On Oct. 19, 2008 this fashion maven known for his "Worst Dressed" lists passed away at age 86 |
Mr. Blackwell
In "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" this "ER" wolf linked to many an actress dances with the Soggy Bottom Boys |
George Clooney
A traditional remedy for a chest cold is a compress of brown paper soaked in vinegar of this fermented fruit juice |
What the bombs were doing in "The Star-Spangled Banner" & a scent-sible product from Febreze |
bursting in air freshener
Black, blue, baleen |
a whale
The Greek words for "exit" & "elastic" start with this Greek letter |
2 iconic roles of this actor who passed in Jan. 2009 were Khan in "Star Trek" & of course, Mr. Roarke, ever our host |
(Ricardo) Montalban
His girls! girls! girls! included "Viva Las Vegas" dance partner & co-star Ann-Margret |
Elvis Presley
Vinegar & water is great for this home task; add a little dish soap to prevent streaking |
washing the windows
A California cheddar-like cheese becomes a small terrier dog breed |
a Monterey Jack Russell terrier
Friesian, Appaloosa, Pinto |
a horse
This herb has narrow, pointed leaves & a licorice flavor |
Sadly, we said "good day" to this radio personality who died at age 90 on Feb. 28, 2009 |
Paul Harvey
This notorious Hollywood lothario has a dance scene with Halle Berry in 1998's "Bulworth" |
Warren Beatty
Before you reach for the snake to deal with this kitchen problem, try baking soda & vinegar |
a plugged drain
A poetic numerical lantern request by Paul Revere morphs into a shelled animal like the loggerhead |
(Jason: What is two if by land turtle?)
one if by land, two if by sea turtle
Harp, hooded, elephant |
a seal
An example of this is seen at the end of the clue; it means "I'm upset" :-( |
(A.J.: What is an "emoshicon"?)
an emoticon
This conservative ex-North Carolina senator was 86 when he passed on July 4, 2008 |
(Jesse) Helms
Dad Martin said this Hollywood bad boy "was like Fred Astaire" dancing with new bride Denise Richards in 2002 |
Charlie Sheen
A 1987 Paul Simon hit turns into an environmentalist ex-vice president |
"You Can Call Me Al Gore"
Oryx, grysbok, dik-dik |
an antelope
It's a spiked iron plate worn on a boot to walk on ice or snow |
a crampon
On Feb. 15, 2008 this millionaire adventurer was ruled legally dead; wreckage of his plane was eventually found |
(Steve) Fossett
He could have danced all night, in the dark, cheek to cheek, with Ava Gardner, Mia Farrow & Lauren Bacall (& he did) |
(A.J.: Uh, who is Fred Astaire?)
(Frank) Sinatra
We almost forgot, it's useful in cooking--try this aged type made from grapes in Modena |
(A.J.: What is basalmic vinegar?) (Alex: Say it again.) (A.J.: What is basalmic vinegar?) (Alex: Oh, sorry. You're transposing the "L". It's [*], not "basalmic".)
Poet who may lose a finger or toe to a bitter cold condition (after stopping by woods on a snowy evening) |
(Jason: Who is Jack Frostbite?)
Robert Frostbite
Anole, whiptail, basilisk |
a lizard
This river was the ancient boundary between Cisalpine Gaul & Italy |
(A.J.: What is the Rhône?) ... (Alex: That's why you had to cross it--[*].)
the Rubicon