Show #4301 - Monday, April 21, 2003


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Pim Lustig, a university course administrator from Seattle, Washington

Sarah Conrad, a senior program associate from Columbia, South Carolina

Gerry Waggett, a writer from Dorchester, Massachusetts (whose 2-day cash winnings total $44,900)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
Wanting parts of actress Seena Owen to look bigger on screen, D.W. Griffith in 1916 came up with false these
    $200 14
Expert cooks make sure this is crisp on Peking Duck
    $200 26
Kings Faisal, Khalid & Fahd have all reigned over this country
    $200 6
Sony founder Akio Morita was born in 1921 into a family famous for brewing this beverage for 400 years
    $200 17
In Colombia, they are known as "Los Tres Chiflados"
    $200 1
Overly awed & fascinated in the presence of celebrities
    $400 12
Pre-Xerox, in 1806 Ralph Wedgwood came up with this "apparatus for producing duplicates of writing"
    $400 20
The filling of a fajita is rolled up in one of these
    $400 27
In November 2000 he celebrated 25 years on the Spanish throne
    $400 7
In 1975 Sony introduced this videotape system format for home use
    $400 18
City represented by the star seen here
    $400 2
Structure from which the 3-year-olds fly forward at Churchill Downs
    $600 13
Charles Babbage got the idea of using these to "program" his computer from the ones used in Jacquard looms
    $600 21
A traditional accompaniment to blini, it's also an ingredient in beef stroganoff
    $600 28
Between 1424 & 1542, Scotland was ruled by 5 Stuart kings, all named this
    $600 8
This show about Ponch & Jon was filmed right here on Sony's Stage 10
    $600 19
In 1903 this president did not discourage the natives from revolting in Colombia
    $600 3
Banner carried by the attackers during Pickett's Charge
    DD: $1,600 15
In 1963 the 1st time this was used on TV the announcer explained, "Ladies and gentlemen, Army did not score again"
    $800 24
The meat that results from the mating of a bison & a domestic bovine
    $800 29
When he became king of Sweden in 1520, Christian II was already king of these 2 countries
    $800 9
This title Sony movie role played by Adam Sandler in 2002 was originated by Gary Cooper 66 years earlier
    $800 22
He's the promotional character seen here in stylized form
    $800 4
An asteroidean echinoderm found in tidepools
    $1000 16
Leo Szilard & this man finally got a patent for a nuclear reactor in 1955, but it was assigned to the U.S.
    $1000 25
To turn your smooth potato-leek soup into this French-American classic, add heavy cream
    $1000 30
In the 900s German king Henry the Fowler annexed the region French quiche eaters now know as this
    $1000 10
The theme music for this Sony soap opera has been known as "Nadia's Theme" for Nadia Comaneci
    $1000 23
This simple Simon is on the money in Colombia; the 1,000-peso note
    $1000 5
It's composed mainly of amylose & amylopectin

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Gerry Sarah Pim
$5,000 $2,200 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Gerry Sarah Pim
$7,000 $4,400 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to name the program.)
(Alex: There must not be an "E" in your response.)
    $400 26
The only evidence of an indigenous form of writing in Polynesia comes from this island known for giant statues
    $400 3
"They're a page right out of history"
    $400 15
The willow ptarmigan, an Arctic grouse, is its state bird
    $400 17
It's one of the 3 branches of the government of the United States
    $400 11
Held by the Spanish in the 16th century, La Fortaleza is a national historic site on this Caribbean island
    $400 1
Brrrrrrr! It's the condition that may afflict you if you read "The Road Not Taken" outside without your mittens on
    $800 27
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew in Oahu, Hawaii) These people who live in New Zealand are famous for their carving skills
    $800 4
"Then away he'll schlep on his elephant Shep while Fella and Ursula stay in step"
    $800 16
The bittern's scientific name is Botaurus lentiginosus, the "-taurus" for its call resembling this animal's
    $800 18
In the Old Testament, there's a first & a second book of these
    $800 12
The Alabama airfield where this black air corps trained during WWII was added to the list in 1998
    $800 2
"Leaves of Grass" poet who's an enticing box of assorted chocolates
    $1200 28
A Pidgin called Tok Pisin is the most widely spoken language in this nation that occupies eastern New Guinea
    $1200 5
"Here he comes... he's a demon on wheels"
    $1200 22
The largest North American species of the bird known as the martin is this "royal" one
    $1200 19
It's among our country's top 3 newspapers in circulation
    $1200 13
A Cold War launch site for these "timely" missiles in South Dakota shot onto the list in 1999
    DD: $3,000 8
You might hear him singing "The Times They Are A-Changin'" somewhere "Under Milk Wood"
    $1600 6
"Long tails and ears for hats"
    $1600 23
This "quiet" species is the only swan that has an orange bill
    DD: $3,000 20
After six, it's the next number that fits the category
    $1600 14
Added to the list in 1992 is a site in Topeka, Kansas honoring this 1954 Supreme Court case
    $1600 9
Jimmy Dean's hit song about the rough, tough poet who penned "Endymion"
    $2000 7
"We're zany to the max, there's baloney in our slacks"
    $2000 24
The call of this Australian bird, AKA the laughing jackass, is often used in films & TV to typify jungle sounds
    $2000 21
This island is over 200,000 square miles in area
    $2000 25
The Martinez, California home of this conservationist & writer has been preserved on the list since 1964
    $2000 10
Transcendentalist poet-turned-British rock trio who sang "From the Beginning"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Gerry Sarah Pim
$7,400 $12,600 $13,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

French physicist Leon Foucault gave it its name, which is from the Greek for "to view the rotation"

Final scores:

Gerry Sarah Pim
$7,400 $10,200 $700
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $10,200 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Gerry Sarah Pim
$6,600 $11,200 $11,200
16 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $29,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2003-01-29
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