As in U.S. households as a whole, this warm weather appliance is my biggest user of electricity |
air conditioning
...of the 12 months of the year |
While promoting this title activity, Van Morrison added that it was "a fantabulous night to make romance" |
The eye facilitates, but the actual process of seeing is performed by this organ |
the brain
Pillsbury has a recipe for a "magically fast" one of these; proverbially, it's "American as" one |
apple pie
I'm proud my Maytag Performance Series front load this gets an Energy Star from the government |
a washer
...of Canada's 13 provinces & territories |
Cat Stevens was "being followed" by one of these in a Top 40 hit from 1971 |
Listen up, students--the amount of light entering the eye is controlled by this dilating & contracting part |
the pupil
This French term has been americanized to refer to pie topped with ice cream |
(Alex: 3-way tie.)
à la mode
Heating this type of bed does add a bit to the utility bill, but it's all part of my Austin Powers persona |
a water bed
...of Snow White's 7 dwarfs |
(Pat: Who is Doc?)
A prism refracts white light into the visible spectrum on this seminal 1973 album cover |
Dark Side of the Moon
Don't laugh, but behind the cornea is a chamber filled with a clear fluid called the aqueous this |
(Jeffrey: What is duct?)
The band Warrant sang that this dish would "put a smile on your face 10 miles wide" |
cherry pie
Unlike most fish, morays lack scales & the caudal, pelvic & pectoral types of these appendages |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
...of Dumas' Three Musketeers |
(Jeffrey: Who is... Arth--Aros?) ... (Alex: Jeffrey was trying to combine [*] and Athos and came up with "Aros".)
At the beginning of his hit TV show, Drew Carey sang about the "Moon Over" this Cleveland suburb |
This vitamin is necessary for the production of visual purple; a deficiency of it leads to night blindness |
(Andy: What is vitamin D?)
vitamin A
When publicly admitting to a mistake, eat this 17th c. English dish of deer innards; it's delicious! |
humble pie
Morays like to hide in all sorts of places; the one here has taken refuge in the tube type of this other sea creature |
(Jeffrey: What is a sea urchin?)
a sponge
My toaster oven saves energy by cooking the food faster, using this type of fan that circulates the hot air |
a convection fan
...of U.S. national parks (also the easternmost) |
(Alex: A minute to go.)
Sting based this "Southern" song on Anne Rice's "Interview with the Vampire" |
"Moon Over Bourbon Street"
These tear glands wash foreign bodies out of the eye |
(Jeffrey: What are the tear ducts?)
the lachrymal glands
Seen here are this edible item & the headgear named for it |
A leptocephalus, or larval moray, eats & drifts for miles with these organisms, which include protozoa & diatoms |
the plankton