russian Republic's population |
the Volga