Show #4248 - Wednesday, February 5, 2003

2003 Teen Tournament quarterfinal game 3.


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Joel Knight, a freshman from Farmington, Michigan

Tara Karr, a senior from Laclede, Idaho

Russell Berris, a junior from Baton Rouge, Louisiana

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Hey, dude!)
    $200 6
This 1876 battle in Montana is also known as Custer's Last Stand
    $200 16
A doughnut,
Swiss cheese,
the ozone layer
    $200 21
These "rhymes" bear the name of the kind of children's room that they're often read in
    $200 26
The Andrecht Handplant is one of the moves named for aces in this sport that influenced snowboarding
    $200 11
A '97 musical told the story of a kid who was half-boy & half-one of these bloodsucking flying animals
    $200 1
This member of the lily family is rich in vitamin A
    $400 7
In the late 1600s this Asian grain became the main crop of the Carolina coastal lowlands
    $400 17
Ice skates,
a shoulder
    $400 22
Perhaps from the Greek for "goat song", it's a drama that often has a fatal conclusion, such as "Othello"
    $400 27
If you're afraid to jump at first, just remember that "to" do this "is human"
    $400 12
Plays written by teens are featured in HYPE, this "space"y Texas city's Young Playwrights Exchange Festival
    $400 2
From the Latin for "taste", it means hearty enthusiasm or enjoyment; go for it!
    $600 8
In 1972 George McGovern called this president's administration the "most corrupt" in U.S. history
    $600 18
    $600 23
Some of these lyric poems are written in the Horatian style; Keats wrote one "to a nightingale"
    $600 28
A 1983 event in Idaho was the first snowboarding championship to include this structure
    DD: $1,000 13
The New York Times called the hero of this Disney musical "a cross between Quasimodo and a buffalo"
    $600 3
A coastal Florida city bears the name of this saint, the son of Santa Monica
    $800 9
In 1813 this hero of Tippecanoe defeated Tecumseh at the Thames River in Canada
    $800 19
    $800 24
Many an Italian poet used the ottava rima, a stanza with this many lines
    $800 29
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Colorado) A righthander's stance is called regular; standing like a lefty like I am has this cartoon character name
    $800 14
Written about teens for a teen audience, "Generation Why?" premiered in Costa Mesa in this West Coast state in 1999
    $800 4
A free-flowing oil well that flows without having to be pumped
    $1000 10
In 1664 the Duke of York granted land west of the Hudson River to his supporters; it was named this
    $1000 20
first-time brides
    $1000 25
George Herbert & Richard Crashaw weren't known as the Physical Poets but as these poets, a slightly longer term
    $1000 30
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Colorado) 3 ways to turn on a snowboard are skidding, jumping & this type
    $1000 15
Son of a gun! Bernadette Peters won her second Tony in 1999, for playing Annie Oakley in this musical revival
    $1000 5
First name shared by Moreau & Flaubert

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Russell Tara Joel
$4,000 $600 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Russell Tara Joel
$6,200 $2,200 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
Around 1870 the flag seen here was adopted by this country
    $400 15
The National Gandhi Museum & Library is located in this capital city
    $400 26
Regulus, "Little King", is the brightest star in this "king"ly animal constellation
    $400 6
This 15-letter word describes social activities like football or drama which aren't part of the required program
    $400 12
Red Vines come in raspberry & this flavor, also the chewy type of candy it is
    $400 11
In September 2002 it was reported that Reese Witherspoon will receive $15 million to be in the sequel to this 2001 pic
    $800 2
The corner of Australia's flag, seen here, shows the national flag commonly called by this 2-word nickname
    $800 16
Gandhi wisely opined, "An eye for an eye only makes the whole world" this
    $800 30
In 1986 the spacecraft Giotto revealed that this comet had a potato-shaped nucleus that was blacker than coal
    $800 7
Traditionally, this person who's first in his or her class gives the farewell speech at graduation
    $800 13
This American classic has been around for over 100 years
    $800 20
The tagline to this 2002 film is "Sometimes what you're looking for is right where you left it"
    $1200 3
The flag seen here waves over this island country of the north Atlantic
    $1200 17
While at Crozier Theological Seminary in the 1950s, this black leader learned Gandhi's ideas of nonviolence
    $1200 29
In 1846 Johann Galle discovered the planet Neptune while it was in this constellation, the "Horned Goat"
    $1200 8
From the Greek for "time word", a list of events arranged in order from earliest to latest is arranged this way
    $1200 14
A jingle should say, "Gimme a Break, Break Me Off a Finger of" this candy bar (its segments are called fingers)
    $1200 23
In this 1998 film Reese helps bring color to the lives of characters in a 1950s B&W TV sitcom
    $1600 4
This second-largest South American country's flag is seen here
    DD: $5,000 18
Gandhi lived in this African country during the Boer War & served as a medical volunteer
    $1600 27
On Feb. 12, 2001 the Near Shoemaker spacecraft landed on Eros, the first landing on one of these objects
    DD: $3,500 9
It can describe the crossing of Europe or Asia, or a railroad that first crossed America in 1869
    $1600 21
For toffee lovers Hershey makes the Heath bar & this similar bar with a 4-letter name
    $1600 24
Completes the title of Reese's feature film debut, 1991's "The Man in" this celestial object
    $2000 5
More people live under this flag than that of any other Central American country
    $2000 19
While still a teenager, Gandhi left India & traveled to this capital to get his law degree
    $2000 28
Saturn's largest satellite, it's the only one in the solar system known to have clouds & a dense atmosphere
    $2000 10
Motorola, NEC & Nokia are leading names in this field that's 18 letters long
    $2000 22
A clucking bunny advertises this company's Creme Eggs, an Easter-time favorite
    $2000 25
Reese had an Oscar Wilde time in this 2002 film set in the 1890s

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Russell Tara Joel
$26,300 $8,200 $8,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The propagation of oak trees depends on the lousy memories of these animals

Final scores:

Russell Tara Joel
$28,304 $16,400 $11,200
Automatic semifinalist 2nd place: $2,500 if eliminated 3rd place: $2,500 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Russell Tara Joel
$21,000 $9,200 $8,800
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
15 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $39,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2002-12-16
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