In 2003 he said he had completed the last 3 volumes of his "Dark Tower" series & had revised the first volume |
Stephen King
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew) After going months over schedule here at Martha's Vineyard, he feared he might never direct another movie |
Steven Spielberg
Eating some locally-produced raw honey daily can provide you with some relief from allergies related to this |
(Jeff: What are bee stings?)
pollen allergies
Wilson, Perry, Skywalker |
Time's 1980 Man of the Year cover showed him in a western shirt, jeans & a tooled belt with silver buckle |
Ronald Reagan
Slang for a guy from Sydney |
an Aussie
A werebeaver turns up in Thomas Pynchon's 1997 novel on this famous pair of surveyors |
Mason & Dixon
(Sarah) His "Jaws" score includes "Out to Sea", "Promenade Tourists on the Menu", and, of course, the main title theme |
John Williams
The queen bee can do this once every 30 seconds, over 1,500 times a day |
lay an egg
Henson, Perry, McConaughey |
To get into this event at the White House March 31, 1997 you had to have a 3-to-6-year-old kid with you |
the Easter Egg Hunt
A fighter pilot has to shoot down 5 or more enemy aircraft to earn this nickname |
He was all at sea with 1951's "The Caine Mutiny" & back on board 20 years later with "The Winds of War" |
(Herman) Wouk
(Cheryl) He played police chief Martin Brody in both "Jaws" & the first sequel |
Roy Scheider
Honey's not your only product; you can make candles & furniture polish out of this |
Jackson, Johnson, Carnegie |
In 1992 United began flying the Latin American routes purchased from this airline that folded in 1991 |
(Jeff: What is Eastern Airlines?) (Mike: What is TWA?)
Pan American
A proverb |
(Alex: With a minute to go.)
an adage
"O'Hara's Choice" is the final novel by this author who made his own exodus from this world in 2003 |
(Jeff: Who is Umberto Eco?)
Leon Uris
(Sarah) This author partly based "Jaws" on life in Nantucket, but had never set foot here on Martha's Vineyard until filming |
(Jeff: Who is [*]?) (Alex: Which one?) (Jeff: Peter [*].)
(Peter) Benchley
The only job this bee has is to mate with the queen & while you think "Hot Job!" remember they die after mating |
Rendell, Warrick, Bader Ginsburg |
This brand's jingle called it "That Heavenly Coffee" |
Chock full o'Nuts
Usually built on a cliff or other high place, it's an eagle's home |
In "Dodsworth" by Sinclair Lewis, Sam Dodsworth is president of a car co. in this town that was "at its peak" |
(Sarah) It completes one of the most famous lines spoken in "Jaws": "You're gonna need..." |
a bigger boat
Of the 3 main parts of a bee's body, the section that secretes the royal jelly |
(Mike: What is the abdomen?)
the head
Spode, Wedgwood, Bartlett |
In 1996 Chevy reintroduced this model first seen in 1964, also the name of a version of Barbie |
The special mood or atmosphere created by a particular environment |