Show #5464 - Thursday, May 15, 2008

2008 College Championship final game 1.
From the Kohl Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


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Danielle Zsenak, a senior from Marquette University

Andrew Chung, a sophomore from Harvey Mudd College

Joey Beachum, a senior from Mississippi State University

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Jeopardy! Round

"RA", "RA", "SIS", "BOOM", "BA"
(Alex: A lot of quotation marks there. Not all of those words or letters are going to come up in each correct response.)
    $200 1
Born in Ladysmith, Wisc., Ron Kovic wrote "Born on the Fourth of July" about his experiences in this war
    $200 25
For Julie Andrews, the hills were alive with this, the title of a 1965 musical
    $200 6
Yum! The Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream Co. here in Madison has a black ice cream named for this black candy
    $200 19
In 1998 her "Pandora" came out of the box as the first of her "New Tales of the Vampires"
    $200 14
"Ura!" for Dmitry Medvedev, voted in as president of Russia as this man moves over to become prime minister
    $200 26
It was Bob Marley's religion
    $400 2
Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" was a veiled critique of the 1950s witch hunt bearing the name of this Wisconsin senator
    $400 20
Jimmy Stewart finds out what it would be like if he'd never been born in this Christmas film
    $400 7
Sheboygan is the "Capital of the World" for these, "brats" for short--
let's go there right now
    $400 21
Corruption runs rampant in Gore Vidal's historical novel named for this centennial year
    $400 15
Helen Clark enacted interest-free student loans for colleges like the U. of Auckland in this country
    $400 27
The Jewish Exodus from Egypt is thought to have occurred during his rule
    DD: $1,000 3
Born in Pepin, she headed out on "the prairie" as a young girl & wrote about it in a series of bestselling books
    $600 11
Organized crime is the real Corleone family business in this 1972 classic
    $600 8
I could really use a deep-fried one of these candy bars whose name also means "disrespectful laughs"
    $600 22
"In the world according to Garp, we're all terminal cases", wrote this novelist
    $600 16
Kudos to Kofi Annan, who brokered Pres. Kibaki & Raila Odinga's power-sharing deal in this country
    $600 28
Its altar wall once displayed Perugino's "Nativity"
    $800 4
Deke Slayton of Sparta, Wisconsin was one of the original 7 astronauts in this "planetary" group
    $800 12
Margaret Hamilton played Miss Gulch & the Wicked Witch in this film
    $800 9
Moo! I'll have the Baraboo Candy Company's chocolate treat known as this kind of "pie"
    $800 23
Kim Edwards called her memorable first novel "The Memory Keeper's" this
    $800 17
Conservative PM Stephen Harper is working to lower the wait times in the national health care system of this country
    $800 29
A thrown object; as a verb, it can mean to cause harm to the originator
    $1000 5
In 1925 Chippewa Falls produced this mathematician hailed as the father of the supercomputer
    $1000 13
This 1975 comedy includes the line "We are the knights who say Ni!"
    $1000 10
I'd love some coeur a la creme, a cheesy dessert molded in this shape
    $1000 24
"The story of Nat Turner had been long gestating in my mind, ever since I was a boy", said this novelist
    $1000 18
Felipe Calderon received the NAFTA Congressional Leadership Award before becoming president of this country
    $1000 30
Dog-faced monkey of the genus Papio

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Joey Andrew Danielle
$0 $6,000 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Joey Andrew Danielle
$2,800 $7,200 $3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

2 Ds & 1 C
    $400 1
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Lima Cathedral in Peru.) In 1687 & 1746, Lima's cathedral along with much of the city was nearly destroyed by one of these; 2007 brought grim news of another one nearby
    $400 10
Playing on their native soil, this country's Hockeyroos won gold in 2000
    $400 21
A porky isn't a pig but this rodent that you don't want to approach too closely
    $400 20
Scouts precede the main flock of these birds in their annual arrival at San Juan Capistrano
    $400 2
Oops! The daughter of this nasty mean czar is killed by accident in "The Maid of Pskov"
    $400 26
To lie close & snug; I just wanna do this
    $800 4
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Lima, Peru.) Lima is known as the city of balconies, which are in the style inspired by these Spanish Muslims
    $800 11
In August 2004, the shot put competition was held not in this main host city but at Olympia
    $800 22
If this U.S. marsupial keeps getting into my garbage, it won't just be playing dead
    DD: $2,000 16
After he returned home to Venice in 1295, he was called "Il Milione", the "man with a million stories"
    $800 3
An evil opium dealer is strangled with his own pigtail in "L'Oracolo", set in this California city's Chinatown
    $800 27
Yogi Berra allegedly said of a busy restaurant, "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too" this
    $1200 5
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from a market in Peru.) Textile crafts of Peru include sweaters made of wool from these beasts, the most important llama relatives for wool production
    DD: $2,000 12
This onetime ally of the host nation won the most medals at the 2006 Turin games
    $1200 23
This varmint is wrecking my fence posts, but oh, the little wussy is protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
    $1200 17
The painting seen here shows Odysseus returning home to find this wife of his delaying some suitors
    $1200 6
In "Maria Stuarda", this woman signs the death warrant of her cousin Mary Queen of Scots
    $1200 30
Another name for a crayfish
    $1600 9
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from a square in Lima, Peru.) It was here in Lima in 1821 that this Argentine general declared Peru's independence from Spain
    $1600 13
It was the most recent year when the Olympics were held in the U.S.
    $1600 24
These nocturnal ringtailed mammals find that a chimney makes an excellent den
    $1600 18
A Supreme Court ruling from 1841 said Africans from this ship should be free & not become Cuban slaves
    $1600 7
The murdered King Nino returns as a ghost in "Semiramide" by this "William Tell" composer
    $1600 29
Scent hounds include beagles, harriers & these "sausage dogs"
    $2000 15
(Alex reports from Machu Picchu.) In order to deal with the problems of erosion & farming on steep hillsides, the Incas came up with this brilliant solution--& they used it a lot
    $2000 14
The Los Angeles Olympics of this year had the games' first paraplegic athlete, archer Neroli Fairhall
    $2000 25
It's also called a brush wolf, & I can't forgive the one that took our cat Fluffy when she got out one night
    $2000 19
This Tammany Hall ringleader was jailed in 1873 but escaped to Spain in 1876; Spain returned him later that year
    $2000 8
Schlemil is killed in a duel in "The Tales of" this German author
    $2000 28
"You did well, for a Nebraskan" is this type of compliment

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Joey Andrew Danielle
$7,600 $18,000 $15,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

On January 18, 1912 he arrived at a tent near the pole & found "a record of five Norwegians having been there"

Final scores:

Joey Andrew Danielle
$15,200 $11,998 $30,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Joey Andrew Danielle
$6,400 $16,800 $15,000
13 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
17 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $38,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2008-04-12
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