1997: "Men In Black" |
Will Smith
In the 19th c. king Cetshwayo valiantly fought this European power that ultimately captured him |
Great Britain
Lombard is a romance language spoken primarily in southern Switzerland & the northern part of this country |
(Heather: What is Austria?)
In the Pirarucu of the Amazon, only the young have working gills; adults breathe this |
In a large painting called "Models", this pointillist included a glimpse of his masterpiece "La Grande Jatte" |
1993: "I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)" |
Meat Loaf
Zulu warriors carried the isihlangu shield, often white with black or brown marks, made of this animal's hide |
(Heather: What is a zebra?)
cow (cattle)
1- or 2-word label for a news story or this lovely guy |
a slug
Oromo is a major Cushitic language spoken in the northern parts of Kenya & this nation east of Sudan |
(Judy: What is Somalia?) [Initially ruled incorrect; reversed before the Daily Double at clue 13.]
The tripod fish uses elongated these to support itself, appearing to stand on the ocean floor |
This artist put himself in "Las Meninas", painting a large canvas. He's behind the infante. |
(Diego) Velázquez
1992: "This Used To Be My Playground" |
In Zulu belief, people's spirits revisit the world as these; a chief's spirit comes back as a mamba |
a snake
Short line of copy above the headline, or the person seen here |
the kicker
Spoken by this Indian culture for 13 centuries, Quiche is Guatemala's 2nd-most widely spoken tongue |
the Mayan culture
Thao, help me land this one! A 10-foot, 660-pound catfish unique to this longest river of southeast Asia |
(Alex: Judy, two bits of good news for you. We have just done some checking, and we have found that we made a mistake in that clue about Oromo, that major Cushitic language. We should have said "this nation just east of Sudan." You responded Somalia, and that is east of Sudan, and so you're credited with $1,600 more. Your total is $8,800 now.)
the Mekong
Born in 1898, this Belgian painter was influenced by De Chirico & the surrealists |
René Magritte
1991: "(Everything I Do) I Do It For You"--he's a nice Canadian fella, don'tcha know |
Bryan Adams
Jacob Zuma, head of this South African party, is Zulu, & his supporters wear "100% Zulu boy" t-shirts |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
the ANC (African National Congress)
Attention-grabbing item at the end of a news story or the game being played here |
Also called Cape Dutch, it has constitutional recognition as a national language in Namibia |
Halibut & turbot are among the 600 species of these, which have both eyes on one side |
(Heather: What is a flounder?)
1994: "Stay (I Missed You)"--remember, the woman with the glasses? |
Lisa Loeb
Complete all editorial work on the newspaper & send it to printer, or what Mom is doing here |
put it to bed
The word "llama" is derived from this mother tongue of the Inca |
Ewes guys should know that a Brooklyn bay is named for this fish |
the sheepshead