Show #4152 - Tuesday, September 24, 2002


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Richard Bonny, a software engineer from Kirkland, Washington

Lisa Flehinger, a puzzle editor from West Norriton, Pennsylvania

Tom Kelso, a credit analyst from Chicago, Illinois (whose 3-day cash winnings total $83,402)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: In the movies.)
    $200 2
The highest & northernmost points in the U.S. are in this state
    $200 14
These snack "nuts" bear the name of a vegetable that also grows in a pod
    $200 1
Diarist Bridget Jones
    $200 10
bifocal lens,
x-ray tube
    $200 15
It's a meeting with the pope, or a group of people attending a TV show taping
    $200 20
Society of Friends member who works as a bread cook
    $400 3
With water covering about 40% of this state's 96,000 square miles of total area, it must have some great lakes
    $400 25
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from the Atlanta Zoo) The wristbones of the giant panda are elongated & act as thumbs for holding stalks of this food, its primary diet
    $400 4
Hack screenwriter Joe Gillis, who ends up living & dying on Sunset Blvd.
    $400 11
Microwave oven,
frozen food
    $400 16
From the French for "sitting", it's a "medium-sized" gathering for communicating with the dead
    $400 21
A frightening milk production facility
    DD: $1,000 6
Between 1990 & 2000 this state's population increased 66.3%
    $600 26
This bacterial product was dubbed "milk of eternal life" when it rejuvenated French king Francis I
    $600 5
Ex-Secret Service agent turned bodyguard Frank Farmer
    $600 13
    $600 17
It's the famous presidential retreat where Carter, Begin & Sadat got together in 1978
    $600 22
An overloaded Corvette
    $800 7
You'll find the country's lowest ratio of men to women in the Sarasota metro area of this state
    $800 27
Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" influenced Teddy Roosevelt to help pass this act abbreviated the PFDA
    $800 8
Dying Radcliffe music major Jenny Cavilleri
    $800 29
    $800 18
It's the small hammer used to quiet disturbances at parliamentary functions
    $800 23
Someone who gorges himself on sheep meat
    $1000 12
This state has 2 of the Top 10 busiest airports in the world
    $1000 28
Breeding female Antarctic fur seals rely almost totally on these shrimplike crustaceans for food
    $1000 9
Lt. Chris Burnett, a Navy pilot shot down "Behind Enemy Lines"
    $1000 30
Bunsen burner,
Geiger counter,
Leyden jar
    $1000 19
A gathering of famous historical people, "Meeting of Minds" was an Emmy-winning creation of this comedian
    $1000 24
A defeated Minoan

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tom Lisa Richard
$2,800 $0 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Lisa Richard
$5,400 $3,600 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each of the correct responses will end in the letters "US".)
    $400 1
Step on a rusty nail & you better hope you've had your booster shot for this
    $400 21
This poet's "La Vita Nuova" was just a warmup for his "Divine Comedy"
    $400 2
1896 summer games
(an obvious choice)
    $400 11
The book "Before the Storm" argues that this man's failed 1964 campaign led to victory for his ideas
    $400 16
The death cup & destroying angels are poisonous ones of these
    $400 26
Her see-through outfit the night she won for "Funny Girl" inspired a few "On A Clear Day..." jokes
    $800 5
In ancient times, it was an elaborate stone coffin fit for a king
    $800 22
One of Whittier's many works attacking this begins, "Our fellow-countrymen in chains!"
    $800 3
1936 summer games
(Marty Glickman was pulled from the U.S. team)
    DD: $3,000 12
Nevada governor Kenny Guinn is fighting plans to make this mountain a nuclear waste repository
    $800 17
Fatal to Socrates, this foul-smelling plant now grows in the U.S. & can be seen along roadsides
    $800 27
In 2001 this Icelandic singer appeared in a much talked-about swan dress
    DD: $3,000 8
The Sutlej & Ravi are major tributaries of this river
    $1200 23
George Herbert's pattern poem about this religious structure is seen here
    $1200 4
1984 winter games
(a war zone in the 1990s)
    $1200 13
His website says being GOP leader is important but he's first & foremost a senator from Mississippi
    $1200 18
The nonpoisonous tomato & the poisonous belladonna both belong to this family of plants
    $1200 28
In 1968 Sammy Davis Jr. was swinging in love beads & this "Indian"-style jacket
    $1600 9
Based partly on Plutarch's "Lives", it's Shakespeare's one-word-title tragedy about an ancient Roman warrior
    $1600 24
In a poem on this Italian city, Wordsworth wrote, "She must espouse the everlasting sea"
    $1600 6
1952 summer games
(kayakers Wires & Hietanen win homeland gold)
    $1600 14
This current Kentucky senator pitched a perfect game for the Phillies in 1964
    $1600 19
The leaves of the purple species of this plant contain a powerful poison used to make digitalis
    $1600 29
"Boys Don't Cry" star seen here in Versace, in 2001
    $2000 10
Remember the Titans? They were cast into this region below Hades by Zeus
    $2000 25
At 21, Shelley wrote a poem about this queen, the subject of a speech in "Romeo and Juliet"
    $2000 7
1980 winter games
(southeast of St. Regis Falls)
    $2000 15
This early 20th century movie star was named for 19th century GOP leader Roscoe Conkling
    $2000 20
This weed with poisonous juices gets its name from the first permanent English settlement in North America
    $2000 30
"Boys Don't Cry" co-star seen here in Yves Saint Laurent, in 2000

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Lisa Richard
$21,600 $7,600 $13,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Of the world nations whose English names contain "land", this nation has the most people, 60 million

Final scores:

Tom Lisa Richard
$16,399 $7,600 $26,700
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $26,700

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Tom Lisa Richard
$19,400 $8,600 $11,600
27 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
11 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $39,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2002-06-17
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