Founded by this reverend in 1979, the Moral Majority was against the Equal Rights Amendment |
She was the first champion |
(Ken: Who is Kelly? ...Clarkson.) (Alex: Right.) (Ken: Uh...) (Alex: You're on a first-name basis with her, too?) [Laughter] (Ken: We go way back.)
Kelly Clarkson
On February 28, 2001 northwest Washington State was rocked by one of these that measured 6.8 |
an earthquake
A pipkin is a metal pot; a Pippin is a type of this fruit |
an apple
This feature on a shark's back acts as a stabilizer--& a warning to swimmers |
(Ken: What's the tail--th--what's the fin?) (Alex: No.) [Ken smiles and chuckles at his mistake, and the audience laughs.] ... (Alex: You added tail at the beginning, so I had to assume, Ken, that that's what you meant.)
the dorsal fin
He co-hosted the first version & went solo hosting the second |
Ryan Seacrest
In 1953 meteorologists began assigning female names to these |
Of a rug, a bug or a jug, the one you'd normally find weft in |
a rug
Living up to its name, this Thai fish also called the betta will even attack its own reflection in a mirror |
[Alex gestures with his fists when giving the correct response.]
the Siamese fighting fish
During this 8-day Jewish observance, the eating of hametz, leavened bread, is prohibited |
(Ken: Hm--what is Hanukkah?)
This judge remarked, "Did you really believe you could become the American Idol? Well, then, you're deaf" |
Simon Cowell
The "El Nino" phenomenon of this ocean causes unusual weather patterns about every 3 to 7 years |
the Pacific
Common 10-letter name for a timbal or timpani |
A guitarfish might say, "You can call me" this, because that's the type of fish it is |
(Alex: You can call me [*].) [Laughter]
Rachel, Monica & Phoebe might run away & join this group better known as the Quakers |
the Society of Friends
He edged out Clay Aiken to become the second "American Idol" |
(Chris: Who is Ruben Stuttgart?) (Vicki: Who is Ruben Stoddard?)
Ruben Studdard
It's a suddenly formed large depression in the ground that may attain a depth over 100 feet |
a sinkhole
It's what one usually does behind a rostrum; you can also do it behind a lectern |
give a speech
The pigfish is a type of this fish named for a noise it makes when taken out of the water |
(Alex: Chris, you trail Ken by $2,200. That's about $3,500 in Canadian.) (Chris: All right, that's good to know.) [Laughter] (Chris: Um, I don't like seafood. Let's do $200 here. Just 2--) (Alex: Would you like chicken instead?) [Laughter] (Chris: Beef, Alberta beef.) (Alex: Oh, all right. Hey, good plug for the province.) (Chris: Yeah.) ... (Alex: Chris?) (Chris: Nope.) [Alex makes a [*] sound after giving the correct response; the audience laughs.]
a grunt
One of the great Hindu gods, he's also called the "Preserver" |
(Alex: Oh, hoo, we got it in. All right, just in the nick of time.) (Chris: Whew.)
It's the name of the original British TV singing contest on which "American Idol" was directly based |
Pop Idol
The record for a single snowstorm was 189 inches in 1959 on this California mountain with a soda pop name |
Mount Shasta
Rosuto |
(Ken: What is Italian?) (Vicki: What is Portuguese?) ... (Alex: What is [*]? And I hope I did not offend any [*] viewers by--in my pronunciation of that.) [Alex pronounces the clue "ro-SOO-toe", almost like "prosciutto" without the "P", prompting Ken's incorrect guess. The word is actually a transliteration of--and pronounced much more nearly like--the English word "lost".]
A neophyte is a new convert; neoprene is a synthetic type of this material |
(Chris: What is chloroprene?) ... (Alex: We have a minute to go now, Ken.)
The striped type of this fish earned its stripes as the official state fish of Rhode Island |