Show #5733 - Wednesday, July 8, 2009


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Clare O'Keeffe, an editorial assistant from Hyannisport, Massachusetts

Henok Kebede, a musician from Wheaton, Maryland

Alyssa McRae, a gift card production designer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (whose 1-day cash winnings total $20,401)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll take you there. You have to identify the state.)
    $200 9
Tortugas Harbor Light,
Alligator Reef Light
    $200 17
"Mountain High Enough" &
"Way To Treat A Lady"
    $200 8
Frogs belong to the order Anura, meaning without this body part, something they had only as tadpoles
    $200 16
The rapid inflation & collapse of the dot-com sector was a classic one of these boom & bust cycles, like the South Sea one
    $200 6
I get a faraway look in my eye when I think of holding this job, like Javier Perez de Cuellar & U Thant
    $200 1
"Czar" is derived from this last name of a Roman leader
    $400 12
Fire Island Light,
Buffalo Light
    $400 18
"Lover" &
"For Your Thoughts"
    $400 10
In song, Jeremiah was one of these frogs seen here
    $400 27
In January 2000 17 dot-coms each paid $2 million to run 30-second ads during this event; the following year, only 3 did
    $400 7
I dream of exploring this Hawaii national park whose name refers in part to Kilauea
    $400 2
In the 1550s this awful guy had no beef with the Stroganov family, who sponsored western Siberia's conquest
    $600 13
Superior Harbor Light,
Kenosha Light
    $600 19
"Best For Last" &
"Last Dance For Me"
    $600 11
Like ducks, true frogs, which also spend a lot of time in water, have this type of feet
    $600 28
The dot-com boom was busting by 2000, when 240 were delisted from this giant securities exchange
    $600 24
My desire to buy a near-vowelless animal would come true with no A, E, I, O or U in this wildcat; down, kitty!
    $600 3
In a treaty with the Turks in the 1680s, Fyodor III wasn't too chicken to hang onto this present Ukrainian capital
    $800 14
New London Harbor Light,
Stamford Harbor Light
    $800 20
"When September Ends" &
"Before You Go-Go"
    $800 22
In 2008 this California county held its 80th annual Frog Jumping Contest
    $800 29
The release of adverse findings of fact in the case U.S. v. this company helped spur the dot-com bust
    $800 25
Representing this state in Congress, like Niki Tsongas & Barney Frank, would be a dream come true
    $800 4
Alexander I, from this family's line of rulers, was in charge in the overture year of 1812
    $1000 15
Morris Island Light,
Hilton Head Light
    $1000 21
"Sunshine" &
"Broken Glass"
    DD: $1,200 23
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a radiograph of a frog on the monitor.) A frog's hind legs have a humanlike femur, but unlike humans, their single shin bone is these two bones fused together
    $1000 30
Failed dot-coms are humorously referred to both as "dotbombs" & "dot" this, like a mound of fertilizer
    $1000 26
My dream of finishing the 13 chapters of this Sun Tzu work will happen, & then I will crush all my enemies!
    $1000 5
Subject of a Pushkin drama, he had himself elected czar in 1598 by the Zemskiy Sobor, a kind of parliament

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Alyssa Henok Clare
$2,400 $1,800 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Alyssa Henok Clare
$3,600 $4,600 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 11
Takes first "Sure Shot" at life Aug. 13, 1860, should have been NRA poster girl, gets holstered Nov. 3, 1926
    $400 6
He led his brothers to 4 Billboard No. 1 hits
    $400 16
North of this line, each year has a day without sunrise & a day without sunset
    $400 21
This store is one of the largest employers in the U.S. & Canada & is the largest in Mexico
    $400 1
Wilkins Micawber,
Samuel Pickwick,
Bob Cratchit
    $400 26
To hit something; in baseball, it's when you miss hitting something
    $800 12
First edition May 31, 1819, waxes poetic, is under leaves & grass March 26, 1892
    $800 7
In 1994 this singer led his band to 2 Grammy Awards, one for the album "Voodoo Lounge"
    $800 17
Snow appears white because of the large number of surfaces that do this to light
    $800 22
The trendy Brass Plum section has now been shortened to BP in this Seattle-based department store
    $800 2
Marko Ramius,
John Kelly (aka Mr. Clark),
Jack Ryan
    $800 27
A written order to a bank to pay a sum of money, or a bill showing the amount owed
    $1200 13
Written into history June 14, 1811, cries uncle with "Cabin" tale, is history July 1, 1896
    $1200 8
He led the Lakers to 5 NBA Championships in the '80s
    $1200 18
The first day of the year when ice in rivers & harbors loosens is called this, also a term for an easing of hostility
    $1200 23
This electronics store wants to be female-friendly & now has Magnolia Stores, which have a living room feel
    $1200 3
Annie Wilkes,
John Coffey,
Carrie White
    $1200 28
It's to put to death legally, or to start, as in a computer program
    $1600 14
Born Dec. 29, 1808, becomes 17th president, gets ultimate impeachment July 31, 1875
    $1600 9
This Queen of Gospel Music was brought up in a pious family & refused to sing anything but religious songs
    $1600 19
The shape of a snowflake is determined by 2 things in the cloud it's formed in: the moisture content & this
    $1600 24
One of California's first surf shops in a mall, this "sunny" company sells Bullhead & Tilt brands
    $1600 4
Artur Sammler,
Eugene H. Henderson,
Augie March
    $1600 29
This word means tied up, or on your way to a place
    DD: $2,200 15
Born Christmas 1821, becomes angel on Civil War battlefields, becomes angel April 12, 1912
    $2000 10
This creator of Beavis & Butthead wrote & directed "Office Space"
    $2000 20
11-letter process in which ice turns to vapor without melting
    $2000 25
Whether you're at Ruehl, Hollister or Gilly Hicks, you're shopping at this century-old company
    $2000 5
Roger Chillingworth,
Ethan Brand,
Judge Jaffrey Pyncheon
    DD: $2,500 30
A fastener to secure something; or it could be to bend, warp & give way suddenly with heat or pressure

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Alyssa Henok Clare
$12,600 $9,800 $13,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This man whose titles include Baron Greenwich is, like his wife, a great-great-grandchild of Queen Victoria

Final scores:

Alyssa Henok Clare
$22,600 $0 $1,900
2-day champion: $43,001 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Alyssa Henok Clare
$13,600 $9,800 $16,400
16 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
2 W
20 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $39,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2009-03-25
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