Show #2927 - Tuesday, April 29, 1997

1997 Celebrity Jeopardy! game 2.


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Patrick Duffy, an actor from Step by Step

Sharon Lawrence, an actress from Fired Up

Chris Hardwick, a television personality from Singled Out

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 4
In 1993 this country split into Slovakia & the Czech Republic
    $100 3
From an Old English word for "to load", it's the deep-bowled, long-handled spoon used for serving soup
    $100 5
This long-running series centered on the adventures of mystery author Jessica Fletcher
    $100 6
The Apennine range runs the length of this Mediterranean country's boot-shaped peninsula
    $100 1
On their wedding day, tradition says the bride & groom shouldn't do this before the ceremony
    $100 2
A pizzeria, a souvenir shop, a candy factory & a defunct loan co. now stand at Hollywood Blvd. & this street
    $200 7
In 1869 the U.S. Transcontinental Railroad was completed & this canal opened in the Mideast
    $200 11
One of these may be lemon, ginger or cheese, & it can be flat, curved or box shaped
    $200 16
The title character of this series is "F.Y.I."'s veteran star reporter
    $200 18
This sacred Japanese volcano last erupted in 1707
    $200 13
If you spill the salt, cancel the bad luck you're going to have by doing this
    $300 8
As of 1206 he formally wore the title "Great Khan of the Mongols"
    $300 12
Handy kitchen utensil used by the farmer's wife to perform a tailectomy on 3 blind mice
    $300 17
On this '80s cop show, Det. Sonny Crockett shared his boat with a pet alligator named Elvis
    $300 19
The Incan ruins of Machu Picchu in this South American range are named for a nearby peak
    $300 21
A ring around the moon means this weather condition will soon occur
    $400 9
He resigned as head of China's government in 1959 but remained head of the Chinese Communists
    $400 14
What the Japanese call hashi, we call these eating utensils
    $400 20
The 2 Paul Reiser sitcoms that fit the category
    $400 23
The name of this lucky object is from the Irish for "little clover"
    $500 10
When this country won its independence from Great Britain in 1921, Ulster didn't go with it
    $500 15
This device has a small receptacle in which to place the clove & a plunger to push down on it
    $500 22
In 1993 Russell Baker took over as host of this PBS anthology series

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Chris Sharon Patrick
-$100 $200 $1,900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Sharon Patrick
$800 $500 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We had an easy time in the first round!)
    $200 19
Just before the founding of the Plymouth colony in 1620, the Pilgrims signed a compact on this ship
    $200 6
The "Weekly World News" headline "Bigfoot Captured!" is typical of these supermarket newspapers
    $200 2
This organ has a natural pacemaker, but if it goes bad an artificial one may be used
    $200 26
This 4-storied amphitheater of central Rome has been consecrated as a monument to Christian martyrdom
    $200 1
This glamorous actress & close friend of Michael Jackson has been named godmother to Jackson's son
    $200 13
Roderick & Madeline are the doomed twins in his scary 1839 story "The Fall of the House of Usher"
    $400 20
The 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas divided the New World between Portugal & this neighboring country
    $400 7
His name was dropped from "The MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour" after his retirement in October 1995
    $400 3
Of 10, 20 or 30, the percentage experts say should be the maximum amount of fat in your diet
    $400 27
This resort island "26 Miles Across the Sea" from Los Angeles was once a haven for smugglers
    DD: $2,400 12
Eleanor Gow is the real name of this supermodel seen here:
    $400 17
"The Miller's Tale" is one of the bawdiest stories in this collection of Chaucer "Tales"
    $600 21
In 1823 the U.S. lacked the military power to back up this president's "Doctrine"
    $600 8
This church produces "Monitor Radio" as well as a newspaper with "Monitor" in its name
    $600 4
Hundreds of hereditary diseases can be diagnosed by this fetal test using the fluid around the fetus
    $600 14
In her final years, this former first lady kept company with diamond trader Maurice Tempelsman
    DD: $2,500 18
He published "Flappers and Philosophers", his first book of short stories, in 1920, the year he married Zelda
    $800 22
The Newark Star Eagle of May 7, 1937 had the "Death List of Zep" accompanying an article on this disaster
    $800 9
This newspaper for business people has the highest paid circulation of any daily in the U.S.
    $800 5
Using a laser to reshape this eye part may correct myopia
    $800 15
This British woman is regarded as the world's foremost authority on chimpanzees
    $800 24
"The Red Rover" is a sea novel by this author of "The Last of the Mohicans"
    $1000 23
The 1899 to 1902 South African War is also known as this from the Dutch word for farmer
    $1000 11
This D.C. newspaper was founded in 1877 as a voice of the Democratic Party
    $1000 10
In this procedure, an opening is made in a person's windpipe to relieve an obstruction
    $1000 16
After leaving Rolling Stone magazine in 1983, she became a contributing photographer for Vanity Fair
    $1000 25
He said it took him "Five years to write 'In Cold Blood', and a year to recover"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Sharon Patrick
$5,400 $5,400 $8,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

His half-brother Lawrence served in the British navy under Admiral Edward Vernon

Final scores:

Chris Sharon Patrick
$10,800 $2,900 $0
Winner: $15,800 for the Hospice of the Treasure Coast in Fort Pierce, Florida 2nd place: $10,000 for the Starlight Children's Foundation 3rd place: $10,000 for the Pacific Northwest Museum

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Chris Sharon Patrick
$3,400 $3,500 $8,000
12 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
22 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $14,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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