Show #1193 - Wednesday, November 8, 1989

1989 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 3.


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Eric Newhouse, a student and winner of last year's Teen Tournament from Sioux City, Iowa

Joel Sacks, an administrator from Columbia, Maryland

Jeff Richmond, a law student from West Hollywood, California

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
On Jan. 1, 1973 Great Britain, Ireland & Denmark formally joined this
    $100 20
Vesta is the only one of these minor planets between the orbits of Mars & Jupiter visible to the naked eye
    $100 24
God's sending him up Sinai & Nebo made quite a mountain climber out of this sheepherder
    $100 22
Caramel is added to make the darker varieties of this liquor made from molasses
    $100 30
After gold, this is the most common metal used in jewelry
    $100 19
In Spanish, it's the letter over which you may see a tilde
    $200 7
L. Patrick Gray resigned this post after it became known that he had destroyed Watergate evidence
    $200 21
Term for an earthquake that follows a larger one, originating at or near the same focus
    $200 8
He said, “Divide the living child in two & give half to the one (mother) & half to the other”
    $200 23
Type of white wine that comes in Alsatian & Johannisberg varieties
    $200 29
The Kashmir variety of this gemstone is a cornflower blue; the Burmese a deeper blue
    $200 18
On a report card it can mean outstanding work habits; on a baseball scorecard, a mistake
    $300 9
On March 1, she became the 1st woman jockey to win a major stakes race & later married Fred Astaire
    $300 14
The bacillus of this cattle disease was the 1st germ known to cause infectious disease
    $300 10
Joel calls for them to be made into swords & Isaiah calls for swords to be made into them
    $300 6
Named for a Portuguese island, this fortified wine traveled well & was popular in colonial America
    $300 25
This most popular cut for diamonds uses a total of 58 facets
    $300 13
This letter is formed by drawing the letter before it twice
    $400 3
This John Godey tale of the hijacking of a New York City subway train was published in 1973
    $400 15
Air consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen & about 1% this noble gas
    $400 12
Boaz gave this daughter-in-law of Naomi 6 measures of barley after she slept at his feet
    $400 5
Trader Vic's Bartender's Guide says don't use bottled lime juice unless you're making this drink
    $400 26
Ancient Egyptian jewelry made frequent use of the scarab which is this
    $400 17
In the new British currency system p stands for pence; in the old system, this stood for penny
    $500 2
PBS offered an inside look at American life in this documentary series about the Loud family
    $500 16
Used in cooking, this gelatinous product is prepared from algae
    DD: $1,000 28
According to Exodus 20:17, 3 of the 6 specific things of your neighbor's you're not supposed to covet
    $500 4
In 1915 the French outlawed this wormwood-flavored liqueur 1st made commercially by Pernod in 1797
    $500 27
When her emerald ring was auctioned in 1987, it brought a record price of $2,126,646
    $500 11
These 3 letters when said in sequence mean “perfect”

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Jeff Joel Eric
$1,000 $600 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jeff Joel Eric
$3,500 $1,100 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 24
This city that straddles the Bosporus Strait is located in Europe & Asia
    $200 30
Teenagers were already doing this dance on “American Bandstand” when Chubby Checker recorded his hit
    $200 29
Douglas MacArthur told Congress “In war there is no substitute” for this
    $200 7
Jonathan Harker goes to the British Museum to do research on Transylvania at the beginning of this novel
    $200 23
The places where bones meet, including the thin hairlines on the skull, are called this
    $200 9
In 1670 Hudson's Bay Co. was chartered in this country & given rights to land draining into the bay
    $400 19
Entoto, the old capital, was very cold so the Ethiopian emperor created this capital in 1887
    $400 28
The Morisca, a popular dance of the 15th century, originated with this group in Spain
    $400 1
Of the RAF he said, “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few”
    $400 3
An 1895 novel by Nobel Prize winner Henryk Sienkiewicz, or Latin for “where are you going”
    $400 8
A membrane called the conjunctiva covers parts of these organs
    $400 10
French Canadians didn't like the Union Jack on the old flag, so in 1965 this new design was unfurled
    $600 18
This region that covers 1/3 of the Asian continent has only about 11 people per square mile
    $600 27
This jitterbug dance that began in Harlem was probably named for a famous aviator
    $600 2
J'Accuse” was the title of the open letter Emile Zola sent the French president about this man
    DD: $1,400 4
Massachusetts author whose last completed novel, “The Marble Faun”, is set in Italy
    $600 14
If your ears block when you change altitudes, swallowing may open this tube to equalize pressure
    $600 11
This newest province didn't become part of Canada unti 1949
    $800 17
Only Antarctica has a larger ice sheet than this island
    $800 26
In a 1951 film Rhonda Fleming portrayed this famous belly dancer of the 1890s
    $800 21
In his 1944 campaign he used the phrase “It's time for a change”
    $800 5
He parodied Samuel Richardson's novel “Pamela” in his satirical book “Joseph Andrews”
    $800 15
Special channels carry the bile produced by the liver in this storage facility
    $800 12
The last spike of this transcontinental railroad was driven on November 7, 1885
    $1000 16
This geographical feature is defined as a bend or curve of a shoreline, like the Great Australian one
    $1000 25
This court dance in triple time, not the polka, is the national dance of Poland
    $1000 20
This financier & advisor to presidents coined the expression “cold war” in 1947
    $1000 6
At the beginning of this 1900 novel, the title character, Caroline Meeber, has left home
    $1000 22
The 2 large bones that meet just behind your kneecap
    DD: $1,000 13
A provincial capital was named for George Monteau Dunk, 2nd Earl of this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jeff Joel Eric
$8,900 $1,900 $8,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Only Pulitzer Prize-winning novels to become Oscar-winning “Best Pictures” are “All The King's Men” & this one

Final scores:

Jeff Joel Eric
$1,000 $0 $10,000
2nd place: $1,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $1,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jeff Joel Eric
$8,400 $1,900 $7,600
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
11 R,
3 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $17,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1989-10-16
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