Show #4541 - Monday, May 10, 2004

2004 Power Players Week game 1.
From Washington, D.C.


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Tucker Carlson, an author and co-host from Crossfire

Peggy Noonan, a contributing editor from The Wall Street Journal

Bob Woodward, an assistant managing editor from The Washington Post

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Jeopardy! Round

THE 1990s
    $200 11
Because of his Hanoverian heritage, American colonists called this monarch "German Georgie" or "Geordie"
    $200 16
Built on 200 acres, this Washington, D.C. train station was once the world's largest
    $200 1
2 reporters unearth a political scandal that goes all the way to the top in this 1976 film based on a book
    $200 2
On Jan. 31, 1999 this team repeated as Super Bowl champs with John Elway throwing for 336 yards
    $200 21
Do the wild fais-do-do in this state while motoring on Interstate 10 to Baton Rouge or Ponchatoula
    $400 12
Among the more colorful nicknames of this agricultural chemist were "Peanut Man" & "Sweet-Potato Man"
    $400 17
The 120-foot big bat being transported here is now at the Kentucky museum named for this 2-word brand
    $400 7
Jimmy Stewart played Jefferson Smith, the naive & idealistic appointee to the U.S. Senate in this Capra classic
    $400 3
On January 4, 1995 he was sworn in as the first Republican speaker of the house in more than 40 years
    $400 22
It's the only U.S. state named for a French king
    $600 13
This animal phrase meaning "courageous" was Richard I of England's nickname
    $600 18
In 1956 a 12,000-square-mile one of these was seen floating off Antarctica; you might call it titanic
    DD: $1,000 8
This political satire starred John Travolta as a Southern governor running for president
    $600 4
On Nov. 5, 1996, this GOP candidate joked, "Tomorrow will be the first time in my life I don't have anything to do"
    $800 14
He was the "Father of Texas", but the Indians called him "Big Drunk"
    $800 19
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) In 1996 a 505 x 255-foot flag decorated this structure seen here in the West
    $800 9
Frank Langella is the power hungry chief of staff in this film in which Kevin Kline plays a presidential impersonator
    $800 5
In April 1992 riots broke out in L.A. after a jury failed to convict the policemen involved in the beating of this man
    $1000 15
This 19th century American politician & orator was nicknamed "The Little Giant"
    $1000 20
Lady Hamilton could tell you the name of this 185-foot column that went up in the early 1840s
    $1000 10
Michael Douglas played Andrew Shepherd, the title character of this film, & even he had trouble dating
    $1000 6
Queen Elizabeth II & Francois Mitterrand appeared together at the opening of this on May 6, 1994

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Bob Peggy Tucker
$1,600 $3,000 -$800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Peggy Tucker
$3,800 $5,600 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want you to name the parent company.)
    $400 12
Scotch, & make it this
    $400 1
This man from Mass. is the ranking Democrat of the Senate's Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee
    $400 6
Simon & Schuster
    $400 21
This fluffy skirt that you may have to wear was not named for archbishop Desmond
    $400 13
In this largest country, comrades left & right enjoy coulibiac, a pie made with the spinal marrow of the sturgeon
    $400 7
Some think this Irving Berlin song should replace "The Star-Spangled Banner" as the national anthem -- it's easier to sing
    $800 27
He's the shadowy Watergate source
    $800 2
This self-made man has the distinction of being the longest serving senator ever from West Virginia
    $800 18
Epic Records,
Columbia Tristar
    $800 22
Your allergy to feathers may prevent you from playing Odette, the queen of the swans in this ballet
    $800 14
The Masai people of this African country mix cow blood with milk for a refreshing drink
    $800 8
Politicians often complain about having to make appearances on this "unappetizing poultry" circuit
    $1200 3
This Ariz. senator said of Bush's energy plan, "Just one pork barrel project larded onto another"
    $1200 19
DC Comics,,
    DD: $1,000 23
To star in this 1890 fairy tale ballet, you shouldn't have spindly legs but you will need a spindle
    $1200 15
Sanma aisu is fish-flavored ice cream & taco aisu is octopus-flavored ice cream made in this country
    $1200 9
There are Blue & White branches of this African river
    $1600 4
This Tennessee senator is a practicing physician
    $1600 20
First Colony Life Insurance,
    $1600 24
Your striking resemblance to Kirk Douglas has convinced us to star you in the ballet about this gladiator
    $1600 16
When on this north Atlantic island be sure to try hakarl, a traditional dish of rotten shark
    $1600 10
VP Garret Hobart cast the deciding vote against independence for these formerly Spanish Pacific islands
    $2000 5
This Vermont senator wrote, "You get 15 Democrats together in a room, and you get 20 opinions"
    $2000 26
Hyperion Books,
Mammoth Records,
Miramax Films
    $2000 25
Your "Romeo and Juliet" will make everyone forget the 1965 triumph of Rudolf Nureyev & this partner
    $2000 17
Consisting of a sheep's minced heart, lung & liver, haggis is a specialty of this U.K. country
    $2000 11
The website for this Bureau of the Treasury department is

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Peggy Tucker
$7,000 $9,400 $12,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

If a president is impeached, this official presides over the trial in the Senate

Final scores:

Bob Peggy Tucker
$13,000 $18,400 $20,800
3rd place: $20,000 to Sidwell Friends School 2nd place: $20,000 to the Sisters of Life Winner: $50,000 to the American Camping Association & Wawenock Scholarships

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Bob Peggy Tucker
$7,000 $10,000 $12,800
13 R,
3 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $29,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2004-04-03
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