Show #4588 - Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Ken Jennings game 31.


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Darcy Smith, a copywriter from New York, New York

Greg Narver, a lawyer from Seattle, Washington

Ken Jennings, a software engineer from Salt Lake City, Utah (whose 30-day cash winnings total $1,004,960)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
Cheese & army knife
    $200 1
When Samantha joined Darrin, it became the first live-action show to regularly put a man & wife in the same bed
    $200 26
When checking this at kitty's femoral artery, normally it should be from about 160 to 220
    $200 6
It boasts the world's largest citrus research center
    $200 16
(Jimbo of the CC keeps on truckin'.) Often used by truckers, these radios that work on 40 channels were a fad in the '70s & '80s

"That's a big 10-4, good buddy."
    $200 21
A stock that's a low risk investment is a blue this
    $400 12
Toast & twist
    $400 2
The first color TV transmission was produced by John Baird in this European capital in 1928
    $400 27
The eccrine type of these glands are down on the paw pads, because they're not that vital in keeping kitty cool
    $400 7
The incoming freshmen of 2001 at this Philadelphia university had averaged 1,412 on their SATs
    $400 17
Inspired by 1978's "Animal House", these ancient dress shindigs are still popular with frats
    $400 22
You can get mauled when it's this market that features a lengthy period of price drops
    $600 13
Muffin & saddle
    $600 3
American television's first Hispanic superstar was this bandleader
    $600 28
In one theory, purring comes from membranes in the throat called "false" these
    $600 8
Pope Boniface VIII founded it in 1303
    $600 18
(Sofia of the Clue Crew wears a pink hat.) Of all the fashion trends set by First Lady Jackie Kennedy, she may be remembered most for this style of hat
    $600 23
The flow of prices that appear on the boards of brokerage firms can be the "ticker" or this, or both together
    $800 14
Meatball & massage
    $800 4
One of the first British productions to play in the U.S. was a 1955 series about this 12th century outlaw
    $800 29
Because they have this quality, cats' claws don't get worn down from walking like dogs' do
    DD: $1,200 9
Its logo shows the same tree as on the state flag
    $800 19
During the '70s oil embargo, Serge Seguin launched a fad for these half bicycle-half motorcycle vehicles
    $800 24
It's an option that lets you purchase a certain stock for a set price until a certain date
    $1000 15
Measles & shepherd
    $1000 5
One of the first TV miniseries was this 1976 adaptation of a bestselling Irwin Shaw novel about 2 brothers
    $1000 30
Of the 2 types of cells that change light into nerve impulses, cats are loaded with these, for better night vision
    $1000 10
It has an Eastern Shore campus in the town of Princess Anne
    $1000 20
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew kicks around with Sofia.) Change the end of the word "football" to get this official name of the activity we're practicing
    $1000 25
Being in this "position" indicates an expectation of rising share prices; it's also a hedge in futures

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ken Greg Darcy
$2,000 $2,400 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ken Greg Darcy
$4,800 $1,600 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 21
In September 1944 this country's forces entered Bulgaria, which promptly switched to the Allied side
    $400 11
Ms. Carter of "Wonder Woman" &
Mr. McDermott of "The Practice"
    $400 5
This Sinclair Lewis character is a brazen ex-football player who enters the ministry
    $400 1
The roughly 140 living recipients of this medal bestow the Patriot Award on Americans who advance freedom
    $400 26
This "Great" national park in Tennessee & North Carolina has more yearly visitors than any other
    $400 16
Among vegetable oils, this one is the lowest in saturated fat
    $800 22
The famous April 1942 strike on this city also sent bombers to Nagoya, Osaka & Kobe
    $800 12
Detroit-born singer Ross &
Chicago-born actor Quinn
    $800 7
Erich Maria Remarque was working as a sportswriter in Germany when he wrote this novel about WWI
    $800 2
For 2001 the Chevy Silverado was this "of the Year"
    $800 27
Located in North Dakota, the only U.S. national park named for a president is named for him
    $800 17
In a synagogue this person leads the congregation in singing & chanting prayers
    $1200 23
Haakon VII, king of this country, refused to abdicate under German pressure
    $1200 13
Winona & Fred
    $1200 8
This bestselling Western author's 1920s novels included "The Call of the Canyon" & "The Mysterious Rider"
    $1200 3
In 1974 Dick Clark created them for ABC when the Grammys moved to Nashville
    $1200 28
4 parks are outside the continental U.S.: 2 in Hawaii, 1 in American Samoa & 1 here featuring Carib Indian relics
    $1200 18
It's a rummy-like card game played with 2 decks & 4 jokers
    DD: $4,200 24
Penicillin came into wide use in World War II, replacing this group of drugs first synthesized in 1932
    $1600 14
These 2 women both won Golden Globes for 1981, for "The French Lieutenant's Woman" & "Pennies from Heaven"
    $1600 9
This "huge" 1924 Edna Ferber novel is about a widowed truck farmer & her struggles
    $1600 4
Jincy Willett cleverly titled a 2003 novel "Winner of" this "national" prize
    $1600 29
The Rio Grande flows south until it reaches this park, where it turns north before again flowing south
    $1600 19
William Schuman won the 1943 Pulitzer Prize for Music for his "Secular" one of these "No. 2"
    $2000 25
The Waffen or "armed" part of this elite Nazi group eventually numbered almost a million men
    DD: $5,800 15
He wrote that she partly redeemed the movie "Hear No Evil"
    $2000 10
This 1927 Thornton Wilder novel begins, "On Friday noon, July the twentieth, 1714, the finest bridge in all Peru broke"
    $2000 6
Rickenbacker & Sikorsky were 2 of the first group who were each named "Elder Statesman of" this field in 1955
    $2000 30
Arizona's Painted Desert stretches from Grand Canyon National Park southeast to this much smaller national park
    $2000 20
They're what a chandler makes & sells

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ken Greg Darcy
$17,200 $4,400 $8,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

For his role in writing this 1861 document, Thomas Cobb of Georgia has been compared to James Madison

Final scores:

Ken Greg Darcy
$17,500 $8,400 $7,599
31-day champion: $1,022,460 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ken Greg Darcy
$28,400 $4,400 $8,200
34 R,
7 W
(including 3 DDs)
7 R,
2 W
11 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $41,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2004-03-16
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