Show #5563 - Wednesday, November 12, 2008

2008-B Teen Tournament quarterfinal game 3.


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Karan Takhar, a senior from North Attleborough, Massachusetts

Drew Scheeler, a senior from Sandusky, Ohio

Audrey Hosford, a junior from Annapolis, Maryland

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
The eruption of this volcano in 79 A.D. caused an estimated 16,000 deaths
    $200 1
"Year 3000"
    $200 4
Feather your nest earning the Girl Scout badge "All About" these creatures
    $200 16
Each of these organs contains about 1 million nephrons, which filter blood
    $200 24
Perhaps you'll write for your college paper, like this school's Daily Trojan
    $200 26
Holiday for eating lotsa matzo
    $400 7
Not surprisingly, by volumes held, it's the top library in the U.S.
    $400 2
"Yellow" ,
"Speed of Sound"
    $400 5
If you are tailor-made for mending & using patterns, a "Glam" badge can be earned in this skill
    $400 17
(Jon of the Clue Crew sucks on a straw in a sealed-up bottle that has a marshmallow inside.) The marshmallow in the bottle will expand when I suck on the straw because this property inside the bottle will decrease
    $400 21
You may earn a degree in liberal these; no, not politics, silly, but poli sci is often part of it
    $400 27
To Xerox
    DD: $800 8
It's the only country listed that starts with a "Q"
    $600 3
"One Step Closer",
"Somewhere I Belong"
    $600 13
Get spacy earning the Girl Scout badge the "Power" of these orbiters
    $600 18
These were first seen in human cells in 1882; the exact number, 46, was determined in 1956
    $600 22
Maybe you'll join this kind of impromptu comedy troupe, like Dead Serious at Wellesley
    $600 28
Ordinary speech or writing
    $800 9
2 who have been appointed to this post are William Wordsworth & Ted Hughes
    $800 10
"When I Come Around",
"Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)"
    $800 14
Earning the "In the Pink" badge helps raise awareness of this disease in adult women
    $800 19
(Jon of the Clue Crew pushes a straw into a cupcake, then extracts the result.) Using a cupcake & straw, we're approximating 1 of these 2-word scientific readings used in undersea & underground prospecting
    $800 23
Mayhap you'll join a secret society like Skull & Bones, which has its own "tomb" at this university in New Haven
    $800 29
In mythology, Thisbe's lover
    $1000 11
The Chicago Spire, estimated to be completed in 2010, will replace this as the USA's tallest building
    $1000 12
"Drop It Like It's Hot",
    $1000 15
Don't get tongue-tied when earning the badge "The Lure of" this, whether Estonian or Esperanto
    $1000 20
In 1758 this Swedish biologist introduced binomial nomenclature
    $1000 25
You might spend your junior year abroad in this city (& you'll learn to call it Munchen)
    $1000 30
Georges Seurat's specialty

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Audrey Drew Karan
$1,200 $1,000 $6,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Audrey Drew Karan
$4,000 $1,600 $7,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each response will be something that a car can shift into.)
    $400 2
It's the capital of Jordan
    $400 21
In 2008 this film beauty & hubby Cash Warren welcomed new daughter Honor Marie
    $400 1
This Virginian was the first Secretary of State & the second vice president
    $400 11
In this language, Fra Diavolo means "brother devil"; you'll know why when you eat it
    $400 16
His "Travels" were interrupted when he was lashed down in Lilliput
    $400 26
Golfers long for a 300-yard one
    $800 3
It's home to Hampshire College & to a campus of the University of Massachusetts
    $800 22
Maybe rumors of a split with beau Brian Austin Green helped this "Transformers" gal win an FHM poll in 2008
    $800 7
The daughter of a Czech diplomat, she was born Marie Jana Korbelova
    $800 12
There's a yearly festival for this piquant chicken dish in the western New York city that gave the dish its name
    DD: $2,000 17
Flappers loved F. Scott Fitzgerald's "Flappers and Philosophers", published in this decade
    $800 27
A setback or piece of misfortune
    $1200 4
Argentina's lowest point is Valdes Peninsula; its highest is this mountain
    $1200 23
She returned for "Senior Year", reprising her role as Gabriella Montez in "High School Musical 3"
    $1200 8
Time to lay down the doctrine: he was Secretary of State from 1811 to 1817
    $1200 13
This Chinese region has a spicy rep because of its use of the native fagara peppercorn
    $1200 18
A wild mongoose who came into his office & sat on his shoulder inspired Rikki-Tikki-Tavi in "The Jungle Book"
    $1200 28
In chemistry, neither acid nor alkaline
    $1600 5
This country highlighted in red is bordered by Russia & Georgia to the north & Iran to the south
    $1600 24
This daughter of a "Hulk"-ing wrestler entered the musical ring with her 2006 hit "About Us"
    $1600 9
In 1957 this German-born man wrote of "Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy"
    DD: $5,000 14
Though it bears the name of a state in Mexico, this pepper sauce was invented in Louisiana
    $1600 19
The 2008 novel "What Happened to Anna K." retells this Tolstoy tale in a modern setting
    $1600 29
There's a 3,800-acre one in Austin, Texas named for Walter Long
    $2000 6
This Scottish seaport lies between the rivers Dee & Don
    $2000 25
This beauty kept tongues wagging after she married actor Ryan Reynolds in September 2008
    $2000 10
Not knowing he was Lincoln's Secretary of State would be pure "folly"
    $2000 15
The name of this salsa means "beak of the rooster"
    $2000 20
"Bless thy simplicity, Tess" is a line from this 1891 British novel
    $2000 30
To endorse a motion so that a vote can take place

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Audrey Drew Karan
$13,200 -$200 $20,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

The name of this branch of mathematics comes from the Arabic for "reuniting"

Final scores:

Audrey Drew Karan
$8,200 -$200 $26,401
2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Audrey Drew Karan
$12,000 $4,800 $20,600
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
13 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
25 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $37,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2008-10-06
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