His first decision as the first Chief Justice was probably which chair was his |
John Jay
When she played this title role, Claudette Colbert barged in on Mark Antony & let Caesar seize her |
Cap Gris-Nez, which extends into this strait, is France's closest point to Great Britain |
(Boyd: What is the English Channel?)
Strait of Dover
These are carried on ocean liners to carry groups of survivors |
He's known for his Martian & Pellucidar tales as well as the ones about that ape man |
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Bury me not on the lone prairie without this red birthstone for July |
ruby (bury)
Famed justice seen here; no relation to Thurgood |
(Diane: Who is Marshall?) (Alex: Be more specific.) (Diane: I knew you were going to say that... who is James Marshall?)
John Marshall
Warren Beatty sports an Italian accent as a gigolo romancing this "GWTW" star in "The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone" |
Vivien Leigh
The channel which separates the U.S. & British Virgin Islands is named for this English circumnavigator |
(Kathleen: Who is Cabot?)
Sir Francis Drake
The Society of Arts & Sciences named its short story award after this "Gift of the Magi" author |
O. Henry (William Sydney Porter)
For thy medieval board game thy stone of choice was this purple one for February |
amethyst (in game thy stone)
He swore in more men as president than anyone else -- 7, from Van Buren to Lincoln |
(Diane: Who is George Washington?)
Roger Taney
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew in Rome) The Spanish Steps never looked more romantic than when Audrey Hepburn & Gregory Peck visited them in this 1953 film |
Roman Holiday
An inlet of the South China Sea, it was formerly known as the Gulf of Siam |
Gulf of Thailand
"Nobody Knows My Name" (hopefully you do!) is a later work by this "Go Tell It on the Mountain" man |
James Baldwin
John Singer Sargent didn't find those red stones for January strange |
garnets (Sargent, strange)
Somehow, this justice seen here doesn't look like a junior |
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Rent the 1933 comedy "Roman Scandals" to see this beauty play a captive princess decades before "Titanic" |
Gloria Stuart
At 4,710 feet deep, this African lake is the world's second-deepest lake, trailing only Lake Baikal |
(Kathleen: What is Lake Victoria?)
Lake Tanganyika
Last name of brothers Stephen & William, who won Pulitzers for their poetry: one in 1929 & 1944, the other in 1942 |
(Kathleen: What is Frost?)
This former vice-mayor of Cincinnati said of obscenity, "I know it when I see it" |
Potter Stewart
(Sarah of the Clue Crew in Rome.) Swedish actress Anita Ekberg made quite a splash here in the Trevi Fountain in this classic Fellini film |
(Boyd: What is Three Coins in the Fountain?) ... (Alex: We have less than a minute to go now.)
La Dolce Vita
The 25th of April Bridge, one of the world's longest suspension bridges, spans this river in Lisbon |
(Diane: What is the Tigris?)
Mercury's counterpart, this Greek messenger of the gods carries a caduceus |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Vermont, which didn't approve a lottery until 1976, was where she wrote "The Lottery" in 1949 |
Shirley Jackson