Show #5716 - Monday, June 15, 2009


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Jocelyn Certner, a call center supervisor from Schenectady, New York

Francois Dominic Laramée, a writer and TV personality from Verdun, Quebec, Canada

A.J. Schumacher, a radio show production intern from St. Paul, Minnesota (whose 1-day cash winnings total $10,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: ...and like Malibu Barbie, they all end with an "ooh" sound.)
    $200 21
This state capital was once called Louisbourg
    $200 1
One of the 2 teams whose logos contain handheld weapons
    $200 26
In a du Maurier book, the newly-wed second Mrs. de Winter learns that her husband murdered this first wife
    $200 3
Barbie kicks butt as a master of the martial art whose name is Chinese for "skill", watch out for...
    $200 11
Guinness was bottled in stoneware until 1834, when a tax on this was repealed
    $200 14
Red in the face
    $400 22
Among the Pennsylvania Dutch, Fastnachts are donuts & Fastnacht Day is this religious Tuesday
    $400 2
The hair on the mustachioed fellow of this team's logo is definitely blond
    $400 27
Um, awkward! Jane Eyre's wedding is halted when an attorney insists that this groom is already married
    $400 7
Barbie spends her days /
Writing 3-lined poetry /
She'll be published soon,
    $400 12
A 1759 document records Arthur Guinness signing a 9,000-year lease on a brewery at St. James' Gate in this city
    $400 15
Entrance hall
    $600 23
The site of the USA's worst accident at one of these facilities, Pennsylvania still has 5, including Peach Bottom
    $600 4
Both of the teams in this state have stars in their logos
    $600 28
This daughter of Brabantio elopes before the start of a Shakespeare play; her hubby will be the death of her--in Act V
    $600 8
Barbie wrestles alligators in the slow-moving marshy waters of Louisiana; come what may, it's...
    $600 13
Records show this musical instrument made its first appearance on a Guinness label in 1862
    $600 16
Lead singer for a rock group
    $800 24
60% of Pennsylvania is covered by this, which gives the state part of its name
    $800 5
2 of the colors on this champion team's logo refer to coal & ore
    $800 29
An 1890 Ibsen play opens with this title character returning from her honeymoon, disappointed by her marriage
    $800 9
Barbie's off to Paris to attend a famous culinary arts school, founded in 1895, the next top chef, it's...
    $800 19
In this year of Paul Revere's ride, Arthur brandished a pickaxe at a sheriff who tried to cut off the brewery's water
    $800 17
A school bake sale, for example
    DD: $4,200 25
This city in the western part of the state has a maritime museum
    $1000 6
Flipping the item on this team's logo upside down should bring bad luck according to superstition
    $1000 30
Catherine has "no more business to marry Edgar Linton than... to be in heaven" but marries him anyway in this book
    $1000 10
Barbie's gone puzzle crazy feverishly filling in boxes with the numbers 1 through 9, she's...
    $1000 20
Records show that Guinness sent a bottle to every member of the British forces in this country for Christmas 1939
    $1000 18
Roll a flag around a pole

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

A.J. François Jocelyn
$2,800 $2,600 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

A.J. François Jocelyn
$0 $3,600 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
(Sarah of the Clue Crew pulls up on a Venetian blind.) When I pull down on the cord, the blinds go up; at the top is a single fixed one of these simple machines, which reverses the direction of force
    $400 1
In 2009 this country's president Lula da Silva offered to mediate in the icy U.S.-Venezuelan relationship
    $400 11
In Civil War times, the U.S. had to print 3-cent & 50-cent bills; these were being hoarded for their intrinsic value
    $400 6
The fire-fiddling was one thing, but spending 2 billion sesterces on your court & gifts; emperor, you're nuts!
    $400 21
After playing a doctor on "M*A*S*H", he turned up as Dr. Gabriel Lawrence on "ER"
    $400 16
These arthropods can have cylindrical bodies of more than 100 segments
    $800 27
(Kelly of the Clue Crew rolls a bowling ball.) The work required to lift a 16-pound bowling ball 12 inches is 16 foot-pounds; the force required is only 5.3 pounds using this simple machine to raise it to the same height
    $800 2
This country's CCTV censored Barack Obama's Inauguration Day speech upon mention of communism
    $800 12
In 2001 the NYSE went from trading stocks in 16ths to this, also known as the Arabic system
    $800 7
Giving Cortes all that gold in 1519 wasn't your best move, emperor, & thanks for that "revenge"!
    $800 22
His character taught Abigail Breslin that dance routine for the "Little Miss Sunshine" pageant
    $800 17
This company can take you from breakfast to dinner with brands like Wheaties cereal & Jeno's pizza
    $1200 28
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presses garlic.) A garlic press consists of two second-class levers, in which the handles provide the effort, the garlic is the load & the pivot point serves as this
    $1200 3
On Jan, 20, 2009, after a payment dispute, Russia resumed sending natural gas to Europe through this country
    $1200 13
You might take investing tips from this network's "On the Money" or "The Call"; Jon Stewart probably doesn't
    $1200 8
You had aces & 8's on Aug. 2, 1876 at the saloon! If you're gonna let yourself get shot, at least be holdin' garbage!
    $1200 23
This actor does bad good: Prof. Snape in the "Harry Potter" films & Hans Gruber in "Die Hard"
    $1200 18
Yeehaw! She choreographed the ballet "Rodeo"
    DD: $1,000 29
(Kelly of the Clue Crew chops carrots.) A knife, which is two sloping surfaces tapering to a point to split things open, is an example of this simple machine
    $1600 4
In 2007 this eastern African country abolished the death penalty for all crimes; yes, including genocide
    $1600 14
Take money out of your paycheck before taxes to pay for health & dependent care with an FSA, a flexible this
    $1600 9
You were a French spy in WWI Belgium, but didn't tell 'em you were working for Germany, too; lady, that'll get you snuffed
    $1600 24
Ron Silver played him, Claus von Bulow's lawyer, in "Reversal of Fortune"
    DD: $3,000 19
At sea level, atmospheric pressure is 1,013 of these units
    $2000 5
In January 2009 the Sri Lankan army said 95% of the war with this local rebel group was over
    $2000 15
To sell stock at the current price, investors use a market order; to specify a price, it's this type of order
    $2000 10
You angered the Scottish nobles, then Elizabeth I, until the end came in 1587--is it cruel to say you just lost your head?
    $2000 25
This economist seen here was influenced by Ayn Rand
    $2000 20
A type of cereal & forage grass

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

A.J. François Jocelyn
$2,600 $19,200 $5,800
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Her 48-year span between her first & last Oscars, 1933 & 1981, is the longest for a performer in Academy history

Final scores:

A.J. François Jocelyn
$2,592 $19,000 $800
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $19,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

A.J. François Jocelyn
$7,400 $19,200 $8,800
14 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
22 R,
5 W
13 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $35,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2009-03-17
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