Show #5499 - Thursday, July 3, 2008


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Marianne Eismann, a vintage store owner from Westlake Village, California

Larry Schneider, a project manager from St. Louis, Missouri

Darryl Tahirali, a proposal writer originally from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (whose 2-day cash winnings total $56,802)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the television show for us.)
(Sarah: We'll see what goes into judging man's best friend.)
    $200 10
(Judge Hatchett delivers the clue from her TV courtroom.) In the 1870s this Ivy League school pioneered the case method of teaching law, which is still used today
    $200 1
"Please, won't you be my neighbor?"
    $200 15
The reign in Spain for this queen was from 1474 to 1504
    $200 6
In 1856 P.T. Barnum boasted he'd go over this in a 30-foot-wide rubber ball-- didn't happen
    $200 7
If a German woman is plucking her augenbrauen, she's tweezing these
    $200 26
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from an AKC dog show.) Consisting of three or more generations, it's the written record of a dog's family tree, & you can get one certified by the American Kennel club
    $400 11
The extent of territorial waters is defined in the 1982 U.N. "Convention on the Law of" this
    $400 2
"And then one day he was shootin' at some food & up through the round come a bubblin' crude"
    $400 16
From 1520 to 1566, he reigned as the "magnificent" sultan of the Ottoman Empire
    $400 8
In "Paradise Lost" book I, line 392, Milton begins to list & describe these disgraced denizens of hell
    $400 20
In the 1920s, the "bee-stung" look was popular for these on a woman
    $400 27
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from an AKC dog show show ring.) It's the manual term for the person who exhibits the dog in dog shows; you'll see him or her in the ring
    DD: $1,800 12
(I'm Judge David Young from the Judge David Young show.) This term for the whole body of lawyers originally referred to a railing or partition in a courtroom
    $600 3
"And you knew who you were then, girls were girls & men were men"
    $600 17
His reign as King of France began in 1774; it would be cut short 18 years later
    $600 9
Female anatomical tubes named for an Italian doctor
    $600 21
Auricles are the outer portion of these on your head
    $600 28
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from an AKC dog show with a prize-winning dog.) At many dog shows, the top honor is called this, also the name of a 2000 film spoofing canine competetion
    $800 13
"Turning" this type of "evidence" means giving testimony to implicate accomplices
    $800 4
"Here we come, walking down the street"
    $800 18
A true 9 days' wonder, her reign as Queen of England was for a mere 9 days in July of 1553
    $800 23
Descent with an unopened parachute as the first part of a jump
    $800 22
A cluster headache may center in these "religious" regions at either side of the head
    $800 29
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from an AKC dog show with a new puppy friend.) According to the American Kennel Club, only the offspring of a sire & a dam of the same unmixed breed qualifies as this
    $1000 14
(Back to Judge Hatchett.) Canada has a common-law legal system, except for this province whose law is based on the civil-law system
    $1000 5
"Thank you for being a friend"
    $1000 19
Elizabeth I's half-brother, he reigned before her as King of England from 1547 to 1553
    $1000 24
This 6-word state motto of Kentucky implies a need for solidarity
    $1000 25
Strabismus is the technical term for the inability to coordinate the movement of these
    $1000 30
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from an AKC dog show show ring.) As you might expect, Westies, Scotties, schnauzers & many other breeds compete in this ever-popular group of dogs at American Kennel Club shows

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Darryl Larry Marianne
$3,600 $2,600 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Darryl Larry Marianne
$8,400 $4,800 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
On April 18, 1775 Paul Revere only made it to Lexington on his warning ride; Samuel Prescott got to this city
    $400 6
2-word "seasonal" term for the part of the Major League Baseball year when every team's a contender
    $400 11
In 1862 Peruvian slave raiders carried away about 1/3 of this Chilean island's population, but not the big heads
    $400 16
Later "The Voice of" this English organization, in 1939 Richard Dimbleby became its first war correspondent
    $400 22
In "Henry VIII", Thomas Cranmer is the Archbishop of this
    $400 21
A cooling device from Sapporo
    DD: $2,000 2
General Casimir Pulaski's ability to command was hampered by his inability to do this (unlike his men)
    $800 7
A manager sounds like an army general when he uses this system of alternating players at the same position
    $800 12
The Isthmus of Taravao separates the 2 sections that make up this largest French Polynesian island
    $800 17
(I'm Julie Chen of The Early Show on CBS.) In March 2003 I reported from this country from which the U.S. & British ground attack on Iraq was launched
    $800 23
The Dauphin known by this first name appears in "Henry VI, Part I"
    $800 30
A Scandinavian entranceway
    $1200 3
The flag resolution of 1777 called for 13 white stars on a blue field, "representing a new" this
    $1200 8
In 2008 the Mets made this former Minnesota lefty baseball's best-paid pitcher
    $1200 13
This island is named for the captain of the British whaler L'Aigle, not the first mate of the Pequod
    $1200 18
Kate Webb, a rare female Vietnam War reporter, was captured in this adjoining country & presumed dead, but got out
    $1200 24
In Act II, Scene I of "Othello", Othello says, "Come, Desdemona, once more well met at" this island
    $1200 29
Filled tortilla food item from Rabat
    $1600 4
The First Lord of the Admiralty at the outbreak of the war, he was known for his lunch-break preferences
    $1600 9
The game-winning one of these was an official batting statistic in the 1980s, & Keith Hernandez is the all-time leader
    $1600 14
Legend says that the god Maui threw a fishhook into the sea from Samoa & brought up this current island kingdom
    $1600 19
Novelist Stephen Crane was a correspondent in the 1897 Greco-Turkish war, then this war
    $1600 25
It's the play in which a herald says, "Know, Rome, that all alone Marcius did fight within Corioli gates"
    $1600 28
Sheep wool in Thessaloniki
    $2000 5
Victories in the NW Territory by this brother of an explorer forced Britain to surrender the area in 1783
    $2000 10
He's the Red Sox slugger nicknamed "Big Papi"
    $2000 15
At 4,341 feet, Mount Victoria on Viti Levu is the tallest peak in this Pacific archipelago
    DD: $2,400 20
Murdered reporter Anna Politkovskaya's book "A Small Corner of Hell" is about Russia's war in this region
    $2000 26
Imogen is the daughter of this title King of Britain
    $2000 27
A household task in a latitude zero country of South America

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Darryl Larry Marianne
$20,800 $13,600 $8,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The first man to receive a million votes for president in one election, he didn't get to enjoy the victory for long

Final scores:

Darryl Larry Marianne
$27,201 $17,900 $1
3-day champion: $84,003 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Darryl Larry Marianne
$19,200 $12,400 $8,800
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
13 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $40,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2008-03-25
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