Show #4219 - Thursday, December 26, 2002


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Steve Frost, a technology salesman from Mountain View, California

Becky Cary, a graduate student from Greensboro, North Carolina

Valerie Reyna, a high school chemistry teacher from Austin, Texas (whose 1-day cash winnings total $10,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
With the 1939 "Pact of Steel" Mussolini joined forces with this world leader
    $200 3
This airline's scheduled services to Great Britain are called the "Kangaroo Route"
    $200 18
Your portable TV might have a telescoping one
    $200 25
The Star of Murfreesboro & the Star of Shreveport are these pulled from a mine in Arkansas
    $200 16
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew) In 1922 Ralph Samuelson invented waterskiing using 15-pound skis made of this, they've evolved since then
    $200 11
Bernie Moeller of Pennsylvania has had his skin covered with over 14,000 of these
    $400 2
An ancient Roman symbol of authority was the source for the name of this Mussolini party
    $400 4
Its parent airline inaugurated service on September 1, 1937 with a flight from Vancouver to Seattle
    $400 19
Bits on this appliance include a color selector, a lever & a bread guide
    $400 26
It's what the United Mine Workers of America mine
    $400 17
In 1995 the Aquanuts show skiing team debuted their 4-high, 28-person one of these structures
    $400 12
Known for its aniselike flavor, this aromatic herb is widely used in cooking
    $600 8
Becoming prime minister of Italy in 1924, Mussolini was called this by his followers, meaning "leader"
    $600 5
Under founder Walter Varney, its predecessor company launched commercial air service in the U.S.
    $600 21
Spankers, jiggers & jibs are types of these
    $600 27
George Hearst made a load of money investing in this richest silver strike in the U.S.
    $600 20
Waterskiiers can increase their speeds by cutting across the wake, a maneuver called "cracking" this
    $600 13
In a Bobbie Gentry No. 1 hit song from 1967, Billie Joe MacAllister jumps off this
    $800 9
Mussolini's official militia were named this, from the color of their uniforms
    $800 6
With its domestic & international partners, this airline's route network covers over 300 cities worldwide
    $800 22
In a compass, this swings on the pivot
    $800 28
Mines near Timmins, Ontario produce this mineral whose powder "is always walcum"
    $800 23
The first national water ski championships were held in 1939 at this Long Island beach, also a theater site
    $800 14
This Asian country's capital city is Dushanbe
    DD: $1,000 10
With big dreams of restoring the Roman Empire, Mussolini had Italy invade this African country in 1935
    $1000 7
Celebrating its 33rd anniversary in 2002, this airline's logo is a stylized version of the symbol on its national flag
    $1000 29
This part of a drill that tightens the jaw around the bit has a special key
    $1000 30
In a 1958 show, Lucy & Ricky in Vegas head out to the desert to prospect for this
    $1000 24
Jane magazine says this sport "is to waterskiing what snowboarding is to skiing"
    $1000 15
In English the name of the main text of this religion means "The Classic of the Way and its Power"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Valerie Becky Steve
$3,200 $1,600 $4,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Valerie Becky Steve
$4,800 $1,200 $7,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 7
After Sao Paulo this city is Brazil's largest
    $400 1
Everyone from Sean Connery to Henry Fonda to John Wayne turns up in this 1962 WWII epic
    $400 26
The buffalo type of this cheese is made with water buffalo milk
    $400 21
In basketball it's to get possession of the ball after it bounces off the backboard
    $400 6
In a 1950 armed robbery, nearly $3 million was stolen from this armored car company
    $400 15
He wrote "The Little Match Girl" & "The Ugly Duckling"
    $800 12
Jerusalem's name probably comes from the Hebrew, Yerushalayim, or "City of" this
    $800 2
In this jolly 1962 film based on an O'Neill play, Hepburn's on dope, Robards is an alcoholic & Stockwell has TB
    $800 27
The poem "What a Friend we Have in Cheeses!" says, "Claret, dear, not Coca-Cola, when you're having" this strong cheese
    $800 22
It's the periodic realignment of U.S. Congressional seats among states after a census
    $800 8
Works by this French sculptor including "The Clenched Hand" were stolen from the St. Louis Art Museum in 1978
    $800 17
This London museum began in part with the private collection of physician & naturalist Sir Hans Sloane
    $1200 13
Tradition says that Columbus announced his discovery of the New World in a courtyard of this Spanish port
    $1200 3
Paul Newman & Joanne Woodward's first film together, it was based on a Faulkner tale
    DD: $6,000 28
The creation of this cheese in the 1900s is credited to a man named David from the central coast of California
    $1200 23
It's defined as refitting a factory with new machinery to make a different or revised product
    $1200 9
In 1951 investigators recovered this royal "stone" stolen from Westminster Abbey in 1950
    DD: $2,800 18
German poet Hans Sachs' most famous work, "The Nightingale of Wittenberg", was a defense of this religious figure
    $1600 14
This Southeast Asian capital, commonly known as KL, was founded as a tin-mining camp in 1857
    $1600 4
This 1955 Fred Astaire movie had been filmed in 1919, 1931 & as "Curly Top" in 1935
    $1600 29
This blue cheese first sold in Huntingdonshire is the only English cheese with a trademarked name
    $1600 24
It's DNA that's been respliced
    $1600 10
This Edvard Munch painting was stolen from an Oslo museum in 1994 & recovered 3 months later
    $1600 19
This character actor was the voice of Snidely Whiplash on "The Dudley Do-Right Show"
    $2000 16
The Universal Postal Union is headquartered in this Swiss capital
    $2000 5
The Carradines, the Keaches, the Quaids & the Guests all played sets of brothers in this 1980 western
    $2000 30
France & Germany both make cheese called this; the blander American version has no rind but is coated with paprika
    $2000 25
Strengthen, or give your psychological test subject a reward for a desired response
    $2000 11
Stolen a year earlier, in January 1989 police in The Hague retrieved "Man with Beard", a painting by this old master
    $2000 20
This man who painted portraits for Henry VIII died in a 1543 plague epidemic

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Valerie Becky Steve
$6,400 $5,600 $14,800
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

It was inspired by support for economist Henry George's idea that only land should be taxed

Final scores:

Valerie Becky Steve
$6,400 $10,600 $16,600
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $16,600

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Valerie Becky Steve
$12,400 $5,600 $13,200
14 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
3 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $31,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2002-09-23
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