Show #4325 - Friday, May 23, 2003


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Elayna Kotsaftis, a treasury associate from Natick, Massachusetts

Danny Jobe, a cable television system manager from Forest, Virginia

Andy Hejl, a graduate student from Pasadena, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $35,200)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
One version of this ballet includes Crystal, the little glass slipper fairy
    $200 21
...May 1979 was Lance Bass, now part of this group
    $200 6
On March 5, 1770 British troops fired into a crowd in this city, killing 5
    $200 1
"The Long 'Un"
    $200 9
Dieters take note: you can now get this Kellogg's cereal with "red berries"
    $200 14
Like Van Gogh, Martha Stewart is fond of this color & not just for a kitchen or bathroom
    $400 27
This Christmas ballet is based on a story by E.T.A. Hoffmann
    $400 22
...June was this actress on whom the look of the doll seen here was based
    $400 7
This 3-letter term refers to a crowd bent on violence, or organized crime
    $400 2
"Little Ben"
    DD: $1,000 10
In 1987 boxes of this cereal featured a picture of Bela Lugosi dressed in costume
    $400 15
Usually they do it to other animals, but if provoked these pack animals just might spit at you
    $600 28
Pat Garrett is one of the roles in this ballet that features music by Aaron Copland
    $600 23
...April was this star of "Chaplin" & romancer of "Ally McBeal"
    $600 8
In Madrid you can join 22,000 other people at Plaza de Toros Monumental for this beastly sporting event
    $600 3
"The Duel Fighter"
    $600 11
Disney Buzz Blasts was inspired by this movie
    $600 16
Telescopium, or telescope, is one of the 88 of these
    $800 29
Jose Limon's "The Moor's Pavane" is based on this tragedy
    $800 24
...February was this "Torn" star whose 2001 CD was "White Lilies Island"
    $800 19
This Columbus school normally has crowds of about 35,000 at its spring commencement
    $800 4
"Our Chet"
    $800 12
It was introduced in 1941 as the first ready-to-eat oat cereal
    $800 17
In 1865 a Civil War battle took place in this "colorful" Texas city -- a month after the war ended
    $1000 30
"Adoration of the Earth" & "The Sacrifice" are the 2 parts of this Stravinsky ballet
    $1000 25
...on the 4th of September was this man who could celebrate with his big showbiz family & TV kids
    $1000 20
A figure is set on fire as part of this annual event that now draws 25,000 people to the Nevada desert
    $1000 5
"The Great Engineer"
    $1000 13
Although its name suggests something fruity, this Post cereal, introduced in 1897, is made from wheat & barley
    $1000 18
Lord Tennyson called his series of 12 poems based on Arthurian legend these "of the King"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Andy Danny Elayna
$1,600 $2,400 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Andy Danny Elayna
$3,800 $5,000 $400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the writer who created the character we will give you.)
    $400 1
a hotheaded Dane
    $400 6
These oral receptors are divided into 4 types: acid, salty, bitter & sweet
    $400 11
Many universities have this type of association; the U. of Minnesota's has over 50,000 members worldwide
    $400 17
Britannica states that Michel-Louis-Etienne Regnault was the man who talked this emperor into abdicating again
    $400 26
The person who presides over a debate or over the discussion on "Meet The Press"
    $400 12
2 years after his death he won a 1990 Grammy for Best Pop Vocal Performance for a live version of "Oh, Pretty Woman"
    DD: $800 2
The unimaginative Inspector Lestrade of Scotland Yard
    $800 7
Of Canis lupus, Lupus canis, or Canup lipus, the scientific name for the timber wolf
    $800 18
The humanitarian initials RI stand for these displaced people, numbering in the millions, "International"
    $800 22
Pretending to be a high-ranking French official, Victor "The Count" Lustig sold this to scrap dealers -- twice
    $800 27
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.) Term for a machine, like these small robots, that's an assembly of interchangeable, smaller units
    $800 13
This band's "Bridges to Babylon" tour video featured performances by Dave Matthews & Joshua Redman
    $1200 3
an impish black girl
    $1200 8
From the German for "spark", the variety of metamorphic rock pronounced "nice" is spelled this way
    $1200 19
In 1941 80,000 Ford workers voted to be represented by this union rather than the AFL
    $1200 23
Sheep farmer Jose Bove got 3 months for ransacking this restaurant in southern France in August 1999
    DD: $2,000 28
Winston Churchill said that political rival Clement Attlee was this, & had much to be this about
    $1200 14
An early version of this David Byrne group was called The Artistics
    $1600 4
The ambitious Sammy Glick
    $1600 9
(Sarah of the Clue Crew demonstrates in the lab.) From the Latin for "sticky", it's the resistance of a fluid to flowing
    $1600 20
Over 26,000 attended this association's annual meeting in Atlanta, but we're sure they kept each other quiet
    $1600 24
Henri Charriere, nicknamed this (the title of his 1968 book), always denied his guilt for murder
    $1600 29
A token expected amount of some quality, often decency
    $1600 15
1989's top album, "Don't Be Cruel", wasn't released by Elvis, but by this man
    $2000 5
The fashionable but suffering Clarissa Dalloway
    $2000 10
This gas in Uranus' atmosphere is what causes it to appear bluish-green
    $2000 21
These organizations, like the Hip Sing, once fought "wars" in NYC's Chinatown
    $2000 25
This founder of modern chemistry was guillotined May 8, 1794
    $2000 30
Put this word before "vivendi" to get a phrase meaning "way of living" or "arrangement"
    $2000 16
This drummer's autobiography is titled "Riders on the Storm: My Life with Jim Morrison and the Doors"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Andy Danny Elayna
$9,000 $12,200 $6,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Dick Powell, Robert Mitchum & Elliott Gould have all played this character on film

Final scores:

Andy Danny Elayna
$4,000 $6,399 $100
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $6,399 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Andy Danny Elayna
$9,000 $14,200 $7,000
17 R,
5 W
17 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $30,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2003-02-04
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