South Carolina senator Ernest F. Hollings shares this nickname with fellow Democrat Walter Mondale |
In this Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, an actress becomes the most powerful woman in Argentina |
This Lumpy Brannum character was created as the "Mr. Outdoors" to the Captain's "Mr. Indoors" |
(Alex: And we have a minute to go.)
Mr. Green Jeans
The shore of this island is indented by numerous bays including Donegal Bay & Belfast Lough |
On Dec. 11, 1996 this country agreed to search its banks for the assets of Holocaust victims |
This Ohioan is flying high as the ranking Democrat on the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee |
John Glenn
Sophocles wrote 2 plays about this title king who "wrecks" his life by marrying his mother |
Over 700,000 square miles, or about 84%, of this island is covered by an icecap |
(Dee Dee: What is Antarctica?) (Jesse: What is Iceland?)
A German court convicted her father of failing to pay taxes of $7.4 million on tennis earnings |
Steffi Graf
This West Virginian has served in the U.S. Senate longer than any current Democrat -- 38 years |
Robert Byrd
This classic musical about a 19th C. ruler returned to Broadway in 1996; it features the following: ("Shall We Dance") |
The King and I
The largest & most westernmost island in the West Indies, it's the world's largest sugar exporter |
(Robert: What is Jamaica?)
Philippe Bourguignon left the chairmanship of Eurodisney to join this resort "club" |
Club Med
This Nebraskan is vice chairman of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence |
Bob Kerrey
A famous D.C. address, it was the title of a 1976 musical; Lerner felt low when it flopped |
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Terrytoons created this hero & Mighty Manfred the Wonder Dog especially for the show |
Tom Terrific
In 1891 the first fossils of Homo erectus were discovered on this Indonesian island |
In 1997 Tony Blair's new government gave this bank control of interest rates |
Central Bank of England
Samuel Blanc founded this company during the Depression to make troubles go "down the drain" |
(Dee Dee: What is Drano?) ... [The end-of-round signal sounds.]
In 1994 this incumbent Florida governor narrowly beat GOP challenger Jeb Bush |
Lawton Chiles
As a character in "Annie", this president sings "A New Deal for Christmas" with Daddy Warbucks |
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Bunny Rabbit liked to trick the Captain out of carrots; Mr. Moose liked to drop these on him |
(Alex: Just like they do in Congress, they drop [*]!)
ping-pong balls
L'Anse aux Meadows on this eastern Canadian island is the first authenticated Viking site in North America |
In July 1996 a war crimes warrant was issued for this political leader of Bosnia's Serbs |
Radovan Karadzic
It's a subtle way of promoting brands by having movie characters drive, wear or drink them |
Product placement