Show #3696 - Monday, October 2, 2000

2000 Back to School Week game 1.


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Rachel Mills, a 12-year-old from Lexington, Kentucky

John Fabros, a 12-year-old from Downers Grove, Illinois

Amy Mandel, a 12-year-old from Miami, Florida

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 2
This force causes an object to travel 32 feet per second faster for every second that it falls
    $100 1
This 1981 blockbuster introduced the hero Indiana Jones
    $100 15
In a Lewis Carroll story, this young girl has wondrous "Adventures in Wonderland"
    $100 7
It's the home stadium of the team that's won 25 World Series
    $100 26
Basketball positions include guard, forward & this position in the middle played by Patrick Ewing
    $100 13
This unit of measure is equal to 2 pints
    $200 3
A substance whose molecules contain more than one kind of atom, like water's hydrogen & oxygen atoms
    $200 10
On meeting his new adopted brother in this film, George remarks, "You look somewhat like a mouse"
    $200 16
Along with her companions, Dorothy travels down this colorful "road" to visit the Wizard of Oz
    $200 8
The Hayden, one of these attractions, features views like the one seen here
    $200 27
In football you get 6 points for a touchdown & this many for a field goal
    $200 14
The cirrus type of this is delicate & wispy, & is made up of ice crystals
    $300 4
This one of the 6 simple machines consists of a bar resting on a fulcrum
    DD: $500 21
He's the lovable character seen here
    $300 17
Living in a high tower, this legendary girl lets down her long hair to draw up a prince
    $300 9
You can get into the city from New Jersey by the George Washington Bridge or the Lincoln one of these
    $300 28
To get 3 strikeouts in an inning of baseball requires a minimum of this many pitches
    $300 18
It's the type of bedcover that's often made at a "bee"
    $400 5
Including the cytoplasm, this jellylike material makes up the cells of all living organisms
    $400 22
Oui! Oui! In 1998 this French school girl made it to the big screen, along with Miss Clavel
    $400 25
This Belgian cartoon boy with a dog named Snowy is an amateur detective
    $400 11
The name of this street that cuts diagonally through Manhattan is synonymous with big-time theater
    $400 19
The rear end of a ship, or an adjective describing a hard or strict teacher
    $500 6
The name of this lightest of all metals, symbol Li, comes from the Greek for "stone"
    $500 23
A young boy named Hogarth is a huge fan of heavy metal -- a heavy metal robot in this 1999 animated tale
    $500 24
After moving from "The Big Woods", Laura Ingalls Wilder set up her "Little House on" this area of the Old West
    $500 12
New York's 5 boroughs are Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island & these 2 that start with "B"
    $500 20
It's a person who lures another into danger, or an artificial bird used by hunters to lure game

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Amy John Rachel
-$300 $1,900 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Amy John Rachel
$600 $3,000 $100

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: How appropriate!)
(Alex: And we all know about that!)
    $200 11
Art class may include this ceramic art that uses a wheel to shape clay
    $200 24
    $200 7
Co-host of "The View", this newswoman has interviewed every U.S. president & first lady since the Nixons
    $200 1
In Europe, some women believe the first man they see on this February day will marry them
    $200 20
The cottontail is a common species of this animal that can jump 10 feet if you scare it
    $200 5
The "little star" is "up above the world so high like" one of these "in the sky" & if I hear it one more time, I'll cry
    $400 12
In music, you may be the lucky one that gets to carry around this instrument
    $400 25
    $400 8
Since 1984 this former first lady has led an annual week-long blitz of house building for Habitat for Humanity
    $400 2
The USA's first parade celebrating this holiday took place on September 5, 1882
    $400 21
Frogs absorb oxygen through their skin, but also have these breathing organs, like us
    $400 17
She sings "A Song of Sixpence" (whatever that is) & these baked in a pie? Come on...
    $600 13
In history class, you'll study this revolution that began replacing people with machines in the 1700s
    $600 26
    $600 9
She was the queen of England from 1558 to 1603
    DD: $400 3
The historical event which this holiday celebrates occurred 508 years ago
    $600 22
Seen here, it looks like any other bird & gets its name because it can sound like any other bird
    $600 18
It "went over the mountain to see what he could see" & I hope he stays there so my sister will shut up
    DD: $200 14
For geometry, you'll need to swallow this, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
    $800 27
The letter T,
the street,
a bridge
    $800 10
This style & decorating maven said she's moving from Westport, Conn., after complaining about the neighbors
    $800 4
This African-American holiday begins on December 26 & lasts for 7 days
    $800 23
That ladybug in the grass represents one of about 300,000 species of this insect
    $800 19
"Morning bells are ringing"; how can he sleep through that racket?
    $1000 15
Your geography teacher may use this kind of map with contour lines to show the elevation of land
    $1000 28
    $1000 16
This scientist was born in 1867 in Poland with the name Marja Sklodowska
    $1000 6
This holiday was first celebrated on June 19, 1910 in Spokane, Washington, due to the efforts of Sonora Dodd

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Amy John Rachel
$2,600 $9,000 $1,700
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In May 1999 he had the No. 1 spot on the Hot 100, Top 40, Hot Latin & Hot Dance Music/Maxi-Single Sales Billboard charts

Final scores:

Amy John Rachel
$5,200 $11,000 $3,400
2nd place: gift certificate & trip for 4 to Universal Studios, Orlando Winner: $5,000 minimum + trip for 4 to Universal Studios, Orlando + $5,000 bonus if week's high scorer 3rd place: gift certificate & trip for 4 to Universal Studios, Orlando

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Amy John Rachel
$2,600 $9,200 $2,300
10 R,
4 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W

Combined Coryat: $14,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2000-08-08
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