Show #5631 - Monday, February 16, 2009


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Dan Smith, a student from Chicago, Illinois

Bing Luke, a tax lawyer from Harlem, New York

Diane Trap, a librarian and graphics specialist from Athens, Georgia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $21,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

1909: 100 YEARS AGO
    $200 26
On February 12 this important African-American organization was formed
    $200 2
This Jason Alexander character: "She doesn't deserve a baby shower. She deserves a baby monsoon"
    $200 21
The "E" in FEMA
(Do a heckuva job responding)
    $200 1
This national memorial in the Black Hills is also called the "Shrine of Democracy"
    $200 7
The name of this bird is an imitation of its call
    $200 11
During the Reign of Terror, she made wax masks of severed heads; 4 decades later, she opened her own wax museum
    $400 27
On June 2 Alfred Deakin became prime minister of this Commonwealth country for the third time
    $400 3
Hello, this character who said, "I'll tell you a little secret about ZIP codes--they're meaningless"
    $400 22
The "O" in ROTC
(Ten hut!)
    $400 16
The song "America, the Beautiful" says, "crown thy good with" this "from sea to shining sea"
    $400 8
It's the horizontally pleated sash usually worn with a tuxedo
    $400 12
Mozart wrote variations on the melody to this "stellar" children's song; later, Jane Taylor wrote the words
    $600 28
A D.C. medical center founded in 1909 is named for this military surgeon
    $600 4
Her dance at an office party was described as "more like a full-bodied dry heave set to music"
    $600 23
The "D" in FDIC (Don't withdraw, you can do it)
    $600 17
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from the Crayola factory in Easton, Pennsylvania.) In 1958, the 64-color assortment of Crayolas debuted; the box had this new built-in feature that later earned it a place in the Smithsonian
    $600 9
For 64,
it's 4
    $600 13
In 2 B.C. Emperor Augustus was given this title, "Pater Patriae"; 1,800 years later, Geo. Washington was known by it
    DD: $2,000 29
On March 4 he took the White House keys from Teddy Roosevelt
    $800 5
This "Curb Your Enthusiasm" star provided the voice of George Steinbrenner
    $800 24
The 2 A's in FAA (They rhyme)
    $800 18
This 4-word inscription first appeared on U.S. coins during the Civil War
    $800 10
From the Latin for "to till", it means to work land in order to raise crops
    $800 14
He took over Alger Hiss' job at the State Department in 1947; 14 years later he was Secretary of State for JFK
    $1000 30
On July 25 Frenchman Louis Bleriot became the first to cross this body of water in a plane
    $1000 6
It took 97 episodes to finally reveal that this was Kramer's first name; it was also that of "Topper"
    $1000 25
The 3 words that put some "zip" in ZIP code
    $1000 19
She wrote the poem that says, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"
    $1000 20
(Kelly of the Clue Crew indicates a cloud on the monitor.) Recognizable by the anvil shape of its upper portion, this cloud produces heavy rain &amp; thunder
    $1000 15
Cavemen chipped this dark quartz rock into sharp tools &amp; weapons; thousands of years later, it was used in firearms

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Diane Bing Dan
$0 $2,600 $5,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Diane Bing Dan
$2,400 $7,800 $7,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And all of the clues in this category will be about films showing this week, in this pre-Oscar week, on TCM.)
(Alex: That's a word that I'm sure you're not too familiar with. These are words that can be the opposite of themselves, in terms of meaning.)
    $400 7
Chikamatsu, who wrote more than 100 plays, is so revered he is known as this British bard "of Japan"
    $400 21
(Turner Classic Movies's Robert Osborne gives the clue.) Called "Selznick's Folly", this 1939 Oscar winner cost an unprecedented $4 million to produce, had multiple directors, 50 speaking roles &amp; 2,400 extras
    $400 12
A structure that crosses a river
    $400 1
"Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear and Pipe" is one of his best-known works
    $400 26
Reflecting Cyprus' split personality &amp; politics, these are the 2 official languages of Cyprus besides English
    $400 6
It's the mildest type of burn but the harshest type of murder
    $800 8
Collier's Ency. says his 1858 play "The Vikings at Helgeland" was "bad; but...
in a new and interesting way"
    $800 22
(Turner Classic Movies's Robert Osborne gives the clue.) For this 1993 film, Brad Pitt practiced fly-fishing on the roof of his Hollywood apartment building, sometimes catching the hook in his head
    $800 13
One in Spanish
    $800 2
In 1938 this Mexican woman raised some eyebrows with her "Self-portrait with Monkey"
    $800 27
Until 1960 Cyprus was a colony of this European nation
    $800 17
It can mean to attach something, like with a clasp, or to detach something, like coupons
    $1200 9
This Brit called his comedy "Hay Fever" "One of the most difficult plays to perform that I have ever encountered"
    $1200 23
(Turner Classic Movies's Robert Osborne gives the clue.) During the filming of "My Left Foot", this actor spent the entire time in a wheelchair &amp; learned how to paint with his left foot
    $1200 14
A surgical procedure
    $1200 3
Both Manet &amp; this close friend had works titled "Luncheon on the Grass", but the friend's painting was 15 x 20 feet
    $1200 28
The Famagusta Gate area is a nightlife center in this capital city
    $1200 18
If you get it on your food, it's a little bonus: if a court does it to your wages, it's anything but
    $1600 10
The Berliner Ensemble founded by this man in the 1940s finally made its U.S. debut in '99 with a staging of his "Arturo Ui"
    $1600 24
(Turner Classic Movies's Robert Osborne gives the clue.) Judy Holliday, reprising her stage role as ex-chorus girl Billie Dawn, beat Bette Davis &amp; Gloria Swanson for Best Actress in this 1950 George Cukor film
    $1600 15
    DD: $3,000 4
During WWII posters of his paintings of "The Four Freedoms" were distributed by the Office of War Information
    $1600 29
This king stopped crusading long enough to marry Princess Berengaria of Navarre on Cyprus in 1191
    $1600 19
This adjective describes both something that moves quickly &amp; something that doesn't move at all
    $2000 11
A N.Y. production of his play "People Are Living There" moved the setting from his native South Africa to N.J.
    $2000 25
(Turner Classic Movies's Robert Osborne gives the clue.) This 1951 Kurosawa film famously told the story of a crime from the viewpoints of a priest, a peasant &amp; a woodcutter
    $2000 16
Famished famished river horses
    $2000 5
What an Antwerp! He painted "Het Pelsken" around 1638; how him-esque!
    $2000 30
This archbishop was the first president of modern Cyprus, off &amp; on from 1959 to 1977
    DD: $2,000 20
It can mean to withstand something (a storm, for instance) as well as to erode under it

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Diane Bing Dan
$4,000 $16,800 $17,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Also the title of one of the best-selling albums of all time, it was first seen in Russian photos taken in 1959

Final scores:

Diane Bing Dan
$1 $8,800 $33,601
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $33,601

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Diane Bing Dan
$4,000 $14,200 $17,800
9 R,
3 W
18 R
(including 3 DDs),
3 W
26 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $36,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2008-12-03
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