Show #4154 - Thursday, September 26, 2002

(Sofia: Get behind the wheel of one of these babies--stock car clues coming up on Jeopardy!)


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Janice Eisen, a writer and editor from Brookfield, Wisconsin

Brandon Sawyer, a writer from Los Angeles, California

Keith Parrish, a social studies teacher from Goldsboro, North Carolina (whose 1-day cash winnings total $29,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: They've got "The Rise & Fall of the Spartans", the new series starting on Monday; it should be very exciting!)
    $200 9
Sparta provided Greece's toughest men & its most gorgeous woman, this one who later lived elsewhere
    $200 13
A Hindu prince who ranks just above a rajah is known by this title
    $200 1
The Presidents of the United States perform its theme, "Cleveland Rocks"
    $200 20
This stickier version of "Jurassic Park" is at 5801 Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles
    $200 26
This 3-wheeler that kids long to graduate from was patented by M.A. Cherry in the 1880s
    $200 2
Many consider this Conde Nast magazine the world's fashion authority
    $400 12
The Spartans' region, Laconia, & their dislike of wasting words gave us this English adjective
    $400 15
Used chiefly in reference to Hitler, it's German for leader
    $400 4
Spell it out:
he's "The Leader of the Club That's Made for You and Me"
    $400 21
This patriot of few regrets was hanged in 1776 on what is now 66th & 3rd in New York City
    $400 27
This term for a racing boat propelled by oars is a homophone for a bony body part
    $400 3
They're the noisy footwear seen here
    $600 14
The sight of this Greek letter emblazoned on Spartan shields terrified other warriors, even illiterate ones
    $600 16
This term for a Muslim ruler or judge is also the first name of the NBA's Mr. Olajuwon
    $600 6
"Won't You Be My Neighbor?" is the theme to this series that began on PBS in 1970
    $600 23
In 1993 Joe Carter hit a World Series-winning home run at 1 Blue Jays Way in this city
    $600 28
(Sofia of the Clue Crew reports from the Richard Petty Driving Experience at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway) Some NASCAR tires are inflated to higher pressure than your tires, around 50 PSI, which stands for this
    $600 5
In 1867 the last one of these Japanese warrior rulers resigned & power returned to the emperor
    $800 18
For a Spartan name to appear on a tombstone, a man had to die in battle; a woman had to die this way
    $800 17
It's the U.S. Air Force rank abbreviated A1C
    $800 7
This 1960s TV sitcom's theme song reminded us that it took place in a "tropic island nest"
    $800 24
At 110 stories, see the taller side of Sears at 233 S. Wacker Dr, in this city
    $800 29
Bred in 17th century Virginia, this horse with a "fractional" name is the oldest all-American breed
    $800 10
A typical one of these Navajo homes has 8 sides & 1 door which faces east
    $1000 22
It's the mountain pass featured in the following:
It was the time & the place that would forever crystalize the essence of Sparta in a single event that future generations will turn to again & again
    DD: $2,000 19
It was the title of the chief magistrate of independent Genoa
    $1000 8
Jan Hammer had only one Top 40 hit, but it was a big one: the No. 1 theme from this police drama
    $1000 25
A sign that says "Get In Here" greets you at the Fog City Diner, located at 1300 Battery St. in this U.S. city
    $1000 30
The first of these under the brand name Indian appeared in 1901 with a 1.75-horsepower engine
    $1000 11
The moon's farthest point from the Earth is referred to by this term

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Keith Brandon Janice
$4,000 $600 $3,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Keith Brandon Janice
$8,800 $3,200 $5,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: That's a good way to start!)
(Alex: We will give you the foreign title; you have to identify the American version, obviously.)
    $400 11
The Wicked Witch of the West's skywritten demand of the 1976 ladies' Olympic figure skating champion
    $400 1
"The Seven Samurai"
    $400 6
The Pennsylvania Dutch weren't Dutch immigrants, they were of this background
    $400 26
A George Orwell essay argues for using this voice rather than the passive
    $400 21
An 1845 Wagner opera is titled
A. "Blechtrommel"
B. "Tannhauser"
C. "Doppelganger"
D. "Schweinhund"
    $400 16
When you convert a pair of jeans into shorts, by definition you've made a pair of these
    $800 12
'50s pop duo Phil & Don who also collected classic fairy tales
    $800 2
"Trois Hommes et un Couffin"
    $800 7
This old corset-stiffening substance is actually baleen
    $800 27
Mary Beton is the imaginary speaker in her essay "A Room of One's Own"
    $800 22
This word isn't in the Constitution's First Amendment:
A. press
B. redress
C. compress
D. establishment
    DD: $3,000 17
Title undies of a San Francisco Film Society program that featured Charlie Chaplin in "The Champion" & "The Knockout"
    $1200 13
Beatles tune that's "dying to take you away" to a European bike race begun in 1903
    $1200 3
"La Cage aux Folles"
    $1200 8
(Sarah of the Clue Crew demonstrates) Milk, seltzer & chocolate syrup combine to make this drink
    $1200 28
In 1859 John Stuart Mill published an essay "on" this; 12 years later Bartholdi designed a "Statue of" it
    $1200 23
6' 7" NFL linebacker Ted Hendricks was known as
A. "The Mad Crow"
B. "The Mad Heron"
C. "The Mad Stork"
D. "The Mad Cow"
    $1200 18
The "Who Wears Short Shorts?" commercials plugged this hair remover
    $1600 14
Haley Joel Osment "dead people" flick that featured Emma Thompson as Elinor Dashwood
    $1600 4
"Abre los Ojos"
    $1600 9
What's called India ink didn't come from India, but from this country
    $1600 29
Novelist Henry's brother, his works include "The Will to Believe and Other Essays..."
    $1600 24
The element with atomic number 34 is
A. Solarium
B. Sphagnum
C. Substratum
D. Selenium
    $1600 19
Shorter than Bermudas, these shorts were named for an island far southwest of Bermuda
    $2000 15
Proverb about repeating a task until it becomes flawless that turns into a Bronson Pinchot sitcom
    $2000 5
"Le Retour de Martin Guerre"
    DD: $4,000 10
Properly, it's the cavy; it's not from the place & not related to the animal in this other name
    $2000 25
Paris' Pompidou Center was designed by
A. Angelo Viola
B. Renzo Piano
C. Tonio Piccolo
D. Gianni Tuba
    $2000 20
Bicycle shorts often come in this spandex fiber, a DuPont trademark introduced in 1958

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Keith Brandon Janice
$11,800 $9,600 $2,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In April 1952 he wrote in a poem, "Cherry blossoms are blooming full today, now is the nation's springtime"

Final scores:

Keith Brandon Janice
$4,399 $4,801 $2,400
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $4,801 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Keith Brandon Janice
$13,800 $9,600 $6,400
22 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R,
2 W
18 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $29,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2002-06-17
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