Show #4253 - Wednesday, February 12, 2003

2003 Teen Tournament semifinal game 3.


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John Zhang, a junior from Lexington, Kentucky

Stephanie Ehresman, a senior from Shirley, New York

Ben Swartz, a senior from Manassas, Virginia

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
Around 1850, you could find Eugene Delacroix painting the ceiling of this French museum's Salon d'Apollon
    $200 11
In 2002 this rocker wed Gavin Rossdale, vocalist/guitarist of the group Bush
    $200 26
In 1 Samuel 18, Jonathan gives his own robe to this man who earlier defeated a large Philistine warrior
    $200 1
Being spineless, jellyfish are members of this "no bones about 'em" animal group
    $200 4
Ask if the little darlings have any of the food type of these; milk, egg & peanut are among the most common
    $200 19
In Greek myth, Hera is both the wife & the sister of this supreme god
    $400 8
George Romney painted many portraits of Lady Hamilton dressed as this militant 15th century saint
    $400 12
In the summer of 2002 this Canadian teen made her debut with the hit song "Complicated"
    $400 27
Reuben tore his clothes when he learned this man, his brother who traveled to Egypt, was missing from the pit
    $400 2
Jellyfish are composed of about 5 percent organic matter & 95 percent this
    $400 5
Mom & Dad may restrict kids' TV to shows with this letter rating, the same as the blandest movies
    $400 21
Gold Rush is a variety of this Italian squash but with yellowish skin
    DD: $1,200 9
This Spaniard painted some dreary-looking clowns during his Blue & Rose Periods in the early 1900s
    $600 14
Nickelback's Chad Kroeger is featured on this song, heard here, a hit from a 2002 soundtrack
    $600 28
After the exodus, priestly clothes were given to this man, Moses' brother, & his sons
    $600 3
A lion's mane jellyfish is the means of death in a 1926 story featuring this British detective
    $600 6
Learn diapering skills at sitter certification classes from this group whose "American" branch dates from 1881
    $600 23
It's the branch of biology that studies various animals
    $800 10
Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather look at his ballerinas than the "Two Laundresses" he drew in the 1880s
    $800 16
Liz Phair was a guest vocalist on this Sheryl Crow song that says, "I don't have digital, I don't have diddly squat"
    $800 29
In Genesis 3, God himself makes tunics out of animal skin for this man to wear
    $800 15
Some varieties of cyanea jellyfish can grow these up to 120 feet long
    $800 18
If little Cindy gets into the medicine cabinet, you can reach the closest of these centers at 800-222-1222
    $800 24
Alphabetically, it's last among the nations of the world
    $1000 13
His pictures of Tahitian women with spirits include "Manao Tupapau (The Specter Watches Over Her)"
    $1000 17
Tunes from this singer-songwriter include "No Such Thing" & "Your Body is a Wonderland"
    $1000 30
Rebecca dresses Jacob in Esau's clothes in order to trick this man, her husband
    $1000 22
A free-floating jellyfish is called this, also the name of a mythological snake-haired woman
    $1000 20
Some kids won't go to sleep without this rhyming item, though a 1999 study suggests it may cause myopia
    $1000 25
At the time of his death, Irish author James Joyce was living in this Swiss city

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Ben Stephanie John
$1,600 $800 $5,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Stephanie John
$2,200 $3,600 $9,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Classic version of the game.)
    $400 1
Anne Frank's diary was published by this person, the only member of her immediate family to survive the war
    $400 7
32,000 ounces make a short one; 3,274 more make a metric one
    $400 24
The cost of any of the railroads, it's what you get every time you travel around the board
    $400 2
The costume of this villainous "Batman" character is covered in question marks
    $400 8
About 75 percent of this U.S. state's population is found on only one island
    $400 12
Visa or American Express, for example
    $800 22
Anne was born in this country in 1929; her family fled to the Netherlands in 1933
    $800 11
Metric cowboys wear 37.85-liter hats instead of these
    $800 25
1 of the 2 squares that say "Pay"
    $800 3
Abdullah the Butcher of Sudan (ne Larry Shreeve in Windsor, Canada) was a famous bad guy in this spectacle
    $800 9
The 3 most populous cities in the U.S.
    $800 13
A ringing bell in the original advertising campaign for these Hostess snack cakes gave them their name
    $1200 23
Anne Frank had just turned 13 when she went into hiding; she was this old when she was discovered
    DD: $3,000 19
That grain of salt you're taking is just .0648 of this basic metric unit
    $1200 27
It's bordered by Mediterranean Avenue & Boardwalk
    $1200 4
In 2002 Spider-Man climbed walls, but it was Willem Dafoe who went over the top as this villain
    $1200 10
The city of Hollywood in this state has 121,000 people, half as many as the movie district of Hollywood
    $1200 16
It's the second volume of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy
    $1600 26
Anne addressed the entries in her diary to this imaginary friend
    $1600 20
The measure abbreviated cu yd equals .765 of this
    $1600 28
A hotel costs the cost of a hotel plus the cost of this many houses
    $1600 5
This James Bond's title character's plan is to set off an A-bomb inside Fort Knox
    DD: $2,000 14
These 2 countries that border each other are first & second in population
    $1600 17
In a canyon, it can be the sudden result of a lot of rain in a little time
    $2000 30
Before going into hiding, Anne wrote about how Jews had to give up their bikes, be in by 8 PM & wear a star of this color
    $2000 21
"The acre" anagrams to this measure, 2.47 acres
    $2000 29
Edgar Mallory is pictured on this space blowing a whistle
    $2000 6
This English actor, seen here, played a sadist in "Rob Roy" & a tyrannical primate in "Planet of the Apes"
    $2000 15
This province, my birthplace, is home to one-third of all Canadians
    $2000 18
The name of this Jewish service organization means "children of the covenant" in Hebrew

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Stephanie John
$11,800 $7,600 $17,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

It's the only state in New England that doesn't border the Atlantic Ocean

Final scores:

Ben Stephanie John
$17,201 $0 $23,601
2nd place: $5,000 3rd place: $5,000 Finalist

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ben Stephanie John
$11,400 $7,600 $19,600
17 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
13 R,
4 W
24 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $38,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2002-12-17
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