Show #4490 - Friday, February 27, 2004


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Gay Hammond, a college instructor from Gainesville, Georgia

Jeff Trumbower, a college professor from Jericho, Vermont

Patrick Macaraeg, a software engineer from Largo, Florida (whose 1-day cash winnings total $24,600)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 13
Green Bay in Wisconsin is the largest arm of this Great Lake
    $200 3
In 2003 she released her tenth studio album, "American Life"
    $200 26
It's a small area of ground planted with flowers, but one may also hold oysters or sleepers
    $200 1
December 14, 1799 at his home in Virginia
    $200 8
In April 1990 he played live to a world record 184,000 people at Rio de Janeiro's Maracana Stadium
    $200 21
Platfprm 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station in this city is the place where Harry Potter boards the train to Hogwarts
    $400 14
Now hear this -- Washington state's Whidbey Island is one of many in this inlet
    $400 7
(Hi, I'm Pam Tillis) Maybe it was this Tennessee city that was mentioned in the title of my 1992 hit; in fact I'm sure of it
    $400 27
You propagate this pungent plant by dividing the compound bulbs into individual cloves
    $400 2
July 4, 1826
    $400 9
This over 140-year-old winery promised, "We Will Sell No Wine Before Its Time"
    $400 22
The Grand Traverse Dinner Train specializes in tours of this duration, so let's invite Gilligan
    $600 15
The south shore of this lake forms the northern boundary of New Orleans
    $600 18
It's the last name of horn-playing brothers Branford & Wynton
    $600 28
A wise tip from the "Wise Garden Encyclopedia" is: never prune evergreens during this season
    $600 4
December 26, 1972 in Kansas City, Missouri
    $600 10
The 1966 Bardahl Eagle, seen here, was used in the auto racing movie "Winning", starring this man
    $600 23
The Lookout Mountain Incline Railway, one of the world's steepest, starts in this "Choo Choo" city
    $800 16
This river that flows into Boston Harbor is the longest river entirely within Massachusetts
    $800 19
Go a little crazy with this band heard here
    $800 29
The Popilla japonica or Japanese this eats the roots of plants as a grub & the flowers as an adult
    $800 5
August 2, 1923 in San Francisco, California
    $800 11
This U.S. senator from Illinois had a penchant for bowties
    $800 24
In 1912 Henry Flagler rode the first train that linked the U.S. mainland to this, the southernmost city in Florida
    DD: $1,000 17
This 2- to 10-mile-wide bay separates Miami from Miami Beach
    $1000 20
This group that sang about the "Boy From New York City" is named for a John Dos Passos novel
    $1000 30
The maidenhair fern reproduces by these, not seeds
    $1000 6
His ride ended on January 6, 1919 in Oyster Bay, New York
    $1000 12
A work by this influential Frenchman is seen here
    $1000 25
After touring the Coors Brewing Company, you may want to visit the Colorado Railroad Museum in this city

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Patrick Jeff Gay
$3,400 $4,000 -$800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Patrick Jeff Gay
$10,000 $5,800 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
Around 132 A.D. Chinese scientist Chang Heng invented an early form of this earthquake detector
    $400 1
June Lockhart debuted as a Cratchit child in this 1938 film, with her real parents playing Mr. & Mrs. Bob Cratchit
    $400 13
The item seen here, or the taste it might have if made with lemons
    $400 2
In 1899 future South Africa P.M. Louis Botha & his forces took this future British P.M., then a journalist, as prisoner
    $400 21
Its splayed prongs at the end of a long handle make piling up leaves a snap
    $400 8
Prior to meaning a football, it was slang for a saddle
    $800 27
One of the world's busiest geyser areas lies in a lava field near this Icelandic capital
    $800 4
This "American Beauty" star stole into films as the guy who robs Meryl Streep's therapy group in "Heartburn"
    $800 14
Cacao beans, the source of chocolate, aren't sweet -- they contain this bitter, popular stimulant
    $800 3
Ptolemy I's improvements to this city included a library, a museum & a lighthouse
    $800 22
It's the type of screwdriver with a cross-shaped tip
    DD: $800 9
Watt fixed this unit of measure to indicate the strength of his steam engine
    $1200 28
In the science of geology, petrographers are concerned with classifying these
    $1200 5
Tommy Lee Jones, who played football at Harvard, debuted as a Harvard pal of Ryan O'Neal's in this film
    $1200 18
1 of the 3 zesty ingredients of the original Tabasco brand sauce
    DD: $1,200 15
That Great Wall thing didn't work; this warrior's forces crossed it & went on to sack Peking in 1215
    $1200 23
Used for shaping wood surfaces, it has a steel edge that extends through its flat bottom
    $1200 10
It's a pit dug on a battlefield that's only big enough to hold a couple of soldiers
    $1600 29
In 2003 it was located at 82 degrees north latitude, 112 degrees west longitude near Ellef Ringness Island
    $1600 6
Ann Jillian played Bo Peep in her debut, this Disney movie musical based on a Victor Herbert operetta
    $1600 19
Despite the name of this brand of spread, chef Anthony Bourdain says, "I can"
    $1600 16
In 1928 the empress Zauditu crowned this man king of Ethiopia
    $1600 24
From the Old English nafogar, it's a boring tool
    $1600 11
It's a bovine term for a sharp bend in a river
    $2000 30
(Sarah of the Clue Crew) The glaciers here in Alaska are remnants of the last Ice Age, which ended about 11,500 years ago during this epoch
    $2000 7
Audiences have had "A Fine Romance" with this British dame since she debuted in "The Third Secret"
    $2000 20
Wine-tasting term for the final impression left on the palate -- it's supposed to be "long"
    $2000 17
This great ruler of the Persian Empire got the job in part by exposing an imposter claiming to be Smerdis
    $2000 25
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew in Alaska) Use an axe to fell a tree, but to carve a totem pole, you need this tool that also starts with "A"
    $2000 12
To treat someone like a celebrity (it sounds like an Eagles hit)

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Patrick Jeff Gay
$17,200 $10,200 $1,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This term for a small, out-of-the-way town is also the name of a long-gone Algonquian Indian tribe

Final scores:

Patrick Jeff Gay
$20,401 $20,400 $100
2-day champion: $45,001 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Patrick Jeff Gay
$17,200 $10,200 $1,400
26 R
(including 3 DDs),
0 W
18 R,
4 W
7 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $28,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2003-12-02
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