Show #3163 - Wednesday, May 6, 1998

1998 College Championship quarterfinal game 3.
From Zellerbach Auditorium at the University of California-Berkeley.


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Adia Benton, a junior at Brown University from Columbia, South Carolina

Bryan Stofferahn, a senior at Santa Clara University from Marshalltown, Iowa

Claire Ogilvie, a sophomore at Yale University from Branford, Connecticut

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
This country's post-apartheid national anthem is "Nkosi Sikelel' Iafrka"
    $100 12
Much of Pete's time is spent delivering copies of these proposed laws
    $100 5
In "Contact", this actress doesn't go to Vegas but does try to reach the area of the star Vega
    $100 17
If you try pouring the blackstrap type of this syrup in January, you may have to wait until February to eat it
    $100 24
To counteract terrorism, President Clinton proposed increased FBI power to use this recording method
    $100 2
It means not electric, when talking of guitar or piano
    $200 3
For centuries before 1939, this country was known as Siam
    $200 13
Pete thinks it's fitting that Republican senators sit to this side of the Democrats
    $200 6
Yoda rode again in 1997 as this first "Star Wars" sequel was successfully re-released
    $200 18
Cinematic effect achieved by filming at faster than projection speed
    $200 25
DAT, which stands for this, uses the same coding system as CDs & allows for home recording
    $200 21
Ancient calculator seen here
    $300 4
This country was once part of the Roman Empire & its name means "Land of the Romans"
    $300 14
Pete admires John Dingell, a former page who now represents this Wolverine State in the House
    $300 7
Sigourney Weaver has played the intrepid Ripley in a series of films starting with this one in 1979
    $300 19
As its name indicates, it's a slow pitch thrown after a fastball to upset the batter's timing
    $300 26
Recording system that's the office counterpart of the home answering machine
    $300 23
Never do this, as it "makes an ass out of U & me"
    $400 9
Of Malta, Mauritius or Mauritania, the one that isn't an island
    DD: $800 15
This impressive area under the Capitol's dome made Pete dizzy the first time he saw it
    $400 8
5 years before "E.T.", little Cary Guffey tried to befriend extraterrestrials in this Spielberg film
    $400 20
If you had only 1 foot & moved by contracting it, you'd also go at this gastropod's pace
    $400 29
It's the most common term for inserting live sounds or bits of other albums into rap songs
    $400 27
Appropriate Latin phrase to use when the commercial's been on for so long it's "making you sick"
    $500 10
Burgenland, Vorarlberg & Salzburg are 3 of this German-speaking country's 9 provinces
    $500 16
Pete's duties include preparing this room before the senators arrive for session in it
    $500 11
The boundary of a black hole, this "horizon" was the title of a 1997 Laurence Fishburne flick
    $500 22
A plant like ivy, that spreads across a surface, or a person who crawls slowly & stealthily
    $500 30
A master mixing board, covered with cool levers & knobs; said another way, it means "to comfort"
    $500 28
It's what Borgs do; it makes you one of them

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Claire Bryan Adia
$1,100 $1,700 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Claire Bryan Adia
$1,200 $4,600 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
Two of the "Three Tenors"
    $200 12
In July 1877 the first tennis championships were played on a croquet lawn in this London suburb
    $200 1
Click on this channel & you might find yourself in the middle of "Shark Week"
    $200 6
This American botanist developed over 400 products from the sweet potato, the pecan & the peanut
    $200 20
If you wear braces, these devices are attached to your teeth, & rubber ones may help move them
    $200 13
Of his $20 million fee for "Air Force One", this actor said that it "shocks me, but that's the market"
    $400 23
The first jazz artist to win a Music Pulitzer, this brother of Branford won for the opera "Blood on the Fields"
    $400 15
This "affectionate" term refers to a score of zero
    $400 2
If you like little bubbles of trivia with your videos, try "Pop-Up Video" on this channel
    $400 7
In 1891 she moved from Poland to Paris, where she studied math & physics at the Sorbonne
    $400 25
The panoramic type of this century-old diagnostic tool wiil show whether you have extra teeth
    $400 14
On Sept. 6, 1997 her brother eulogized her by saying "She was the symbol of selfless humanity"
    $600 24
Classic piece heard here with Melissa Joan Hart as Clarissa explaining it all
    $600 19
This 17-year-old, then ranked No. 66, shook up women's tennis by reaching the 1997 U.S. Open final
    $600 3
In early 1997, this show about robots who watch bad movies, moved from Comedy Central to Sci-Fi
    DD: $1,200 8
Italian whose legendary experiment is recreated in the exhibit (Leaning Tower of Pisa) seen here
    $600 26
When Doc wants these, he's not asking you to imitate Elvis, he's going to get a model of your mouth
    $600 16
On Feb. 9, 1941 Churchill told FDR, "Give us the tools and we will" do this
    $800 30
Considered an heir to Beethoven, Gustav Mahler, like Ludwig, completed only this many symphonies
    $800 21
At the center, a tennis net should be exactly this many feet high
    $800 4
It's the obvious name for a cable network that runs "Johnny Bravo" & "Speed Racer"
    $800 9
Last name of the husband, wife & son paleoanthropologists Louis, Mary & Richard
    $800 29
Diastema is the technical name of this condition for which David Letterman is famous
    $800 17
This poet wrote, "I celebrate myself and sing myself"; he was a one-man party
    DD: $2,000 28
Aaron Copland's "Fanfare for the Common Man", heard here, is commonly associated with this sports event
    $1000 22
She retired in 1994 with career earnings of over $20 million, a figure then exceeded by only Ivan Lendl
    $1000 5
Between shows on this new network, you may have seen the stars do the "Dubba" dance
    $1000 10
This English astronomer taught himself architecture & designed St. Paul's Cathedral
    $1000 27
4-letter synonym for occlusion, the relationship between upper & lower teeth with your mouth shut
    $1000 18
This Prussian king's last words, spoken at Potsdam, were, "I am tired of ruling over slaves"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Claire Bryan Adia
$5,000 $8,200 $7,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Unopposed, he was elected to his 5th term as president in 1998; he's been in power since 1959

Final scores:

Claire Bryan Adia
$9,999 $9,200 $9,400
Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $2,500 if eliminated 2nd place: $2,500 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Claire Bryan Adia
$6,200 $7,800 $6,200
17 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
21 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $20,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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