Show #5650 - Friday, March 13, 2009

2009 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 3.
From Las Vegas.


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Dave Simpson, a pastor from Belcamp, Maryland

Lisa Klink, a TV writer from Los Angeles, California

Ben Bishop, a college student originally from Seattle, Washington

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
Around 1668 Isaac Newton built the first reflecting one of these
    $200 26
A plane crashes,
people die (though it doesn't slow some of 'em down much),
much DHARMA but little Greg
    $200 11
Twain said of this dance, "I placed my hands before my face for very shame, but I looked through my fingers"
    $200 21
Movie theater chain AMC is "American" this "Cinema"--a prefix often found in front of "plex"
    $200 5
You might score with this speech's first line, but the second begins, "Now we are engaged in a great Civil War"
    $200 1
The scowl of a circus buffoon
    $400 13
Newton made some of his greatest discoveries while Cambridge University was closed because of this in 1665
    $400 27
Gary Coleman co-stars,
at home with the Drummonds,
what'chu talkin' 'bout, contestants?
    $400 17
We don't know if she was statuesque, but Rose Beuret was the longtime love of this sculptor
    $400 22
H&R Block was named for founding brothers Henry & him
    $400 6
"These united colonies... are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown" is a statement from this
    $400 2
The mark of Zorro, when he doesn't charge you for it
    $600 14
In 1676 Newton opined, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of" these
    $600 28
Love was all around the newsroom,
Chuckles bit the dust,
Lou, Lou, Louuuuuuu...
    DD: $1,000 18
He designed a towering Gallery of Machines for the Paris Exposition of 1867
    $600 23
The "SC" in NASCAR
    $600 7
"Promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty" are 10 of the 52 words of this
    $600 3
An African equine born under the sign of the scales
    $800 15
Force equals mass times acceleration is the second of these Newtonian formulations
    $800 29
Lonely astronaut hits the bottle,
2,000-year-old woman pops out of it,
wackiness ensues
    $800 19
In the 1870s this type of bon vivant, so called for the wide streets he frequented, came into vogue
    $800 24
The 3 Ms in the original name of 3M
    $800 8
A speech by him included the line "In a sense, we have come to our nation's capital to cash a check"
    $800 4
The only tibia
    $1000 16
This British queen knighted Newton in 1705
    $1000 30
Alaskan adventures,
Cicely but not Tyson,
ah, the casual moose-about-town
    $1000 20
This son of the King of Holland followed uncle Napoleon's example & became Emperor of the French in 1852
    $1000 25
The "C" in the name of department store founder J.C. Penney; how appropriate
    $1000 10
"I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" is the last line of this poem
    $1000 9
An aristocratic prestidigitator

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ben Lisa Dave
$3,000 $2,000 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Lisa Dave
$8,000 $2,000 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

_____IN' '80s MOVIES
    $400 12
The surgeon begins by making an incision above the hairline in this cosmetic procedure aka rhytidoplasty
    $400 2
"No. 5 is alive" in this robotic film:
"S____ C____"
    $400 6
This capital is located in the historical region of New Castile
    $400 26
Typical movie opening credits: producer(s), writer(s), this person
    $400 16
His 1380s poem "The Parlement of Foules" isn't about idiots in government; it's about birds choosing mates
    $400 1
Calling HAZMAT! It's the act of making something impure or polluted
    $800 13
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical diagram on the monitor.) Named for a 19th-century surgeon, McBurney's point, 2/3rds the distance between the umbilicus & the iliac crest of the pelvis, is the most tender abdominal area when this organ is inflamed & often requires surgery
    $800 3
Duracells weren't given with this Cronyn-Tandy epic about tiny spaceships:
"*b____ n____ i____"
    $800 8
For a short time in the 1950s, La Plata, Argentina was named for her
    $800 27
The stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, this--also an economic term
    $800 17
An anonymous genius known as "The Pearl Poet" is thought to have been the author of this colorful tale of 2 knights
    $800 22
This word means to put off until another day or time
    $1200 14
Hip replacement entails removing the arthritic head of this bone & preparing a new socket in the pelvic bone
    $1200 4
Lea Thompson & an extra-terrestrial fowl; 'nuff said:
"H____ T____ D____"
    $1200 9
Pusan is this country's second-largest city & main seaport
    $1200 28
"The Story of Civilization": "The Age of Faith", "The Renaissance", this religious event
    DD: $2,400 18
In this circa 1470 work, the Brown Knight Without Pity is as bad as his name until Sir Gareth gets 'im
    $1200 23
It's known as both glandular fever & the kissing disease
    $1600 15
Laser surgery can fix the acute type of this eye disease in which the iris obstructs the flow of the aqueous humor
    $1600 5
Nastassja Kinski unleashes the animal within:
"C____ P____"
    DD: $3,600 10
A center of tulip-growing, this Dutch city gave its name to a section of Manhattan
    $1600 29
Royal succession: Princes Charles, William, Harry, him
    $1600 19
The Chester, Wakefield & York cycles are the major surviving collections of these popular religious dramas
    $1600 24
Indelibly impressed on the memory, like Nat King Cole
    $2000 21
Surgery may be necessary if this, an enlargement of the thyroid, causes difficulty in breathing & swallowing
    $2000 7
Famous fall doesn't kill big ape; he only needs transfusion:
"K____ K____ L____"
    $2000 11
They're the two rhyming names of the two cities indicated on the map
    $2000 30
Hominids: Australopithecus africanus, Australopithecus robustus, this first Homo
    $2000 20
A popular Middle English lyric begins, "Sumer is icumen in / Lhude sing" this bird
    $2000 25
This military officer is charged with providing shelter, clothing & transportation for troops

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Lisa Dave
$14,000 $4,000 $11,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

Amounts on the banknotes in this country, one of the world's 10 largest, are in 17 different official languages

Final scores:

Ben Lisa Dave
$15,004 $1,000 $13,000
Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated 2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ben Lisa Dave
$20,000 $4,000 $11,400
22 R,
2 W
(including 2 DDs)
8 R,
1 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $35,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2009-01-08
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