Show #4539 - Thursday, May 6, 2004

2004-A Kids Week game 4.
From Washington, D.C.


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Marshall Tan, from Gaithersburg, Maryland

Guy Tabachnick, from New York, New York

Robin Kutner, from Newtown, Pennsylvania

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 3
The youngest branch of the U.S. military, it was created soon after World War II
    $200 22
The most basic command; you may have to push down on the dog's hindquarters to teach it
    $200 1
It's the smallest continent
    $200 8
In 1870 William J. Canby claimed this woman, his grandmother, made the first U.S. flag; few now support his claim
    $200 18
This song by Christina Aguilera says, "You are" this, "no matter what they say" & "in every single way"
    $200 13
One tenth of a buck
    $400 4
This empire ruled in what is now Mexico during the 1400s & early 1500s
    $400 23
Many puppies first meet this professional at age 8 weeks, for worming & shots
    $400 2
It's the continent where you'll find the countries of Mauritania, Equatorial Guinea & Zambia
    $400 12
It's the total number of red stripes on the American flag
    $400 25
This teen from Orlando proved that she was "So Real" with hits like "Candy"
    $400 14
A small citrus fruit
    $600 5
On Sept. 2, 1864 General Sherman captured this city, subsequently burning much of it to the ground
    $600 24
A puppy of this dogged breed of dog is seen here
    $600 9
Lebanon, Italy & Spain all border this large sea
    $600 19
In 1840 the U.S. flag first flew over this continent during the Charles Wilkes expedition
    $600 26
This performer had a song on the "Scooby-Doo" soundtrack; he shares his name with a character in the movie

"She call me
Mr. Boombastic /
Say me fantastic /
Touch me on me back, she say..."
    $600 15
Period or interval
    $800 6
In 336 B.C., at age 20, he became king of the Macedonians
    $800 29
Healthy Morsels, one version of this Purina brand, includes those doggy favorites peas & carrots
    DD: $600 10
Covering almost 30,000 square miles, this country consists of the northern third of the Island of Great Britain
    $800 20
On August 3, 1949 Pres. Truman signed a resolution designating this date as Flag Day
    $800 27
"Uh Huh" & "Girlfriend" are hit songs by this foursome of Omarion, J Boog, Raz B & Lil Fizz
    $800 16
The highest quality grade of beef
    $1000 7
It's the first name of Italian navigator Vespucci, who made several trips to the New World around 1500
    $1000 11
Named for a former U.S. president, this mountain peak in Denali N.P. is the highest point in the United States
    $1000 21
On July 20, 1969 astronauts first planted the U.S. flag on the Moon in an area called the Sea of this
    $1000 28
In April 2003 this rapper topped the Billboard chart with his song "In Da Club"
    $1000 17
This variety of performer dates back to the Ancient Greeks

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Robin Guy Marshall
$600 $2,000 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Robin Guy Marshall
$3,400 $5,400 $5,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

10-, 11- & 12-LETTER WORDS
    $400 1
It's the number of the current year rounded to the nearest thousand
    $400 10
(Mom Cheryl of the Clue Crew tries to sound "hip" and "with it".) What is up, Dawg? Don't I sound like this "American Idol" judge & Grammy-winning producer, Dawg?
    $400 2
Like mother, like daughter: her daughter Irene Joliot-Curie also won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry
    $400 14
The personal computer,
the light bulb,
the transistor radio
    $400 13
The Bulls are beastly when they slam it down in this NBA home city
    $400 17
This wormlike creature is a butterfly or moth in the larval stage
    $800 5
A foot & a half equals this many inches
    $800 11
(Mom Cheryl of the Clue Crew tries to be helpful. But she just isn't.) I'm sure my son, Alec, was grateful when I told him to pull up his pants so this pugilistic items wouldn't show & embarrass him
    DD: $400 3
Researchers say this man killed in 1865 might have been so tall and thin due to a rare condition called Marfan's syndrome
    $800 15
Tom Sawyer,
Harry Potter,
Nancy Drew
    $800 18
The NFL's Dolphins ride the surf to glory in this city
    $800 25
This small, heavy object, often made of glass, is designed to keep stuff from blowing off your desk
    $1200 6
As a ratio, 7 is to 10 as this is to 30
    $1200 12
(Oh-oh! Mom Cheryl is no Beyonce or Lucy Liu.) Hey ya! The rhymes are tight & I'm shaking it just like one of these in that OutKast song
    $1200 4
This great German composer of "Fur Elise" was born in Bonn in 1770
    $1200 16
World War I,
the U.S. Civil War,
the War of 1812
    $1200 22
In the NHL, the Bruins bruise up the opposition when in this home city
    $1200 26
Doctors can look at blood cells under this magnifying instrument
    $1600 7
If you get 12 questions right out of the 20 on your history test, you got this percent correct
    $1600 29
(Mom Cheryl of the Clue Crew is left incredulous by fashion.) I can't believe my kids want clothes from this "Farm"--they're not the least bit chubby
    $1600 8
This French military leader was a major general in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War
    $1600 19
Hillary Clinton,
Dolley Madison,
Eleanor Roosevelt
    $1600 23
This Texas city hosts the WNBA's Comets & the NBA's Rockets, y'all
    $1600 27
Ross Powers won the men's superpipe at the 2003 U.S. Open in this sport
    $2000 21
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows an inequality on the chalkboard.) For a set of odd numbers described thusly, they're the three possible values for n
    $2000 30
(Mom Cheryl of the Clue Crew exhorts you to some juvenile fun.) Come on, let's hit the half pipe & do a few tail slides, like this guy who landed the first ever 900 at the X Games
    $2000 9
In Islamic tradition, Bilqis is the name of Solomon's guest, the queen of this
    $2000 20
California statehood,
Texas statehood,
Massachusetts statehood
    $2000 24
The NHL's Mighty Ducks get off skate free playing their home games in this city
    DD: $2,000 28
It's a list of the sources you used when writing a research paper

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Robin Guy Marshall
$9,400 $22,200 $11,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

11-year-old Frank Epperson invented this by accident when his fruit drink froze after being left outside overnight

Final scores:

Robin Guy Marshall
$18,200 $25,599 $18,800
3rd place: $1,000 + Classroom Jeopardy! Winner: $25,599 + Classroom Jeopardy! 2nd place: $2,000 + Classroom Jeopardy!

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Robin Guy Marshall
$12,000 $22,200 $12,200
16 R,
2 W
(including 2 DDs)
23 R,
0 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $46,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2004-04-04
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