Show #2350 - Friday, November 18, 1994

1994 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 5.


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David Venderbush, an attorney from Los Angeles, California

Brian Moore, a Ph.D. candidate originally from Pearland, Texas

Steve Chernicoff, a technical writer from Berkeley, California

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Jeopardy! Round

THE 1920s
    $100 10
The Belgians received Rwanda-Urundi as a mandate from this international organization in 1923
    $100 4
Prior to The Beatles, he was the drummer for Rory Storm and the Hurricanes
    $100 26
As its name implies, this lightweight nylon jacket is perfect in a breeze
    $100 1
Evidence suggests that these humped mammals no longer found here originated in North America
    $100 16
Phillip Morris is the largest customer of Universal Corporation, the world's largest dealer in this commodity
    $100 18
A tree having single flattened needles or the pelt of an animal
    $200 12
Now a national park, this arid region of South Dakota was authorized as a national monument in 1929
    $200 6
This American rocker's 1st Top Ten hit in the United Kingdom was "Dancing In The Dark" in 1985
    $200 27
From the French, it's a sheer, often lacy dressing gown similar to a pegnoir
    $200 2
Mammals that are currently endangered include the wild yak & this fastest cat of Africa
    $200 17
This founder of Wal-Mart began his retail career as a J.C. Penney management trainee
    $200 19
Free from illness or precipitation falling in the form of large ice pellets
    $300 13
This Mexican revolutionary was assassinated at his ranch near Parral, Chihuahua
    $300 8
Prince's #1 hit, "Let's Go Crazy", was from this 1984 film
    $300 28
This waist sash often worn with a mens' formal suit was adopted from a cloth band worn in Eastern countries
    $300 3
The gray wolf is also called this, probably for the forests & wooded regions that it inhabits
    $300 23
The parent company of this railroad also operates U.P. Resources, a gas & oil exploration business
    $300 20
The actors in a play or one of the hereditary groups that make up Hindu society
    $400 14
During the decade, he discovered lysisine, an antibiotic enzyme, as well as penicillin
    $400 9
In 1967 Cindy Birdsong replaced Florence Ballard in this trio
    $400 29
In the 1930s & '40s, this boned & rigid garment for women gave way to the girdle
    $400 5
The scientific name of this egg-laying mammal, Ornithorincus, means "bird-snout"
    $400 24
In 1988 this Swedish company acquired Britain's Leyland Bus Company
    $400 21
A wharf where ships are unloaded or a metal implement used to open a lock
    DD: $1,700 15
In 1926, this Kuomintang leader launched the Northern Expedition against the warlords of Northern China
    $500 11
This Elton John hit is subtitled "I Think It's Gonna Be A Long, Long Time"
    $500 30
He designed the beige pillbox hat that Jackie Kennedy wore to JFK's inauguration
    $500 7
The hamadryas species of this large monkey was revered by the Egyptians as a companion of Ptah
    $500 25
Holly Farms & Tasty Bird are brand names of this Arkansas-based poultry producer
    $500 22
A river that empties into the Adriatic or an author of macabre verses

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Steve Brian David
$1,000 $3,400 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Brian David
$3,800 $5,000 $900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 9
George Custer's brother Thomas was the only person in the U.S. Army to win 2 of these medals during the war
    $200 1
He commissioned Jacques-Louis David to paint his 1804 imperial coronation
    $200 19
It's the color of Scarlett O'Hara's eyes -- we're "envious"
    $200 24
While an actor, this president served six terms as president of the Screen Actors Guild
    $200 2
Founded around 600 B.C. by Greek adventurers, it's one of the oldest cities in France
    $400 10
Edmund Ruffin, credited with doing this at the war's start, shot himself after hearing of the surrender
    $400 5
Honore Daumier created several works portraying Don Quixote & this squire
    $400 20
In "Little Women", Margaret is better-known by this nickname
    $400 25
This Israeli stateswoman's maiden name was Mabovitz
    $400 3
It's the westernmost African country on the Mediterranean
    $600 11
The 39th New York Infantry, or "Garibaldi Guard", wore these distinctive items also worn by Garibaldi's men
    $600 8
He painted "Vampire" in 1893, the same year he painted "The Scream"
    $600 16
In 1836 he became president of Cincinnati College & published his 1st "Eclectic Reader"
    $600 21
Snowball is an idealistic pig in this George Orwell classic
    DD: $3,000 26
This Jamestown settler was the first to make English maps of Virginia & New England
    $600 4
The language of this island country whose capital is Valletta is a west Arabic dialect with some Italian
    $800 12
At its greatest enrollment, the CSMC, which stood for this, had fewer than 600 men & officers
    DD: $3,000 14
"Unpleasant Surprise" by this primitive painter of "The Hungry Lion" shows a woman menaced by a bear
    $800 17
U.S. kindergarten founder Elizabeth Peabody was the first to publish this Thoreau essay
    $800 22
This Booth Tarkington title character's last name is Scofield
    $800 27
In 1718 this British astronomer became the first to state that stars had individual motions
    $800 6
This barren isle made famous in an Alexandre Dumas novel was known in ancient times as Oglassa
    $1000 13
Clement Valandingham was the leader of this group of Northerners opposed to the war
    $1000 15
This American woman impressionist posed for several of Degas' works, including "At the Milliner's"
    $1000 18
In 1889 this "The Life of Reason" author began teaching philosophy at Harvard
    $1000 23
Dr. Tertius Lydgate marries the beautiful, but shallow Rosamund Vinci in her novel "Middlemarch"
    $1000 7
The scirocco is the hot, dry wind that blows from Africa; this is the opposite cold, dry northern wind

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Brian David
$9,800 $5,400 $500

Final Jeopardy! Round

One-word title of the Verdi opera set in Windsor, England in the 15th century

Final scores:

Steve Brian David
$10,801 $10,800 $1
Automatic semifinalist 2nd place: $1,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $1,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Steve Brian David
$7,400 $7,200 $500
24 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
8 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $15,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1994-10-11
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