Show #5472 - Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Larissa Kelly game 6.


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Dan Maggin, a construction manager from Rockville, Maryland

Jennifer Goldberg, a journalist from Tempe, Arizona

Larissa Kelly, a grad student from El Cerrito, California (whose 5-day cash winnings total $179,797)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
In 1271 he left Venice for the Far East with his father & uncle; 24 years later, he finally made it back home
    $200 6
I've got to have some penuche candy made the classic way, with this color sugar
    $200 29
To skip school, or the furrow on the side of the road
    $200 21
By definition this type of automobile has a top that can be removed or folded back
    $200 16
Bizarrely, Orson Welles played Captain Ahab, Starbuck & Ishmael in a 1971 experimental film version of this
    $200 11
In 1897 Dr. Ronald Ross demonstrated that malaria was transmitted by these insects
    $400 2
On Feb. 18, 2008 the U.S. recognized this new Balkan state
    $400 7
Maybe I'll earn a merit badge by eating the bestselling Girl Scout cookies called "Thin" these
    $400 30
A superlative form of little, it's an antonym of utmost
    $400 28
A boat that transports passengers across a river, it's a homonym for a tiny imaginary creature
    $400 17
This 1938 Orson Welles broadcast scared millions into thinking that a Martian invasion was happening
    $400 12
Salticidae, the jumping types of these arachnids, have hairy bodies & feed on insects & on others of their kind
    $600 3
In a 1587 edict, Boris Godunov bound these to the land they worked on by forbidding their trade
    $600 8
As in the song, I'll have shoo-fly pie & this fruit pandowdy (they'll make my stomach say "Howdy!")
    $600 23
This part of the face can mean "impudence" or "sass"
    DD: $3,000 27
Glasgow residents call this transport the "Clockwork Orange", & you follow the "U" signs to get to it
    $600 18
Orson Welles provided the voice of wealthy author Robin Masters on this TV detective series set in Hawaii
    $600 13
Some ants herd these small insects of the order Hemiptera for the sweet excretions they produce
    $800 4
Cities like Copan thrived in this Mesoamerican civilization's Classic Period, until about 900
    $800 9
As a snack, it's often flavored; the version used in the Eucharist is more austere
    $800 22
It's a glass bottle used to hold vinegar or oil for salad dressing
    $800 24
It's the country that gave us the term for a 3-horse-drawn sled known as a troika
    $800 19
Arrrrr! In 1972 Orson Welles was back aboard ship as the evil Long John Silver in this tale
    $800 14
The term "locust" commonly refers to the short-horned variety of this insect
    $1000 5
J.J. Dessalines, who bore scars from his master's whip, wanted to kill all whites on his island, now called this
    $1000 10
General Mills makes "Fruit Roll-Ups" & "Fruit by" this measure
    $1000 26
This diminutive of Bridget usually refers to a fussy old woman
    $1000 25
From the Dutch for "small, fast ship", the name of this type of frigate sounds like a popular sports car
    $1000 20
You might have the right touch if you know in 1958 Orson Welles starred in the cult classic film "Touch of" this
    $1000 15
Edward Lorenz' "effect" on how something small can make a big change in the weather is named for this insect

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Larissa Jennifer Dan
$2,200 $1,800 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Larissa Jennifer Dan
$8,200 $4,000 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
Carl Sandburg's famous ode to this city calls it "Hog Butcher for the World" & "City of the Big Shoulders"
    $400 21
In an episode entitled "D'oh-in' in the Wind", this TV dad finds out that his middle name is Jay
    $400 24
I didn't know you wanted specific numbers for the lottery, so I just got you these, abbreviated QP
    $400 6
The official badge of the Prince of Wales features 3 plumes from this largest bird
    $400 12
One of these struck Boston in 1755, Missouri in 1811 & Charleston in 1886, so it's not West Coast-specific
    $400 11
Revelation 16:16 names this place where the final battle will be fought between good & evil
    $800 2
The initials W.H. in this poet's name stood for Wystan Hugh
    $800 22
In 2001 Arnold Schwarzenegger signed one of this Jay's Harleys, which was auctioned off to help 9/11 victims
    $800 27
Sorry these Amazonian fish, AKA caribes, didn't get along with your other fish--who knew they were carnivores?
    $800 7
When a boy does a rollie pollie on a British playground, he's doing one of these
    $800 13
Of the 3 main classes of rock, this one accounts for about 75% of all the exposed rocks on land
    $800 15
It's the piece of furniture seen here
    DD: $4,000 3
"Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink" comes from this poem first published in 1798
    $1200 23
He played Geronimo in several westerns as well as a famed sidekick to Clayton Moore
    $1200 28
Geez Mr. Brett, I had no idea I put too much of this sticky wood distillation on your baseball bat; lighten up
    $1200 8
Branwyn, Gwyllum, & Baldrick are 3 of the famous ravens at this location
    $1200 14
From the Greek kryos, "ice", it's the form a mineral grows into when unrestricted
    $1200 16
It's a former name for Veterans Day
    $1600 4
Robert Frost ended this poem about a barrier with the line "good fences make good neighbors"
    $1600 25
Jason Mewes & Kevin Smith tried to "strike back" as these 2 slackers in a 2001 comedy
    $1600 29
When I dropped your dog, it was really just one of these social blunders, from the French for "false step"
    $1600 9
This British pair dominated the world ice-dancing scene in the early 1980s
    $1600 17
Alaska's Malaspina is an example of the piedmont type of this, where ice spreads out over a large terrain
    $1600 19
Nissan has an SUV named this, like an invincible Spanish fleet
    $2000 5
In "A Few Figs From Thistles" she wrote, "My candle burns at both ends, it will not last the night"
    $2000 26
For 2 seasons he found some "action" on "SNL", often imitating Christopher Walken
    $2000 30
I didn't cook your burger at 140 degrees, & this bacteria (real first name Escherichia) is still there--oops!
    DD: $5,000 10
One of the 2 crowned English kings since 1066 whose royal name is not followed by a number
    $2000 18
From an Old English word for "clay", it's a valuable soil consisting of clay, sand & silt
    $2000 20
(Cheryl reports from the American Museum of Natural History in New York.) A new pavilion features a 3500 lb. sculpture of one of these spheres used by early astronomers to represent the circles of the heavens

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Larissa Jennifer Dan
$21,800 $20,200 $11,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The action in this film begins at 10:30 A.M. & plays out in almost-real time until 12:15

Final scores:

Larissa Jennifer Dan
$42,800 $40,399 $4,600
6-day champion: $222,597 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Larissa Jennifer Dan
$19,400 $14,400 $11,800
21 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
16 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W
16 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $45,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2008-02-20
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