The body of a comet is called this, just like the center of an atom |
a nucleus
The Alabama High School Athletic Association says the most important health safeguard during workouts is plenty of this |
The National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C. is part of this museum complex |
the Smithsonian
With businesses hurting, not as many people bought office supplies from this company, stock symbol SPLS |
The Chinese discovered that this practice using needles could work as an anesthetic |
If a woodchuck could chuck wood (it could happen!), it'd still also be known as this, even on February 2 |
a groundhog
After the Sun & Moon, this planet, aka the "Morning Star" & "Evening Star", is the brightest object in the sky |
In 1985 Dirk Borgognone of Reno High set a record that still stands with a 68-yard one of these |
a field goal
In April 2009 the glass pyramid at this Paris museum celebrated its 20th anniversary |
the Louvre
This Pittsburgh ketchup maker saw lower sales because of less demand in foreign markets |
The traditional Snellen chart used to measure this contains only the letters C, D, E, F, L, O, P, T & Z |
This word from the French means "again", so get back onstage, Bono! |
Copernicus' belief that the Earth revolves around the Sun is known as a this-centric view of the cosmos |
In this state, high school football is a big deal & Longview vs, Marshall is one of the great rivalries |
The Temple of Dendur is in the Sackler Wing of this ginormous NYC museum |
the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Geoffrey the Giraffe from this company went toy shopping & bought struggling FAO Schwarz |
Toys "R" Us
Today these bloodsucking creatures are sometimes used by physicians to treat hematomas |
To concoct a scheme, or bring forth young from an egg |
In 1801 Ceres became the first of these to be discovered |
(Rachel: What are moons?)
Total number of regulation minutes in most high school football games |
(Gabe: What is 60?) ... (Alex: [*]. 12-minute quarters.)
In Denver, you can visit the home of Molly Brown, who survived the sinking of this in 1912 |
the Titanic
This American car company declared bankruptcy & was rescued by Fiat |
In the 1870s germs of this disease of cattle became the first microorganism identified as a cause of illness |
(Gabe: What is rabies?)
Informal word meaning "OK"; a pirate's was "Jolly" |
In 2007 the Supreme Court ruled high school coaches can be kept from contacting 8th graders for this purpose |
Sue, the largest, most complete & best preserved T. rex, makes her home at the Field Museum in this city |
[Applause for Rachel's run of the category] (Alex: And you ran the category to pick up a fast $3,000. Way to go.)
Following a stress test, this large U.S. bank was told by regulators that it needed to raise $34 billion |
(Rachel: What is Wachovia?)
Bank of America
In 2003 scientists announced the completion of this program that sequenced human DNA |
the Human Genome Project
Not flammable |
(Lindsay: What is... not...)