1861-1865 |
Mary Todd Lincoln
A CCR title: "Left a good job in the city, workin' for the man every night and day" |
(Andrew: What is... "Rollin' On The River"?) (Dave: What is "Rollin' Down The River"?)
"Proud Mary"
These insects often cause more damage to homes per year than fires, tornadoes & earthquakes combined |
In the English rules for this sport, the rope must be 35 meters long & you can't start until the judge says "pull" |
Once a famous mining community, this Western Nevada town is now chiefly an attraction for tourists |
Virginia City
A sudden burst of light; some can be "in the pan" |
a flash
1977-1981 |
Rosalynn Carter
It earned ours: "What you want, baby, I got it, what you need, do you know I got it?" |
When disturbed, this appropriately named insect gives off a smelly odor |
a stinkbug
The 4 basic skills needed for this team jump rope sport are entering, turning, jumping & exiting |
double-Dutch skipping
Winning 1971's Virginia Slims Thunderbird Tennis tournament, she broke the $100,000 total for a year, a women's first |
Billie Jean King
On "Sesame Street" he's tickled to have his own "World" |
A disco anthem: "First I was afraid, I was petrified" |
(Alex: Gloria Gaynor song, yes.)
"I Will Survive"
Up to 2 inches long, the palmetto bug of Florida is one of these pests |
a cockroach
The eyelet of a lariat, it has the same name as a Japanese automaker |
the honda
Population 439,000, it's the V.B. in Va. |
Virginia Beach
Dagger's partner in espionage |
"Deep down in Louisiana, close to New Orleans, way back up in the woods among the evergreens" |
(Alex: Yes, Chuck Berry.)
"Johnny B. Goode"
Often fatal, Rocky Mountain spotted fever is transmitted by the dog type or Rocky Mountain wood type of this |
a tick
In the 19th c. this plant first cultivated in China had become so widely used that its name came to mean "rope" |
This author of "To the Lighthouse" became manic depressive after her mother's death in 1895 |
Virginia Woolf
Show us some backbone by giving us this synonym of the backbone |
Wayne & Garth rocked out to it: "Is this the real life, is this just fantasy" |
(Alex: Good! By Queen.)
"Bohemian Rhapsody"
The potter or mason type of this is named for its pot-shaped mud nest |
a wasp
The spinning circle of the lariat has this menacing name |
the noose
The CSS Virginia was this former Union ship, salvaged & iron-plated |
the Merrimack
You gotta hand it to a fortune teller who uses this art to read your hands |