Botanist Asa Gray was one of the earliest supporters of this man's evolution theory |
Charles Darwin
In 1990 San Francisco's mayor put up sourdough; this city's mayor, Rocky Mountain trout |
It's the largest country in area that borders Russia |
(Rob: What is Ukraine?)
Barbarino, Epstein, Horshack |
Welcome Back, Kotter
It's the chronological opening phrase of the Gettysburg Address |
"Four score and seven years ago..."
A small sum of money given regularly by a parent to a child |
The abbey in Brno where he once lived & worked now houses a genetics museum that's named for him |
(Anthony: Who is Mendeleyev?)
Gregor Mendel
Backing his team in 1999, this city's mayor put up peanuts & a case of Coke |
(Alex: It was the Falcons vs. the Broncos that year.)
Russia shares its longest border with this large "stan" |
(Rob: What is Uzbekistan?)
Lamont, Grady Wilson, Aunt Esther |
Sanford and Son
Genius has been famously defined as "1% inspiration and" this |
(Anthony: [*]?) ... (Alex: Anthony, you forgot to phrase it in the form of a question, and in the Double Jeopardy! Round, we do not remind the contestants.)
99% perspiration
Upon his death in 1981, Joe Louis was buried with full military honors in this cemetery |
Arlington National Cemetery
Chemist Hilaire Chardonnet, who invented rayon, had worked under this man when he was researching silk & silkworms |
(Max: Who is Du Pont?)
Louis Pasteur
In 1986 Mayor Harold Washington put plenty of beef behind this team |
(Rob: Who are the Redskins?)
Chicago Bears
The Caucasus Mountains straddle the border between Russia & this country, y'all |
Inspector Luger, Wojo, Fish |
(Alex: Ah, you were watching a lot of TV!) .... (Rob: A little too much!)
Barney Miller
Of Homer's lovely Helen, it was asked, "Was this the face that" did this |
launched a thousand ships
Whether his name is Bud or not, he's the head man at a monastery |
In 1888 he became the first director of the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Berlin |
(Max: Who is Einstein?) .... (Alex: Max, it was another famous Max...minute to go, Anthony.)
Max Planck
For Super Bowl XXXI, a Massachusetts mayor bet lobsters against the bratwurst of this state |
(Alex: Patriots vs. Packers that year.)
Russia's northernmost border with another country is with this country |
(Rob: What is Finland?) ... [The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Chin Ho Kelly, Ben Kokua, Danny Williams |
Hawaii Five-O
At Trafalgar, Nelson declared that "England expects every man will do" this |
his duty
Now home to Air Force One, this Air Force base is located about 11 miles southeast of Washington, D.C. |
Andrews AFB
Torricelli made improvements to the microscope & telescope, but he's best known for developing this instrument |
In 2001 this mayor had to pay up in knishes to Mayor O'Malley of Baltimore |
Rudolph Giuliani
Jim-Bob, Mary Ellen, Grandpa |
The Waltons
Completes the quote "Victory has a hundred fathers but defeat..." |
(Anthony: What is a bastard?) ... (Alex: We have to give Anthony points for humor, though! By the way, they could be the same.)
is an orphan
Fritz Haber invented a process to make this smelly gas |