In the 1996 movie "Kazaam", he played a genie with a 12-year-old master |
Shaquille O'Neal
Take a deep breath & name this product of human respiration seen here |
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
He wrote, "Hear the loud alarum bells -- brazen bells! What a tale of terror, now their turbulency tells!" |
Edgar Allan Poe
"Wasteland", "Melrose Place", "Beverly Hills 90210" |
Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place, Wasteland
While Pelham Bay Park in the Bronx is NYC's largest park, this 840-acre one in Manhattan is more famous |
Central Park
Yo-ho-ho, it's the number of men "on the dead man's chest" in a "Treasure Island" pirate song |
This 19-year-old Swiss tennis star is the daughter of a top Czech tennis player & a tennis coach |
Martina Hingis
Chemical name of the salt produced when sodium hydroxide, NaOH, meets hydrochloric acid, HCl |
Sodium chloride (NaCl)
His "Ode on a Grecian Urn" gave us the line "Beauty is truth, truth beauty" |
John Keats
Warren G. Harding, Jimmy Carter, Herbert Hoover |
Harding, Hoover, Carter
This jewelry store has added sparkle & pizzazz to NYC since 1853; breakfast, anyone? |
On July 1, 1971 this became the USA's minimum voting age |
In a Nike ad, this Mariner saves the Earth by batting away a meteor |
Ken Griffey, Jr.
This term commonly describes the shape of the benzine molecule seen here |
Robert Frost's poem that begins, "Something there is that doesn't love a wall" |
"Mending Wall"
Russian Revolution, American Revolution, French Revolution |
American, French, Russian
The names of over 500,000 immigrants appear on a wall of honor at the Immigration Museum on this island |
Ellis Island
Number of the 1865 amendment to the Constitution that outlawed slavery in the U.S. |
The '96 Olympic Gymnastics team reunited (as bridesmaids) when this balance beam champ got hitched in '99 |
Shannon Miller
A nitrogen molecule, N2, is held together by a triple chemical bond of this type |
Covalent bond
"Just as you feel when you look on the river and sky, so I felt", he wrote in "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry" |
(less than a minute to go...)
Walt Whitman
King George III, Queen Mary I, Queen Elizabeth II |
Mary, George, Elizabeth
Across the way from Columbia University, you'll find this famous college for women |
(K: What is Sarah Lawrence?)
Number of Woodrow Wilson's "Points" outlining Allied aims in WWI |
(K: What is 15?)
Rena Mero, a former WWF women's champion, wrestled under this name |
In the boric acid molecule seen here, the yellow ball represents this element |
An ode by Shelley calls this "Thou breath of autumn's being" |
the West Wind
German Expressionism, French Impressionism, Baroque |
(K: What is Baroque, German Impressionism, French Impressionism?)
Baroque, French, German
While SoHo is south of Houston Street, this fashionable district occupies a "triangle below Canal" Street |
Number of guests who attended the Valhalla banquet at which Balder was slain |