Show #4222 - Tuesday, December 31, 2002

(Cheryl: We're at Westminster Abbey; stay tuned to find out more on Jeopardy!)


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Nancy Hoy, a homemaker from San Diego, California

Brandon Grace, a county government employee from Anderson, South Carolina

Steve Frost, a technology salesman from Mountain View, California (whose 3-day cash winnings total $34,100)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
This czar gave Russia a "window to the west" when he built a new capital on land taken from Sweden
    $200 2
To start each round, 4 people from the audience each try to guess the correct cost of a featured prize
    $200 3
We sort of know what the Statue of Zeus looked like because it was reproduced on these of the realm
    $200 12
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reporting from London) Since 1066, every British monarch except 2 have come to Westminster Abbey for this ceremony
    $200 26
    $200 21
If these are "burning", someone is talking about you
    $400 17
In the 2000 presidential election he got 53% of the vote
    $400 8
With the help of 3 lifelines, a contestant tries to answer 15 questions to win a cool 7 figures
    $400 4
They were located on terraces that possibly rose some 300 feet
    $400 13
You should visit this astronomer royal's plot in the cloister more often than once every 76 years
    $400 27
    $400 22
Something extremely obvious is "as plain as" this
    DD: $1,000 18
This 1904 Nobel winner was director of the physiology dept. at the Institute of Experimental Medicine
    $600 9
A member of the opposite sex asks questions of 3 hidden contestants & then picks 1 to go out with
    $600 5
Made of bronze, it was destroyed by an earthquake in 224 B.C.
    $600 14
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reporting from London) Over 30 million of Britain's 58 million people watched this event from Westminster Abbey September 6, 1997
    $600 28
    $600 23
If you have a desire to travel, these are "itchy"
    $800 19
Russian for "restructuring", it was part of Gorbachev's effort to fix the economy
    $800 10
2 contestants try to duplicate the answers given by 6 celebrities to funny fill-in-the-blank sentences
    $800 6
An earthquake in the 13th century signaled the loss of this -- signal
    $800 15
In the fall of 1939 these talented boys had to be evacuated from the abbey to Sussex, but they were back in 1947
    $800 29
    $800 24
No one would understand if you literally "spoke wth" this -- it means what was said is meant to be humorous
    $1000 20
This composer's "Peter and the Wolf" is for narrator & orchestra
    $1000 11
3 people all claim to be the same specific person
    $1000 7
As always, invading Goths got the blame for destroying her temple at Ephesus
    $1000 16
His body came to Westminster Abbey from Africa, arriving after an 11-month journey in 1874
    $1000 30
They sponsor debates:
the LWV
    $1000 25
An automatic or unthinking response, like when the doctor taps your patellar tendon

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Steve Brandon Nancy
$2,000 $2,800 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Brandon Nancy
$7,600 $1,600 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Be careful! We want you to unscramble the anagram & give us the full name of the author, because that's what's scrambled!)
    $400 15
The state of Prussia was legally abolished in this decade of the 20th century
    $400 14
Writer of 37 plays & 154 sonnets:
    $400 3
The number of times the moon rotates on its axis during each trip around the Earth
    $400 1
If you stay at Cradle Mountain Lodge in this country, your tykes may get to see some Tasmanian devils
    $400 8
Liza's dad, he staged musical numbers for movies before he started directing them
    $400 10
These gold coins introduced in 1967 are minted in the South African city of Centurion
    DD: $1,800 16
Prussia got its start as the German district of this, found in the title of Bach concertos
    $800 19
A scandalous Irishman, my parents were also writers:
    $800 4
At 183 miles wide & 13,000 feet deep, Bailly is the largest distinct one of these
    $800 2
Pinching pennies? The Lincoln Park Zoo in this Midwest city has something rare: free admission
    $800 9
This star of "Going My Way" left Gary & his other sons a trust fund they couldn't touch until age 65
    $800 11
In 1968 this American leader prophetically shared, "I've looked over and I've seen the promised land"
    $1200 17
Wilhelm I's prime minister & imperial chancellor, he certainly ironed out Prussia's problems
    $1200 20
This American adventurist armed his boat & hunted German subs in the Caribbean during WWII:
    $1200 5
This rugged lunar mountain range that shares its name with an Italian range rises to over 15,000 feet
    $1200 24
Eek! A frightening "Fearfall" at Universal Orlando is named for this "doctor", the Fantastic Four's foe
    $1200 12
Considering her an exemplary figure, George Bernard Shaw said to her, "I wish all Americans were as blind as you"
    $1600 18
In the Franco-Prussian War France lost this hyphenated territory that it & Germany still wrangle over
    $1600 21
He hated "busyness" & built the cabin he lived in:
    DD: $1,600 6
In the first words spoken from the moon's surface, these 4 words follow "Houston. Tranquility Base here..."
    $1600 26
Sand yachting across the dunes will thrill your kids at De Panne, 16 miles southwest of Ostend in this country
    $1600 13
It stands in the center of Saudi Arabia's Grand Mosque
    $2000 25
A Prussian maritime province is thought to be the original name of this dog, seen here
    $2000 23
A poet who became a senator of the Irish Free State:
    $2000 7
On Dec. 24, 1968 the crew from this U.S. lunar mission became the first men to look upon the moon's far side
    $2000 22
(Sofia of the Clue Crew reports) From the Japanese for "pattern", it's the general name for a choreographed karate training sequence

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Brandon Nancy
$11,600 $13,800 $3,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Alphabetically, they're the first & last of the 7 countries where the Andes are found

Final scores:

Steve Brandon Nancy
$8,399 $23,800 $1
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $23,800 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Steve Brandon Nancy
$11,200 $12,800 $3,600
17 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
7 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $27,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2002-09-24
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