Show #5615 - Friday, January 23, 2009

Matt Kohlstedt game 5.


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Quinn Conway, a file clerk originally from Dana Point, California

Rachel Kain, a structured data analyst from Farmington Hills, Michigan

Matt Kohlstedt, a graduate student originally from La Grange, Illinois (whose 4-day cash winnings total $55,402)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We're talking baseball, of course.)
&#160;&#160;&#160; $200 14
"El Guardian Entre el Centeno"
&#160;&#160;&#160; $200 1
59 in 1921
(with the New York Yankees)
&#160;&#160;&#160; $200 7
Proverbially, if you're subject to someone's slightest wish, you're at his "beck &" this
&#160;&#160;&#160; $200 20
In song, you get 2 of these on the second day of Christmas
&#160;&#160;&#160; $200 26
In 1909, 3 years before the blimps, Goodyear started making these for airplanes
&#160;&#160;&#160; $200 4
In the headlines in 1996, it may be caused by rogue proteins called prions
&#160;&#160;&#160; DD: $1,000 15
A kids' classic:
"El Leon, la Bruja y el Ropera"
&#160;&#160;&#160; $400 2
61 in 1961
(with the New York Yankees)
&#160;&#160;&#160; $400 10
In 2008 a posh, diamond-encrusted white gold one of these "firey" toy cars was made, worth $140k
&#160;&#160;&#160; $400 22
You can find "blind" these in the waters of caves in Kentucky & an "electric" kind in the Nile
&#160;&#160;&#160; $400 27
In 1899 this product got a waxed package for freshness, but the packages didn't yet have prizes inside
&#160;&#160;&#160; $400 5
Population about 3 million, it's found on the Manzanares River
&#160;&#160;&#160; $600 16
A self-help book:
"Quien Se Ha Llevado Mi Queso?"
&#160;&#160;&#160; $600 3
64 in 2001
(with the Chicago Cubs)
&#160;&#160;&#160; $600 11
Beck sang, "Soy un perdedor, I'm a" this "baby, so why don't you kill me?"
&#160;&#160;&#160; $600 23
Whoa! These large biting insects are the leading cause of equine infectious anemia
&#160;&#160;&#160; $600 28
Sounding like more expensive products, the Cristal & Diamante are ballpoint pens from this company
&#160;&#160;&#160; $600 6
This title is found before de Recamier & de Stael in the names of witty Frenchwomen of yore
&#160;&#160;&#160; $800 17
A bestseller:
"Agua para Elefantes"
&#160;&#160;&#160; $800 8
52 in 1965
(with the San Francisco Giants)
&#160;&#160;&#160; $800 19
This billionaire's Virgin Galactic company has space for 250 would-be astronauts--at $200,000 a pop
&#160;&#160;&#160; $800 24
The shaggy D.A. & the Colonel from "101 Dalmatians" were both this type of animal
&#160;&#160;&#160; $800 29
This product originated in work on plastic gunsights; it first wasn't practical because it stuck to everything
&#160;&#160;&#160; $800 12
A rare daguerreotype of this woman born in 1768 is seen here
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1000 18
Eckhart Tolle:
"Una Nueva Tierra"
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1000 9
56 in 1997
(with the Seattle Mariners)
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1000 21
In 2008 this impressionist's painting "Le Bassin aux Nympheas" sold for $80.4 million; show me the...
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1000 25
To know this other name for a binturong, try asking around the University of Cincinnati
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1000 30
This knife seen on late-night commercials had an invented faux-Japanese name & was made in Fremont, Ohio
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1000 13
She has her own show on Air America & during the 2008 elections got one on MSNBC as well

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Matt Rachel Quinn
$2,000 $600 $5,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Rachel Quinn
$7,400 $1,600 $5,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will be two words--one the exact reverse of the other. For instance, "pots" and "stop".)
&#160;&#160;&#160; $400 2
Edgar Leeteg, who painted Tahitian women on velvet, is considered the American equivalent of this French artist
&#160;&#160;&#160; $400 1
"Love on the Rocks" & "America" were featured in this 1980 movie remake in which Neil also starred
&#160;&#160;&#160; DD: $3,600 16
(Kelly of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from Grand Central Terminal in New York.) Many youngsters arrived in Grand Central to make it in New York and exited to this street. You're going out a youngster and you've got to come back a star
&#160;&#160;&#160; $400 21
This third plant from "Scarborough Fair" is burned so the aroma can improve memory
&#160;&#160;&#160; $400 11
Colon had treated me well, & I bid this Central American country & its divine waterway a fond adios
&#160;&#160;&#160; $400 22
Many rodents of a particular type & Polaris
&#160;&#160;&#160; $800 3
He painted portraits of the first 6 U.S. presidents, but those of Washington are his best known
&#160;&#160;&#160; $800 7
It's the title line that follows, "L.A.'s fine but it ain't home, New York's home but it ain't mine no more"
&#160;&#160;&#160; $800 17
(Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from Grand Central Terminal in New York.) Grand Central is a required stop for New York politicians. On September 4, 1964, this man was mobbed here on his way to winning a Senate seat that November
&#160;&#160;&#160; $800 27
Comfrey helps bruises & sprains & even helps these knit together
&#160;&#160;&#160; $800 12
My time in Wajir was at an end, yet I could not leave this country until enjoying the wonders of Mombasa
&#160;&#160;&#160; $800 23
To beat with a whip & a sport you can club
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1200 4
She spent the summer of 1929 in New Mexico & moved there permanently after the death of her husband in 1946
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1200 8
While Neil only had a minor hit with this "colorful" song, UB40 took it to No. 1
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1200 18
(Kelly of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from Grand Central Terminal in New York.) Opened officially February 2nd, 1913, Grand Central Terminal was designed in this French-named style that allows for vast interior spaces
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1200 28
Seen here, it provides a gentle tea flavoring & can help children sleep
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1200 13
I slipped between the 2 official languages of this country, Malagasy & French, as a lemur dashed by, enchanting me
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1200 24
To take a furtive glance & to retain possession
&#160;&#160;&#160; DD: $3,800 5
Jacob Lawrence achieved fame with his "Toussaint L'ouverture Series" depicting the slave rebellion here
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1600 9
In a 1979 hit Neil went casual singing, "And long as I can have you here with me I'd much rather be" this
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1600 19
(Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from Grand Central Terminal in New York.) In 1938 Grand Central sent off the inaugural run of the new streamliner version of this New York City-Chicago train, the Century for short
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1600 29
Andeans mix this plant's leaves with lime & chew them medicinally; the U.S. Govt. tries to eradicate it
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1600 14
Now, it was away to the W. border this country shares with Bulgaria & Greece; the Black Sea had taught us well
&#160;&#160;&#160; $1600 25
To boast & clothing
&#160;&#160;&#160; $2000 6
Works by this "Painter of Light" include "Valley of Peace" & "Streams of Living Water"
&#160;&#160;&#160; $2000 10
Neil's first No. 1 hit wasn't as a singer but as a writer of this Monkees song
&#160;&#160;&#160; $2000 20
(Kelly of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from Grand Central Terminal in New York.) Grand Central is a vital hub for New York City's commuters; after a day's work in Manhattan, I can catch the 5:27 to this New York town where the Clintons live
&#160;&#160;&#160; $2000 30
From the Latin for "little calendar", it's a versatile antiseptic also taken internally
&#160;&#160;&#160; $2000 15
My travels took me to this Indonesian island's provincial capital of Denpasar where the winds blow hot, east of Java
&#160;&#160;&#160; $2000 26
Shrek & "therefore" (follows "cogito")

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Rachel Quinn
$14,400 $11,200 $3,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This prized object was the coat of the winged ram that flew Phrixus to safety

Final scores:

Matt Rachel Quinn
$22,401 $22,400 $6,800
5-day champion: $77,803 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Matt Rachel Quinn
$15,800 $11,200 $3,200
23 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
6 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $30,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2008-11-12
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