Show #3165 - Friday, May 8, 1998

1998 College Championship quarterfinal game 5.
From Zellerbach Auditorium at the University of California-Berkeley.


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Lucas Bergman, a junior at the University of Illinois-Chicago from Quincy, Illinois

Mari Webel, a sophomore at Stanford University from Carbondale, Illinois

Shane Underwood, a junior at the University of Alabama from Summerdale, Alabama

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Duh, there's a pattern!)
    $100 19
At Southern Nazarene Univ., you can find a happy medium by majoring in the print or broadcast type of this
    $100 10
This state's first community college was established in Fresno in 1910
    $100 1
In 1997 the Fighting Sioux of the Univ. of this "North" state won their 6th NCAA hockey title
    $100 7
Oil-checking device that's used as slang for a stupid person
    $100 14
It wouldn't be barbecue night without this, scientific name Zea mays
    $100 16
Conan O'Brien sharpened his comedy skills at this university by writing for its famous Lampoon
    $200 21
The 2 languages you'll most likely have to learn as a classics major
    $200 5
It's home to Concordia College as well as the University of Michigan
    $200 2
Pat Summitt has led this school's Lady Volunteers to 5 NCAA basketball championships in the past 11 years
    $200 8
Something that doesn't require much use of your gray matter is a "no" this
    $200 30
These Mexican "sandwiches", whose name means "plug", can be made with crisp or soft tortillas
    $200 17
This magazine editor seen here played Antonio in "The Tempest" when he was a student at Brown in 1981
    $300 23
Anthropology majors study them as group ways of life; biology majors grow them in petri dishes
    $300 6
Even if Gallaudet weren't here, it's still quite the party town... a 2-party town mainly
    DD: $500 3
(Hi, I'm Summer Sanders.) In 1992 I led this school, now attended by Chelsea Clinton, to a national swimming championship
    $300 9
They're referred to as "da 'rents", or "rentals"
    $300 29
Italian for "little turnip", these cheese-filled pillows are served on pasta night in the dining hall
    $300 24
Janet Reno was president, not attorney general of the women's student govt. at this Ithaca, N.Y. school
    $400 20
Washington State offers majors in both this social science & the "home" version
    $400 12
In 1942 the University of this city was the site of the first controlled nuclear chain reaction
    $400 4
From 1962 through 1997, this North Carolina men's basketball coach had an NCAA record 879 wins
    $400 15
If you do it with "a dime" you inform on someone
    $400 28
Combine greens, veggies & dressing at this counter the dining hall calls "The Garden of Eatin'"
    $400 26
As a student at Berkeley in '76, she had her first short story published, maybe while "Waiting to Exhale"
    $500 22
College major of the man seen here; he's also taught the subject
    $500 13
Ex-senator Sam Nunn is on the Emory board of trustees, which meets in this city
    $500 11
In 1997 Ohio State's Blaine Wilson won the rings, vault & all-around titles in this sport
    $500 18
Hit someone "on his hip" & you've sent him a message this way
    $500 27
The dining hall's carving board features roast beef & this bird, Meleagris gallopavo
    $500 25
It's no rumour; while studying at Oxford this politician seen here sang with the rock band Ugly Rumours</td>

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Shane Mari Lucas
$1,600 $1,300 -$200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Shane Mari Lucas
$3,300 $3,700 $200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 20
Major John Andre, this traitor's contact on the British side, was hanged in 1780
    $200 12
Appropriately, a Spin Doctors tune is used as this sitcom's theme
    $200 15
Of the 3 branches of the U.S. government, it's the one that makes the laws
    $200 6
"A low, dull quick sound... such as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton" is from this Poe story
    $200 11
It's the event portrayed in a Jan van Eyck painting seen here
    $200 1
Typical college course in which you learn about proper food & diet
    $400 21
In 1923 he was an obscure major stationed in Panama; 30 years later he was U.S. president
    DD: $700 13
For its 1997-98 season, this show used the following as its theme
    $400 16
He's the current president of the Senate
    $400 7
"The Sisters" & "Araby" are 2 of the 15 stories in his "Dubliners"
    $400 14
19th century French romantic who painted the following
    $400 2
It's a 4-letter slang term meaning to cook in a microwave
    $600 22
This major's major achievement was proving that mosquitos transmit yellow fever
    $600 29
Paula Cole wrote the theme to this new WB teen drama
    $600 17
Every 10 years when it counts the population, this agency also conducts a study of housing
    $600 8
This playwright first wrote short stories while he was a medical student at Moscow University in the 1880s
    $600 24
This painter exhibited the work seen here with the Impressionists, who didn't all get the point
    $600 3
This region on both sides of the Nile was known to the ancient Egyptians as Cush
    $800 23
One of his first stands, at Gettysburg when he was 23, got him promoted to major in the regular army
    $800 27
The BoDeans song heard here is the theme of this series
    DD: $1,000 18
(Hi, I'm Pat Schroeder.) In 1972 I became the first woman ever to be elected to Congress from this state
    $800 9
The "Secret Life" of this character in a Thurber story ends with him imagining facing a firing squad
    $800 25
Post-Impressionist whose work is seen here
    $800 4
It's the proper term for a coin collector
    $1000 28
A Florida fort named for this major gave its name in turn to a city of 160,000
    $1000 30
This group features Les Claypool performing the theme for "South Park"
    $1000 19
This privilege allows members of Congress free use of the mail for official business
    $1000 10
Based on Stephen Crane's experience, it's the story of 4 shipwreck survivors
    $1000 26
Abstract expressionist who painted the following
    $1000 5
From the Latin for "to harm", it's a pest, or anything annoying

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Shane Mari Lucas
$6,300 $6,600 $2,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

On the initiative of Sen. Patrick Leahy, in 1998 it was designated the sixth Great Lake

Final scores:

Shane Mari Lucas
$11,900 $2,600 $0
Automatic semifinalist 2nd place: $2,500 if eliminated 3rd place: $2,500 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Shane Mari Lucas
$6,100 $7,300 $3,600
16 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
24 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
8 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $17,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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