On his way to Concord on the night of April 18-19, 1775, he was captured & had to return to Lexington on foot |
Paul Revere
1977: "May the force be with you" |
Star Wars
Ground was broken for this waterway on July 4, 1817 at Rome, New York |
Erie Canal
In the Cleveland Orchestra, this section includes flutist Joshua Smith & oboe man Jeffrey Rathbun |
(Kay: What is the horn section?)
In 1967 Richard Greenblatt's program Mac Hack 6 became an hon. member of the U.S. Federation for this game |
It can mean a royal family line as well as a dwelling structure |
The Pennsylvania assembly sent him to London as its agent twice: 1757-1762 & 1764-1775 |
Benjamin Franklin
2001: "A wizard is never late... he arrives precisely when he means to" |
(Kay: What is Harry Potter?)
Lord of the Rings
Introduced in 1936, this company's DC-3 commercial airliner was so well built that some are still in service |
(Kathy: What is Boeing?)
Kid Ory was a pioneer on this brass instrument whose name comes from the Italian for "trumpet" |
(Alex: Minute to go.)
A real mensch, William D. Mensch, designed the processors in Wozniak & Jobs' early computers from this company |
A person doing it might be making tsimmes; a group doing it is really playing music well |
In December 1775 he became first lieutenant on the Alfred, the first ship purchased by Congress for the Continental Navy |
John Paul Jones
2002: "I'm placing you under arrest for the future murder of Sarah Marks" |
Minority Report
This city's rubber-tired Metro subway provided access to Expo 67 in the middle of the St. Lawrence River |
Kenny G does play tenor, but more often this type of straightened-out saxophone that looks like a clarinet |
soprano saxophone
Working in Texas Instruments' semiconductor building, Jack Kilby hit on the idea of this, the IC for short |
integrated circuit
As an adjective, it means below average; as a verb, to moo like a cow |
In 1765 this Boston brewer helped organize the Sons of Liberty to protest the Stamp Act |
Samuel Adams
2002: "You do too much. You're not Superman, you know" |
In 1881 this railroad line was completed from Kansas City to Deming, New Mexico |
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe
He's "The Big Man" on sax in Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band |
Clarence Clemons
Mitch Kapor, founder of this company that gave us 1-2-3 & Notes, previously taught transcendental meditation |
One of your faculties, or your good judgment & intelligence |
(Doug: What is [**]?) [Initially ruled incorrect; reversed before Daily Double at clue 20]
sense (reason accepted)
On March 23, 1775 this orator told the VA. Provincial Convention, "The war is inevitable -- and let it come!" |
Patrick Henry
2001 (last line): "Open your eyes" |
(Doug: What is Mulholland Drive?)
Vanilla Sky
This 60-something California tycoon became the first space tourist when he went into orbit on April 28, 2001 |
Dennis Tito
Weak buccinator muscles, making the cheeks puff out when you blow, are called this trumpeter's "pouches" |
Dizzy Gillespie
Ed Roberts built the first true personal computer & named it this model 8800, after a star |
This word that has long meant "to stumble" now also means "to feel or express surprise" |