Show #4579 - Thursday, July 1, 2004

Ken Jennings game 22.


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Chris Mason, an electrical engineer from Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Vicki Reynolds, a high school technology teacher from Lanham, Maryland

Ken Jennings, a software engineer from Salt Lake City, Utah (whose 21-day cash winnings total $697,760)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the language in which I tell you "I'm lost".)
    $200 1
Founded by this reverend in 1979, the Moral Majority was against the Equal Rights Amendment
    $200 6
She was the first champion
    $200 17
On February 28, 2001 northwest Washington State was rocked by one of these that measured 6.8
    $200 7
Bai zhang
    $200 16
A pipkin is a metal pot; a Pippin is a type of this fruit
    $200 26
This feature on a shark's back acts as a stabilizer--& a warning to swimmers
    $400 2
(Sofia of the Clue Crew reports from the Schlosskirche in Wittenburg, Germany.) Number 25 of Luther's 95 Theses says this man had no more power to relieve souls in purgatory than any bishop
    $400 8
He co-hosted the first version & went solo hosting the second
    $400 18
In 1953 meteorologists began assigning female names to these
    $400 11
    $400 22
Of a rug, a bug or a jug, the one you'd normally find weft in
    $400 27
Living up to its name, this Thai fish also called the betta will even attack its own reflection in a mirror
    $600 3
During this 8-day Jewish observance, the eating of hametz, leavened bread, is prohibited
    $600 9
This judge remarked, "Did you really believe you could become the American Idol? Well, then, you're deaf"
    $600 19
The "El Nino" phenomenon of this ocean causes unusual weather patterns about every 3 to 7 years
    $600 12
    $600 23
Common 10-letter name for a timbal or timpani
    $600 28
A guitarfish might say, "You can call me" this, because that's the type of fish it is
    $800 4
Rachel, Monica & Phoebe might run away & join this group better known as the Quakers
    $800 10
He edged out Clay Aiken to become the second "American Idol"
    $800 20
It's a suddenly formed large depression in the ground that may attain a depth over 100 feet
    $800 14
    $800 24
It's what one usually does behind a rostrum; you can also do it behind a lectern
    DD: $200 29
The pigfish is a type of this fish named for a noise it makes when taken out of the water
    $1000 5
One of the great Hindu gods, he's also called the "Preserver"
    $1000 13
It's the name of the original British TV singing contest on which "American Idol" was directly based
    $1000 21
The record for a single snowstorm was 189 inches in 1959 on this California mountain with a soda pop name
    $1000 15
    $1000 25
A neophyte is a new convert; neoprene is a synthetic type of this material
    $1000 30
The striped type of this fish earned its stripes as the official state fish of Rhode Island

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ken Vicki Chris
$1,600 -$1,800 $3,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ken Vicki Chris
$6,400 -$1,800 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 2
This Peruvian city was founded in 1535; Villa El Salvador, a squatter's camp of 350,000 on its outskirts, in 1971
    $400 21
At the 2000 Olympics, 4 boxing golds went to fighters from this Caribbean island
    $400 12
Blanche of Castile ruled France as regent when her son Louis went on one of these expeditions in 1248
    $400 1
Each fall this university holds its raucous pep rally known as the "Gator Growl"
    $400 24
In January 2004 Dick Gephardt was on his show to present the top 10 signs "You've Been on the Campaign Trail Too Long"
    $400 7
If someone tries to impress you with their baccalaureate, know it's just one of these degrees
    $800 3
The northern end of this country stands between Bolivia & a seacoast
    $800 22
In 1937 Joe Louis became heavyweight champ; in 1997 this Lewis wore the crown
    $800 17
We're sure this Ohioan's mother, Viola, was elated on July 20, 1969, but she kept her feet on the ground
    $800 13
Popularly known as the "Zags", the Bulldogs of this Spokane university are a force to be reckoned with in college athletics
    $800 25
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Raptor Center in Alaska.) In 1999, President Clinton announced plans to remove the bald eagle from this list
    $800 8
Whittier wrote of a "barefoot" one with "cheek of tan"
    $1200 4
This country's Atrato River flows into the Gulf of Darien
    $1200 23
In 1973 Joe Frazier lost his title to this man
    $1200 18
This globetrotting U.S. statesman always came back for the baking of his mom, born Paula Stern
    $1200 14
Booker T. Washington founded this college as a "School for Colored Teachers" in 1881
    $1200 26
Dr. Kubler-Ross' list of the 5 states of grief runs from denial to this
    $1200 9
It's a synonym for width
    $1600 5
Uruguayans call their highlands Cuchilla Grande, or "big" this, for the sharp, narrow rock formations
    $1600 27
Fearsome nickname of 1980s heavyweight champ James Smith
    DD: $6,000 19
The woman born Mary Arden lived quietly in this town while her son gained fame in the London theater
    $1600 15
This New Jersey college found in New Brunswick was originally called Queen's College
    $1600 29
At Ellis Island you can look for your ancestors on these, ships' passenger lists including names & arrival dates
    $1600 10
It's unglazed china or a thick, cream soup with shellfish
    $2000 6
This country has border disputes with French Guiana to its east & Guyana to its west
    $2000 28
His sweetest moment came on June 17, 2000 when he beat Oscar De La Hoya
    $2000 20
After she killed her husband, her son Orestes went into exile, then returned to kill her
    DD: $2,400 16
This town is home to Hampshire College & a U. of Massachusetts campus as well as the college that shares its name
    $2000 30
It's a list of cases in court for trial or the names of the parties who have cases pending
    $2000 11
We're not being prejudiced; it's a line diagonal to the grain of a fabric

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ken Vicki Chris
$35,200 $1,400 $8,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This fruit of North America shares its name with a literary character who debuted in an 1876 novel

Final scores:

Ken Vicki Chris
$40,000 $1,400 $8,200
22-day champion: $737,760 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ken Vicki Chris
$30,400 $1,400 $8,400
34 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
2 R,
2 W
16 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $40,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2004-03-09
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