Show #4233 - Wednesday, January 15, 2003


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Boyd Morrison, a video game user testing manager from Seattle, Washington

Diane Eads, an instructional designer from Salem, Oregon

Kathleen Ellis, a registered nurse from Red Oak, Texas (whose 3-day cash winnings total $78,501)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
These body parts are sensitive enough to feel points 1/10 of an inch apart, so reading Braille is a snap
    $200 13
The Rolling Stones:
"You Can't Always Get a Chihuahua"
    $200 6
From the Latin for "stalk", it's a short beard growth sometimes left by a razor
    $200 10
In the U.S. this document is the highest law in the land
    $200 21
You've "hit" this when you win a large cash prize or achieve a significant success
    $400 2
In one theory, camphoraceous, ethereal & putrid are 3 of the 7 primary ones of these
    $400 16
Glen Campbell:
"Limestone Cowboy"
    $400 7
A Sally Hansen product uses this hot substance to remove unwanted hair
    $400 11
Amplified rock music & a very close thunderclap hit 120 on this noise scale
    $400 22
He's the rather animated guy seen here, Mama
    $600 3
Joint at which the humerus, radius & ulna meet
    $600 17
The Beach Boys:
"She's My Little Blue Scoop"
    $600 28
Yaanah in Hebrew, this big bird that lays a big egg pops up in Lamentations & Job
    $600 8
Tams are crocheted hats good for containing this Rasta hairstyle
    $600 12
A low grade of copier paper, it's also the weight for a standard bowling ball
    $600 23
In 1999 a Martian lander was lost because Lockheed used English units & this Calif. lab used metric units in calculations
    $800 4
The part of your brain that controls balance & coordination; by age 2 it's almost fully grown
    $800 18
Van Halen:
"Padded Bra"
    $800 27
The curtains of the Tabernacle were made of the hair of this animal that Jesus separated from the sheep
    $800 9
If Robert Frost was sharpening his razor outside in December, he might be doing this "by Woods on a Snowy Evening"
    $800 14
What the British call a billion, a 1 followed by 12 zeros, we call this
    $800 24
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew) Popular in the 16th & 17th centuries, it's the variety of sleeveless tunic I'm wearing
    DD: $1,000 5
1 of the 3 types of muscle, it has a built-in contraction rate of 60-70 times a minute
    $1000 19
From a 1964 Elvis movie:
"People Love Bagels"
    $1000 26
A major threat to the clothing of the time, even Jesus talked of its threat to man's savings for the future
    $1000 20
The brand name is Rogaine; the generic name is this
    $1000 15
In the old Hindu caste system the twice-born castes were the Vaisyas, the Kshatriyas & this, which included priests
    $1000 25
King Abdullah II reigns in this country

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kathleen Diane Boyd
$1,600 -$2,200 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kathleen Diane Boyd
$2,800 -$1,600 $6,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And the correct response will be found within each clue; it might be a hidden word, it might be an acronym, an anagram, so be careful of that.)
    $400 8
His first decision as the first Chief Justice was probably which chair was his
    $400 17
When she played this title role, Claudette Colbert barged in on Mark Antony & let Caesar seize her
    $400 15
Cap Gris-Nez, which extends into this strait, is France's closest point to Great Britain
    $400 3
These are carried on ocean liners to carry groups of survivors
    $400 2
He's known for his Martian & Pellucidar tales as well as the ones about that ape man
    $400 1
Bury me not on the lone prairie without this red birthstone for July
    $800 9
Famed justice seen here; no relation to Thurgood
    $800 19
Warren Beatty sports an Italian accent as a gigolo romancing this "GWTW" star in "The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone"
    $800 16
The channel which separates the U.S. & British Virgin Islands is named for this English circumnavigator
    $800 4
The Society of Arts & Sciences named its short story award after this "Gift of the Magi" author
    $800 13
For thy medieval board game thy stone of choice was this purple one for February
    $1200 10
He swore in more men as president than anyone else -- 7, from Van Buren to Lincoln
    $1200 20
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew in Rome) The Spanish Steps never looked more romantic than when Audrey Hepburn & Gregory Peck visited them in this 1953 film
    $1200 18
An inlet of the South China Sea, it was formerly known as the Gulf of Siam
    $1200 5
"Nobody Knows My Name" (hopefully you do!) is a later work by this "Go Tell It on the Mountain" man
    $1200 14
John Singer Sargent didn't find those red stones for January strange
    DD: $3,600 11
Somehow, this justice seen here doesn't look like a junior
    $1600 21
Rent the 1933 comedy "Roman Scandals" to see this beauty play a captive princess decades before "Titanic"
    $1600 23
At 4,710 feet deep, this African lake is the world's second-deepest lake, trailing only Lake Baikal
    DD: $4,000 6
Last name of brothers Stephen & William, who won Pulitzers for their poetry: one in 1929 & 1944, the other in 1942
    $2000 12
This former vice-mayor of Cincinnati said of obscenity, "I know it when I see it"
    $2000 22
(Sarah of the Clue Crew in Rome.) Swedish actress Anita Ekberg made quite a splash here in the Trevi Fountain in this classic Fellini film
    $2000 24
The 25th of April Bridge, one of the world's longest suspension bridges, spans this river in Lisbon
    $2000 25
Mercury's counterpart, this Greek messenger of the gods carries a caduceus
    $2000 7
Vermont, which didn't approve a lottery until 1976, was where she wrote "The Lottery" in 1949

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kathleen Diane Boyd
$5,600 -$2,800 $11,200
(lock-tie game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

He's the Frenchman seen here in a detail from a portrait by Jacques-Louis David

Final scores:

Kathleen Diane Boyd
$0 -$2,800 $11,200
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $11,200

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Kathleen Diane Boyd
$7,600 -$1,800 $11,200
14 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
5 R,
7 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $17,000

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Game tape date: 2002-10-22
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